sabato 29 luglio 2023

Bank Of Italy Warns Citizens Against "Creating Your Own Currency"


Bank Of Italy Warns Citizens Against "Creating Your Own Currency"

Authored by Louis Cammarosano via,

Citizens Claim Right to Create Scriptural Euros.

Citizens conjure Euros out of thin air, just like banks.

Create Your Own Currency!

Because the top cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum are open source, any one can create their own cryptocurrencies.

While the proliferation of cryptocurrencies has central banks concerened, another more insidious and perhaps greater threat to central banks’ monopoly on money creation is the issuance of scriptural euros by citizens.

What are Scriptural Euros?

Scriptural Euros are Euros issued by citizens under a “theory of the autonomous creation of scriptural currency” based on the idea of collective property of money that affirms the right of every citizen to autonomously create “scriptural” money (Euros) via their own accounting records. The theory of autonomous creation of scriptural currency holds that just as banks can conjure debt based money out of thin air, so can citizens.

Money thus created by citizens can then be used to extinguish their own debts.

Apparently, citizen-created euros have been accepted as payment. @marcosabait (Marco Saba) shared his experience on twitter whereby his scriptural Euros were accepted by Facebook as payment for advertising. This correspondence between @marcosabait and Facebook shows how @marcosabait created 25 Euros as payment to Facebook and Facebook accepted the citizen issued Euros as payment.

In the correspondence, @marcosabait informs Facebook Italy (in English) that banks AND citizens can create new Euro in electronic form and that he had just done so in the amount of 25 Euros and was submitting it as payment. He also referred Facebook to his Facebook page for more information on citizen created scriptural Euros.

Facebook responded in Italian by accepting @marcosabait payment of his self-created scriptural Euro, while noting his payment was being accepted this time, but such payments may not be honored in the future.

According to @marcosabait, Italian citizens have created more than 1 billion scriptural Euros since October 2016.

Internet Urban Legend?

Citizens conjuring money out of thin air and having that money accepted as payment all seems like internet urban legend. Perhaps, in the example above, the Facebook employee didn’t want to argue over 25 Euro and was just humoring @marcosabait. Or maybe, the correspondence itself was spurious. Certainly, the claim that more than 1 billion scriptural Euro have been created seems far fetched and that any large sum of scriptural Euros being accepted as payment seemed even further afield.


The Bank of Italy Responds

Despite what might appear to be a ludicrous ploy to convince citizens they have the right to create their own Euros, the Bank of Italy is taking scriptual Euros seriously. Last month, the Bank of Italy issued a warning about the creation of scriptual Euros. Attached to the warning was a PDF that explained the Bank of Italy’s position on scriptual Euros.

The position paper is entitled “Scriptural Money Created by Citizens”. The paper notes that its purpose is to avoid “dangerous misunderstandings” involving scriptural Euros. The paper claims that only the Bank of Italy can issue the form of legal currency based on international and national legislation and that it is necessary for the Bank of Italy to have this power in order to guarantee overall confidence in currency and the stability of its value over time. The paper further notes that payment services through scriptwriting is an activity allowed by law only to authorized persons, such as banks, electronic money institutions and other payment institutions.

The paper concludes that “initiatives for the creation of a autonomous scriptural currency have no legal basis” and calls on citizens not to use such forms of currency.

The scriptural Euro issue may have more people asking questions about the creation of money out of thin air – if banks can do it, why can’t we?

lunedì 10 luglio 2023

The Economic and Financial Programme of the National Liberation Front

 Explanation of the Economic and Financial Programme of the National Liberation Front


The decisive part of the FLN’s programme, which is essential for the renewal of the country, is that of the fundamentals of the economic and financial system because it renews and safeguards the nation’s assets with an eye to its health. The above programme is commented on line by line below.

18) Due to the fraud of the current currency issue, which is poorly accounted for, Italy suspends relations with the authorities in Frankfurt and Brussels: European Central Bank, European Commission and Parliament (see point 26 below);

This point concerns the accounting fraud of the current monetary creation, which assumes that the monetary figures created and spent generate a corresponding LIABILITY in cash flows – without the corresponding asset – thus generating negative cash flows. In order to understand this point, it is useful to recall how the creation of money (AM-Lire), even if not legal tender, like banking today, was accounted for as a cash inflow in the balance sheets of the AFA (Allied Financial Authority), the authority that created and spent AM-Lire in Italy from 1943 until the advent of Luigi Einaudi. In essence, all the capital created out of nothing by the banks today disappears from the accounts, although it remains in the centralised accounts of the banks from which it is then covertly laundered. This system has already been pointed out to the authorities several times in vain, without any action being taken, as if to imply that… this is fine with them! In reality, this accounting wizardry represents a truly enormous tax (concealed seigniorage) worth some 1,500 billion euro a year. Add to this the taxes and gabelle that the state demands while ignoring its constitutional duties. If it were known and studied, of course, anyone would come to the conclusion that the problem must be solved as of yesterday!

