giovedì 8 luglio 2010

A populist plan revising the economic system

A populist plan revising the economic system

Here is a populist plan revising the economic system of this republic to replace Rothschild usury and debt money with Social Credit and debt-free treasury money. The market system, purged of usury will remain. while keeping Honest government funded by printing its own money and taxation will be there if the people want it. The rewards of intelligence and work and creativity in providing good things for all people will be less obstructed and less limited than at any other time in recorded history.

The private credit monopoly is a criminal conspiracy with traitors in government and the courts. Repudiation is the only course, along with compensation for damages and redistribution of their ill-gotten wealth. Remember, that fraud vitiates all contracts -- and executive orders, legislation and decisions from the Supreme Court are null and void if made by a conspiracy intending sabotage. It would be best if all nations and individuals repudiated debt at the same time and with replacement credit systems ready. Treasury money and social credit are the innovations that will make that possible.


Interest is tribute paid to organized crime.

We can't use a tool or get men to help us unless we pay tribute to the bankers.

The bankers don't contribute anything except turning the faucet on the monopoly of credit power they should not have at all. They are not the inventors, they are not the engineers, they are not the entrepreneurs, they are not the owners of the collateral that really backs their loans.

They are parasites who want to be not only our slave masters but also God over us.

Making monopoly and demanding a cut and tribute every time someone with a good idea for helping people wants to provide that service.

Maybe money started, as Tolstoy suggests, as an easier and cheaper way of enslaving people -- demand a tax that has to be paid in coin then spend the coins into circulation among the people -- buying their products and their assets -- and then get the coins back again as taxes to do it all over again -- but it does not have to work that way.

People can take over from kings and the kings mint and the banks of the special friends of the king -- and they can set up money that stays with the people and doesn't drain purchasing power away from them in interest payments and tax payments so the government can pay its loans.

What is done to people in Greece will be done to us. Not until the entire world rises up and destroys not the entrepreneurs, but the bankers and the banker's agents in the government who interest on ventures that they did not conceive and which they in now way have helped to succeed except by withholding credit their slice out of the profits and wages of producing people is settled.

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Social Credit has to do with who first gets the money that will be spent and on what terms do they get it. Under Social Credit the new money first appears in households, not corporations or government contractors. Social Credit dividend check will not be spent on what Congress wants to buy in exchange for votes, but rather it will be spent by households for the direct good and happiness of their families?

Interest slavery -- is the phrase that Gotfried Fetter used which converted Hitler and gave him the cause in which more than any other Germany united behind him -- the other side of Hitler of course was his opposition to Jewish power, because the Jews under Rothschild leadership represent the "interest slavery system" that leads to ruin and war.

I call it the Rothschild usury system "Debt Slavery." Under debt slavery all money is really a certificate of debt -- and it doesn't matter if the certificate is paper or gold. When you buy something you pay not only the price of labor and machines and labor and brains which is the cost of the good itself and also the tax on the selling price of the good but you also are paying the interest on the dollars that were used to buy it. Because the entrepreneur has to pay all his costs for land, labor and equipment but also make interest payments on the borrowed money, the interest cuts into both wages and profit. And this interest on money is not even necessary. We are crushed by debt and our debt, our IOUs to bankers, is the the bankers' wealth and they have used their abundant wealth to put their hired agents in every high office and high academic and research post in the land.

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