The Final Time of Testing is Here
by Richard C. Cook, May 18, 2010
While skeptics point out that the “end of the world” has been prophesized over and over again for centuries with nothing happening—the latest being Y2K, they say, and another likely bust coming up when the calendar hits 2012—it is obvious that mankind faces an increasingly unsustainable future.
The world’s economic, technological, agricultural, and political systems are increasingly unstable and untenable. After the last 100 years of history with two world wars and a state of low-grade warfare going on almost continuously since then, it seems impossible for human beings to live together in a state of harmony among themselves or even on this planet.
In fact we seem to be at the end of an age. The overriding social characteristic is the increasing division in the world between the haves and the have-nots, the masters and the slaves, the controllers and the controlled. The power of the rich has never been so great. The weapons of mass destruction they monopolize have the power to destroy the earth many times over.
Teachings of peace, tolerance, charity, while always receiving lip service, lack efficacy and increasingly count for nothing. Organized religion is collapsing as a force capable of mitigating violence and exploitation.
The ones who rule are those who control banking, investment, and credit. The world is run by an international financial Mafia, one that has plunged billions of people and whole nations into unsustainable debt. They live off the fat of the land, skimming the cream of science and industry through usury on money they create out of thin air, using powers granted them by the politicians whose strings they pull. Among these are the political classes of all Western nations, most particularly the United States.
The controllers realize how tenuous stability has become. So they have embarked on a worldwide consolidation of power, using every tool available from the fields of electronic surveillance and social engineering to enhance their control. They know the current world population of almost seven billion cannot be allowed to continue. A large portion of the human herd must be culled, an action now underway. But this will not necessarily fend off a larger disaster.
It all makes so much sense, except that it completely leaves out human freedom, aspiration, and spirituality. In fact it leaves out God. What is happening is that the most materialistic segments of humanity are trying to create a fortress against Spirit in order to save themselves. Many of the controllers are the Zionists who run the banking system, own the armaments industry, control the world media, and aim to rule from their world capital of Jerusalem. They are the descendents of the ones who rejected God by rejecting Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago. It was Jesus Christ who prophesized the end of the age and sought to prepare mankind for it.
But why so many people? Where have they come from? Why are so many crowded on this small planet at this particular point in time? Is it simply because of improved sanitation, farming methods, and survival of infants? Or is it because all the human souls from history have been allowed to incarnate to give them one final chance to develop themselves spiritually in order to move on to higher planes of being?
After all, every person alive has been exposed to teachings of spiritual development, not just from Christianity but from all other organized religions as well as spiritual teachings such as yoga that cross religious lines.
Why else have we seen in the past century so many enlightened teachings existing side by side with such organized political, financial, and military horror? Doesn’t it seem that each soul today is being tested? In fact each one of us perhaps is being given one last opportunity to attain enlightenment before the curtain comes down and the theater is closed for the season.
So what are we waiting for? Instead of fighting against the inevitable collapse shouldn’t we be coming together to work for enhancement of being? Shouldn’t the more conscious and spiritually minded of us be creating centers of light to prepare ourselves and each other for the coming darkness? Indeed some are. But are we doing enough?
Time is running out. Who knows, maybe there is only a year or two left before society collapses, the dark controllers set up their world dictatorship, world government, and world currency and do all they can to stamp out the last vestiges of spirituality on earth.
Because that is what is likely to happen. They have already killed many spiritual teachers and will continue to try to do the same, because the only way they can rule is to eliminate higher consciousness as a human hope. It is the controllers of society who are the real terrorists.
Yes, the microchips are coming. Whoever accepts one will wear the mark of the beast—by choice, because the conscience within will have cried out against it. Nuremburg established that no one is innocent because they were simply following orders. Far better to die than to submit. This applies to victims as well as perpetrators.
Yet God is not mocked. It is now that the “earth changes” which have been prophesied will manifest on an increasingly vast scale. The planet will cleanse itself. It has been prophesied, for instance, that as part of this cleansing New York and Connecticut will be under water.
Without a doubt, the United States will no longer exist, because no nation as heedless, violent, prurient, and materialistic as this has become can possibly make the cut. When the dust settles there may still be communities of human survivors in existence, but not many. These survivors will be spiritually-minded and will live close to the earth. But there will likely be no more human civilization as such for many centuries.
Time is up, humanity. We each have had our chance. Now we will find out what measure of truth we have imbibed and incorporated into our being during many lifetimes. The testing has come.
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