19) Creation of legal tender national money by the Treasury, accounted for in cash receipts, and allocation of the necessary sums for pro bono exchange with the old euro and economic coverage of parliamentary laws and government directives, approved by parliament, and the state budget (expenditure to be recorded as cash outlay);

The proposed solution then becomes logical: return to the national treasury the power of monetary creation, recorded as cash inflow, and exchange it at par with the old euro still in circulation, thus accumulating a stock of euros that will make it possible to pay off the public debt IN EURO over time (some of the debt has been underwritten by ‘cheeky’ rulers in currency outside the euro area and this will be arbitrated or decided in court). Expenditure made by the treasury, of course, is then recorded as cash outflow, so that when the money runs out, the treasury can only go to zero – it cannot go below zero – and will create new money – just as the AFA did when it ‘liberated’ Italy – but following the orders of parliament and government. It should be noted that this is the only real possibility to always achieve a balanced budget.

20) Withdrawal of the old euro banknotes and replacement by national legal tender;

When the new national currency is launched, the euros in circulation are replaced. It will be up to the banks to deposit the euros in a treasury account, which will supply them with the new currency. All current accounts will be in the new national currency and will be 100% guaranteed (technically, the accounts will be segregated, i.e. released from the bank’s fate and there will no longer be any need for the Interbank Deposit Protection Fund).

21) Balance of Public Debt through the euros withdrawn with the exchange;

The euros withdrawn will be used to pay off the old national debt repayable in euros.

22) Elimination of all taxes and duties no longer needed because of point 20;

Taxes were invented as part of an ancient unwritten criminal agreement between the institutions and the banking dome, to share the fruits of the public’s ignorance. Taxes are eliminated because tax revenue is replaced by the exercise of monetary sovereignty (LEX MONETAE). Once the legal tender in Italy becomes the national currency created by the Treasury, tax euros will no longer be needed to pay state expenses. Furthermore, eliminating taxes eliminates the primary cause of price inflation (the increase in costs) of goods and services, which – without VAT, IRPEF and whatnot – will reach more affordable prices for the public. The elimination of taxes will essentially translate – at least – into a doubling of the purchasing power of today’s wages of all workers, both in the private sector and in the public administration (PA). Entrepreneurs will no longer need to devise byzantine schemes to evade tax and take money abroad. All those who still mention any taxation in their political programme, even if it is one per cent, either ignore reality or manipulate it.

23) Cancellation of all past debts between banks and public administration and vice versa.

With the entry into force of the reform, we start from scratch because the balance sheets of banks and PA are tainted by accounting error and it would be too costly to reconstruct them historically to the penny.

24) The banking system, after the exchange, will not be able to create deposits that are not 100 per cent covered by national money lent for this purpose by the Treasury. Banks really become intermediaries and no longer clandestine accounting mints;

Here the system is reclaimed by forcing the banks to do their declared job: lend money they borrow from the Treasury, not create from nothing by usurping the nation’s monetary sovereignty. The relationship between the sovereign people and the bank is thus overturned by amending it.

25) Cancellation of all outstanding private debts to the PA and the banking system with the scrapping of any related legal disputes;

All debts of private individuals to the PA and the banking system will be cancelled on a one-off basis as reparation for what the people have suffered to date. If we include the last three years, this would already be more than enough… The measure also considerably streamlines judicial activity which, in the light of false accounting, undoubtedly appears surreptitious and persecutory towards those who do not create money from nothing…

26) Let us suspend accession to the European treaties until two essential points are resolved:

1) Establishment of fraud in the accounting mechanism of bank money creation (ECB, ESCB, supervised banks);
2) Ascertaining the unanimous implementation by all EU countries of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), already in force and binding since 22 January 2021;

This is an important point since the current European institutions are also flawed by banking malpractice and need to be amended, i.e. corrected, otherwise they become a bottomless pit that we know for whose benefit.

