Canadians Conclude Americans Largely Silent as Their Nation is Systematically Destroyed
According to Williams, “After trillions in taxpayer debt has been foolishly poured into the bottomless black hole ... Geithner asks Congress for even broader power to seize private firms as the average American stumbles through their daily routine as if nothing is happening.”
He notes that the new administration has taken the nation from a trillion in debt to over $4 trillion in debt in the first 60 days, with even more federal spending promised.
“I don’t know what it will take to wake up the average American,” writes Williams, “but whatever it is, it hasn’t happened yet.”
| Dr. Mercola's Comments: |
Aside from the brief uproar over the AIG bonuses and the recent “tea party” protests on tax day, Americans have, indeed, been largely silent about the state of the economy.
And although the Federal Reserve has reported the economy may be “leveling out,” just last month U.S. trend forecaster and author Gerald Celente, founder and director of the Trends Research Institute, predicted an unprecedented global economic collapse was still to come.
Citing extreme drops in retail sales over Christmas of between 23 to 35 percent, bankruptcies of major retailers, store closings, and the financial collapse of banks, bonds and brokerage firms in 2008, Celente paints the picture of dire straits ahead that will surpass those of the Great Depression. (more)
And although the Federal Reserve has reported the economy may be “leveling out,” just last month U.S. trend forecaster and author Gerald Celente, founder and director of the Trends Research Institute, predicted an unprecedented global economic collapse was still to come.
Citing extreme drops in retail sales over Christmas of between 23 to 35 percent, bankruptcies of major retailers, store closings, and the financial collapse of banks, bonds and brokerage firms in 2008, Celente paints the picture of dire straits ahead that will surpass those of the Great Depression. (more)
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