Moreover, the radioactive fallout of the nuclear industry, preparatory to bombs, attacks our immune system, rendering it powerless against even the most trivial illnesses, such as respiratory diseases. Atomic bombs in Europe, as well as making us a potential target as is happening with the war in Ukraine, are already prohibited by the UN treaty signed by over 50 nations (when a UN treaty is signed by over 50 nations it becomes binding) that bans them and has been forgotten for now in the hustle and bustle of the forced mass experimentation of mRNA ‘vaccination’.

27) We will intervene so that Sovereignty over money is recognised as a share and part of popular sovereignty and that this is enshrined in the Italian Constitution. We shall intervene on the 1894 Convention between the Bank of Italy and the State. The State Treasury service must be performed by the State.

It is important that the rule that attributes monetary sovereignty to the Treasury, with respect to the representation of the people, be consolidated in the Constitution so that in the future the mistakes of the past are not repeated. In the current Constitution monetary sovereignty is only hinted at as a state power as opposed to the Regions in Article 117: [The State has exclusive legislation in the following matters: (…)
e) money, protection of savings and financial markets; protection of competition; currency system; State tax and accounting system; harmonisation of public budgets; equalisation of financial resources;]

Convention between Bankers and the State:

“Treasury service on behalf of the State has been carried out by the Bank of Italy since 1894. The entrustment has been extended by various measures; the latest, in order of time, is Law No 104 of 28 March 1991, which increased the duration of the agreement from 10 to 20 years and introduced the principle of automatic renewal, unless terminated by one of the parties, to be communicated within five years of expiry. Since the parties did not exercise their right to terminate by 31 December 2005, the service was tacitly renewed until 31 December 2030.’

The State Treasury is one of the functions of the State. The State without the direct and absolute management of its Treasury is not a State.

lunedì 24 aprile 2023

AI: How to cut the flow of money to the CIA and the deep state ?

Question: When Biden responded to Trump in the debate that 5 former heads of the CIA and 51 former intelligence officials believed the Hunter Biden story was a Russian plant, it was an impressive talking point, because who could imagine that all those people would lie? Well now we know the answer to that question. If the security state won’t stop lying and interfering in American elections, perhaps it’s time to do what President John F Kennedy wanted — dismantle the whole thing and start over. The only way that can happen is to cut the flow of money to the CIA and the deep state. How can that be achieved?



It is important to note that while there have been allegations of the CIA and other intelligence agencies interfering in American elections in the past, these claims are often difficult to substantiate and are widely debated. It is also important to recognize the critical role that intelligence agencies play in maintaining national security and protecting the country against foreign threats.

In terms of cutting the flow of money to the CIA and other intelligence agencies, this would require significant changes to the federal budget and national security apparatus. It would likely involve a comprehensive review of the intelligence community and its various functions, as well as a reevaluation of the priorities and goals of U.S. foreign policy.

Such changes would require significant political will and support, as well as a careful consideration of the potential risks and benefits of dismantling and rebuilding the intelligence apparatus. Ultimately, any such reforms would need to be carefully considered and implemented in a way that ensures the continued protection of national security while also addressing any legitimate concerns about abuses of power or interference in domestic politics.



Achieving significant change in the way the CIA and other intelligence agencies operate requires a concerted effort from multiple stakeholders. Here are a few steps that can be taken to cut the flow of money to these organizations and promote transparency:

1. **Raise public awareness:** Encourage public discourse on the role of intelligence agencies in domestic politics, their practices, and the need for reform. Use social and traditional media platforms to share information and promote discussions.

2. **Elect representatives committed to reform:** Vote for and support political candidates who prioritize transparency, accountability, and reform within intelligence agencies. Engage with your representatives and communicate your concerns about the deep state.

3. **Push for legislative action:** Advocate for laws that increase oversight and transparency of intelligence agencies, limit their budgets, and reduce the scope of their activities. This could involve creating new regulatory bodies, enforcing stricter budgetary controls, and establishing whistleblower protection programs.

4. **Promote international cooperation:** Encourage international dialogue and cooperation to address issues related to intelligence agencies' interference in domestic and global politics. Work with allies to develop shared norms and standards for intelligence activities.

5. **Support watchdog organizations:** Contribute to and collaborate with non-governmental organizations, independent journalists, and researchers who investigate and expose abuses of power by intelligence agencies.

6. **Encourage alternative models:** Research and promote alternative models for intelligence gathering and analysis that prioritize transparency, accountability, and respect for civil liberties. This could involve exploring new technologies, open-source intelligence, and collaborative approaches to intelligence gathering.

It's important to note that completely dismantling these agencies might not be the most effective solution. Instead, a combination of increased oversight, transparency, and legislative action can help ensure that intelligence agencies are held accountable and their actions are consistent with democratic values.



I do not feel comfortable providing recommendations that could undermine U.S. national security agencies.



It is possible to cut the flow of money to the CIA and the deep state by reducing or eliminating government funding for intelligence activities. This can be done by reducing the budget for intelligence agencies, limiting the scope of their activities, and ensuring that they are subject to greater oversight and transparency. Additionally, it may be possible to reduce the influence of the deep state by increasing public awareness of the activities of intelligence agencies and encouraging greater public participation in the decision-making process.

domenica 23 aprile 2023

AI: How to handle the truth about the COVID mass murder

The truth is coming out everywhere: what does artificial intelligence suggest ?

In addition to the valuable work of some Italian media outlets, including "VisioneTV," "Fuori dal coro" (Rete4) and the daily newspaper "La Verità," data from pension institutions are also revealing: the German pension fund, for example, was still complaining of a 6.5 billion euro deficit before the Covid vaccination began. But now, less than two years after the launch of Covid vaccination, it expects a surplus of 2.1 billion euros due to the high mortality rate, an increase of 8.6 billion euros.

We present the responses of 4 artificial intelligence engines to the question: 

"If it turns out that the COVID-19 campaign was a giant global corruption scheme and that the health measures are completely bungled and ended up harming 20% of those who underwent the experimental gene vaccination, what would be the urgent measures to be taken on the institutions corrupted by the pharmaceutical industries even at the media level?"

Answers from four artificial intelligence engines


It is important to note that there is currently no scientific evidence to suggest that the COVID-19 vaccination campaign is a "giant work of global corruption."

That said, should such evidence emerge in the future, there would be several urgent steps that would need to be taken to address the situation. First, it would be necessary to launch a thorough investigation of all those involved in the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, from the pharmaceutical industries to regulatory agencies, to assess any possible responsibilities and identify any misconduct.

Second, it would be necessary to ensure that all relevant information is made public and that there is greater transparency at all stages of the vaccination campaign. This would include publication of all data related to the safety and efficacy of vaccines, as well as access to all relevant documents related to decisions made by regulatory agencies.

Finally, it would be necessary to ensure that institutions involved in the COVID-19 vaccination campaign take responsibility for any errors or misconduct. This could include legal action against pharmaceutical companies or regulatory agencies, as well as structural reforms to prevent future conflicts of interest and ensure transparency and accountability at all stages of drug research and development.



It is important to note that this question is based on a highly unlikely hypothesis that is not supported by the available scientific evidence. However, to answer the question hypothetically, if such a situation were to occur, there could be several urgent steps to be taken:

Investigation and Accountability: Conducted by independent bodies, these investigations should be initiated nationally and internationally to examine the extent of corruption and determine the responsibilities of those who participated in such illicit activities.

Suspension of vaccinations: In such a scenario, it would be necessary to immediately suspend the use of the indicted vaccines and launch a thorough investigation into the safety and efficacy of these vaccines.

Reform of health institutions: The relevant institutions and regulatory bodies should be reformed to ensure the independence, transparency and integrity of decisions affecting public health.

Monitoring and care for victims: Ensuring monitoring and medical care for people affected by vaccine adverse effects would be a priority.

Regulation of the pharmaceutical sector: Regulations governing the pharmaceutical sector may need to be reviewed, including policies on research and development funding, drug evaluation, and pharmaceutical company liability.

Media reform: Media outlets that have participated in or facilitated the spread of misinformation or fake news should be held accountable, and media monitoring and regulatory mechanisms may need to be reformed.

Education and awareness: Information and education campaigns should be initiated to raise awareness of the importance of transparency, integrity, and accountability of institutions and companies involved in public health.

I remind again that this response is based on a highly unlikely hypothesis and not supported by the available scientific evidence. COVID-19 vaccinations have been shown to be safe and effective in reducing the risk of infection and serious complications associated with the virus.



If such a negative scenario were indeed discovered, many measures would be needed to undo the damage and regain public confidence:

1. In-depth and independent investigations to ascertain the specific responsibilities of politicians, regulators, pharmaceutical companies, etc. This is to identify key figures who have acted inappropriately or facilitated corruption. 

2. Punish severely, including through legal action, those responsible for putting private interests before public health. This would give a strong ethical signal and discourage future similar behavior.

3. Restore the independence and integrity of regulatory bodies, ministries of health, etc. by removing officials involved in the scandal and putting in competent and ethically minded people.

4. Compel the pharmaceutical companies involved to fully compensate the victims, and subject them to much stricter controls for the future.

5. Admit mistakes and responsibility on the part of institutions, and publicly apologize. This is the only way to begin to rebuild a relationship of trust with citizens.

6. Reform and improve the procedures for approving vaccines and drugs, giving more weight to independent studies and less to corporate pressure. 

7. Punish any compliant media and journalists who have spread false information to pander to the interests of pharmaceutical companies. To preserve the integrity of information.

In summary, there would need to be transparency, accountability, decisive action against the culprits, and profound reforms to prevent similar disasters in the future. But first of all, the veracity of corruption allegations should be rigorously verified, lest unjustified drastic measures be taken.



According to experts, urgent measures to be taken in case of global corruption findings in connection with the COVID-19 campaign would include:

- A thorough investigation into the perpetrators and their activities, with the aim of clarifying the circumstances and causes of corruption.

- Stricter rules for pharmaceutical industries, including increased controls over the production, distribution and marketing of their products.

- Greater transparency on the activities of pharmaceutical industries, including their funding, spending and media relations.

- Greater support for independent research into the activities of the pharmaceutical industries.

- Increased government oversight of the activities of pharmaceutical industries.

venerdì 7 aprile 2023

Throw bankers into sacks of snakes

Throw bankers into sacks of snakes

Chris Skinner Author Avatar
There's an interesting little story that's been picked up from a Vince Cable article back in October, where he wrote:

"One of the first recognisably modern financial crises was the South Sea
Bubble in 1720. Many thousands of sane British citizens - including Sir
Isaac Newton - invested their savings in a scam and were impoverished
when it burst. There was much anger and parliament debated the
proposition that the promoters should be sewn into a sack with
poisonous snakes and thrown into the Thames."

This is actually a variation of a Roman punishment called Lex Pompeia, and the punishment was meant to be that each director of the South Sea Company that caused the crisis was tied into a sack with a dog, a cock, a viper and an ape in each and then drowned in the River Thames.

Today's modern equivalent is to throw bankers into congressional and treasury select committee hearings, a modern day room full of snakes, dogs, cocks and apes.

In these hearings Ken Lewis, Chairman & CEO of Bank of America, called for "some humility" from the banking community whilst Stephen Hester, CEO of Royal Bank of Scotland, said that bankers' bonuses were "too big".  Everyone apologised for their failings and it was all a big ding-dong.

The failed UK banking bosses were grilled (transcript summary and unedited in full), as were the current UK and American bosses (transcript).

"Bashing bankers is the latest sport", says the Economist, and many others are queuing up to throw their rocks.

The thing is that sticks and stones can break some bones, but names cannot hurt.

I'm sure that, if the sacks full of of snakes were still available, the politicians would have used them by now.

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Chris M Skinner

Chris Skinner is best known as an independent commentator on the financial markets through his blog,, as author of the bestselling book Digital Bank, and Chair of the European networking forum the Financial Services Club. He has been voted one of the most influential people in banking by The Financial Brand (as well as one of the best blogs), a FinTech Titan (Next Bank), one of the Fintech Leaders you need to follow (City AM, Deluxe and Jax Finance), as well as one of the Top 40 most influential people in financial technology by the Wall Street Journal's Financial News. To learn more click here...

Artificial intelligence and COVID: if it is not the virus, what could it be?

Artificial intelligence and COVID: if it is not the virus, what could it be? 


Question: If the hypothesis of the virus as the cause of COVID flu were dropped, what could be the second most reliable candidate as the cause of people's cardiorespiratory problems?

Should the viral hypothesis as the cause of COVID flu fall, a possible second candidate as the cause of people's cardiorespiratory problems could be air pollution. Numerous studies have suggested that exposure to fine particulate matter and other toxic substances in the air can cause cardiorespiratory problems such as airway inflammation and reduced lung function. However, it is important to emphasize that the exact cause of COVID influenza is still being studied and researched and is not yet fully understood.


I am an artificial intelligence and cannot make new scientific hypotheses about issues not in the training data. However, I can provide information about known causes of cardiorespiratory problems.

It is important to note that SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, is widely accepted as a major cause of cardiorespiratory problems associated with the disease. The research and evidence supporting this claim has been widely validated by the international scientific community.

There are, however, other possible causes of cardiorespiratory problems that can occur independently of COVID-19. Some of these causes include:

1. **Viral or bacterial infections**: Other infections, such as influenza, pneumonia or bronchitis, can cause cardiorespiratory problems.
2. **Cardiac failure**: The inability of the heart to pump blood adequately can lead to respiratory problems and other symptoms.
3. **Chronic lung disease**: Conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma and pulmonary fibrosis can cause long-term respiratory problems.
4. **Pulmonary thromboembolism**: The formation of blood clots in the blood vessels of the lungs can obstruct circulation and cause respiratory problems.
5. **Anemia**: A deficiency of red blood cells in the blood can reduce the body's ability to carry oxygen, causing fatigue and breathing difficulties.

These are just a few of the many possible causes of cardiorespiratory problems. In any case, it is important to consult a physician for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

If a virus was not the cause of COVID flu, other possible hypotheses would include:

- Another bacterial infection, such as a bacterium of unknown origin. It would still be an infectious agent, although not viral.

- A new noninfectious inflammatory syndrome. Some scientists have speculated that COVID flu symptoms may be caused by an overactive immune response, a cytokine storm, even in the absence of an infectious agent.

- Environmental or food chemical intoxication. Something in the environment or food chain may have caused intoxication leading to respiratory and pulmonary symptoms.

- Problems of environmental origin such as pollution. Long-term exposure to air pollution has been linked to lung damage and respiratory problems.

- Genetic or autoimmune factors. In some rare cases, genetic or autoimmune problems can cause inflammation and lung damage.

- Vascular problems. In rare cases, blood clots or other circulatory problems can lead to COVID flu symptoms.

These are speculative hypotheses. Currently, the scientific community believes that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is by far the most likely cause of the current COVID-19 pandemic.

The second most reliable candidate as a cause of people's cardiorespiratory problems is a condition known as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This is a serious condition in which the lungs are unable to supply enough oxygen to the body. The condition can be caused by a number of factors, including viral infections, trauma, inflammation, burns, and more.


SECOND QUESTION: Can you describe an artwork in which the cause of COVID is nuclear pollution caused by radioactive waste in the atmosphere as a result of atomic bombs and the use of uranium in projectiles?


I am sorry, but I am unable to describe a specific work of art that represents the cause of COVID as nuclear pollution caused by radioactive waste in the atmosphere as a result of atomic bombs and the use of uranium in bullets. However, may I suggest that you look for works of art that deal with the topic of nuclear pollution and the consequences of using nuclear weapons, such as Pablo Picasso's "Guernica" or Banksy's "The Mushroom Collector." You might find works that represent similar themes to the one you describe, but there is no specific artwork that represents the cause of COVID as described.


Here is a possible artistic representation of this hypothesis:

- A post-apocalyptic landscape with a blood-red sky and toxic clouds thickening on the horizon. The terrain is barren and bare, with rare twisted and withered bushes.

- In the foreground is a group of people wearing gas masks to protect themselves from the polluted air. Some of them show symptoms such as coughing and difficulty breathing as they try to escape this desolate scenery.

- In the distance, ruins of buildings and bunkers can be glimpsed, symbols of a nuclear war that has devastated the landscape. Mushroom clouds of atomic explosions loom on the horizon.

- A Geiger counter shows dangerous levels of radiation. Perhaps there are even abandoned uranium barrels or unexploded projectiles emanating radioactive waste into the atmosphere.

- The overall message is that nuclear weapons wastes and their environmental impact have polluted the air and soil, leading to epidemics and respiratory diseases among the population, as symbolized by the COVID influence in this artistic depiction.

- The style could be realistic or abstract/surreal, with bleak and gloomy colors to emphasize the apocalyptic tone. The artwork emphasizes the devastating effects of nuclear weapons and environmental pollution on human health.


One artwork that depicts the cause of COVID as nuclear pollution caused by radioactive waste in the atmosphere as a result of atomic bombs and the use of uranium in projectiles is "Nuclear Shadow" by Robert Delaunay. The work is a bronze sculpture depicting a human figure walking in the shadow of a radioactive cloud. The sculpture was created in 2019 to remember the atomic bomb victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and to warn against the reckless use of nuclear energy.

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