The Volcano as Debt Collector
By: Dick Eastman, The Vatic Project
Date: April 17, 2010
Yielding to catastrophic seismic warfare Iceland accepts IMF plan to pay Rothschilds
In the face of unremitting rain of sharp-edged pulverized rock and glass much more severe than the ash that covered Yakima on May 18, 1980 when day turned to night and Mt. St. Helens ash fell like as snow in a blizzard, stopping car engines and caving in roofs and forcing people to wear surgical masks to protect their lungs -- but in Iceland the has been going on since March 22 -- -- in Iceland has capitulated to Rothschild demands for payment of Icelandic debt of over five billion US dollars today despite the recent vote by Icelanders to repudiate the debt, on a new payment plan involving the IMF.
Strauss-Kahn, IMF
(Vatic note: Never forget this face and pass it around to everyone.)
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, in announcing a new extension of credit and a plan to recapitalize (take over) with fresh debt Iceland's remaining banks, all part of the new repayment agreement, had this to say concerning the island nation's capitulation: "Iceland's commitment to continue with best-faith efforts to reach an agreement with the Netherlands (Vatic note: Bilderberg home, the org behind the curtain) and the United Kingdom (Vatic note: The Rothschild home, the other group behind the curtain) regarding Icesave deposits is welcome, and all parties are called upon to come to a final agreement expeditiously . . . the policies and financing now in place will ease the burden of adjustment and help Iceland's economy stage a recovery in the second half of 2010 . . . [the new plan striking] "an appropriate balance between adjustment to secure public debt sustainability and supporting the recovery."
Recall that recently Britain, financial headquarters of the Rothschild interests, used anti-terrorist legislation to seize Icelandic companies and property in Britain in a bid to compensate the international lenders owed $5 billion by the collapsed Icelandic financial sector. The Icelanders, defined as terrorists, were thus, in the eyes of Britian and the Rothschilds as outside the protection of the law, i.e., a rogue nation.
It is clear that the International Financial Power -- the Rothschild interests -- have used the technology of which William Cohen spoke in 1997. It was in April of that year that the Secretary of Defense spoke to a conference on terrorism at the University of Georgia saying:
“Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves…So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…it’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our , and that's why this is so important." Source:
The use of weaponized weather modification against unsuspecting populations around the world is well established, althought the truth is too terrifying and disequilibrating for most people to allow themselves to accept. Techonolgy for triggering of earthquakes wherever fault line pressure has built up is only slightly less well established -- however we have William Cohen's word for it that triggering volcanic erruptions "is real" and he certainly was right about clandestine weather modification.
It is known that Eyjafjallajokull built up Magma over a period of five years beginning in 1999. This was the potential needed for triggering. All that was needed, I suspect, was an earthquake, a slip in seismic plates brought on by the creation of seismic waves that may have been generated at many points hundreds or perhaps thousands of miles distant from iceland in such a way and with such timing that wave peaks would combine at the critical location near Eyjafjallajokull, a shift sufficient to open a fissure that would allow heavy winter ice to melt and flow into cavities that would create an expansion of steam that would expand within the magma chambers explosively releasing what had been contained by layers of rock and ice.
In the past 1,100 years Eyjafjallajokull has erupted only twice, in 1612 and from 1821 to 1823. The existence of a technology for triggering volcanic eruptions, unquestionably in the hands of those serving the Rothschild interests and the fact that Icelanders had just recently repudiated their debt to the international bankers, and that now that Eyjafjallajokull has effectively destroyed the Icelandic real (non-financial) the Icelanders are suddenly back on track for repayment, overriding the vote of the people of Iceland in the "national emergency" all adds up to one thing. However much atheists may deny that there is a god over them, it looks like they now have one anyway whether they like it or not, and he (they) certainly are Jewish and they certainly hold the power of life and death and the elements in their hands.
Mt. St. Helens hit Yakima in 1980 when the US and the State of Washington and the city still had means. Today we are in the same boad as Iceland, and clean-up is not something that one can undertake in stride. Iceland must be suffering terribly -- perhaps thousands of deaths -- but have you noticed? -- there has not been a word in the Rothschild controlled media about the suffering of the Icelanders -- the only reports in the Rothschild controlled world media has been about the inconvenience to travellers in Europe due to the risk of flying planes through the sharp granulated ash that can clog engines and so forth. What about the damage to Iceland where the ground is covered with ash so the cattle cannot feed, the engines are clogged, people are blinded, or die from respiratory complications.
I am reminded how Slobodan Milošević was forced to resign after the unusual summer heatwave in 2000 where temperates remained near 113 degrees for much of the summer -- a condition caused by contrailed cloud cover in northern Europe causing lower-than-normal ground temperatues and higher pressure in that region which prevented hot normally northward moving Sahara air from circulating so that remained over the Balkans only to gain more heat as it remained. I was following the reports of European reports of "chemtrails" at the time and I am convinced that Serbia was coerced into removing their popular leader by weaponized weather modification. Remember, we are talking about the people who perpetrated the 9-11 false-flag attack. The have the means and they have the will and the sense that they are now "God" on this planet.
No Rothschild will ever be my God -- and I hope never yours either. The Old Gods of Finance must be overthrown. We are in Rothschild hell right now -- but I say we can think and win our way out of it.
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man
"All distant-destruction can be done from a control room, and to any point on earth. The destructive power of 'men' has just increased by orders of magnitude. While the United States has experimented with electomagnetic weapons using ordinary transverse EM waves, the longitudinal [LW] weaponized waves are truly of another order altogether. For one thing they do not have to travel through space, for they come from the time domain, which is everywhere. The energy of the blast, the heat or light or whatever, comes from the vacuum of space at the location of the target itself. This is astonishing. The weapons actually just trigger the release of immense energy from the vacuum at the target location. Here's how you initiate a very large earthquake with such weapons. Take a convenient fault zone or set of them. Focus the interferometry on the fault zone, in the "diverging" mode, and deposit EM energy there in the rocks on both sides, increasing (slowly) the stress in the rocks by the reverse piezoelectric effect (deposit excess energy, get crystal mechanical movements). Do it slowly, and the stress will build up to large pressures well-above a plate slip minimum energy required. At some point, the rocks yield and one or both sides "slip" and move rather sharply, giving a very large earthquake in that zone. Do the same thing down in the earth (remember, LWs easily penetrate right through the earth and ocean at will, and so the 'interference zone' focus can be inside the earth or beneath the ocean, at will)."
- Tom Bearden, Ph.D., nuclear engineer, retired Lieutenant Colonel (U.S. Army), CEO of CTEC, Inc., Director of the Association of Distinguished American Scientists, and Fellow Emeritus of the Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advanced Study, in "The Tesla Howitzer and its Modes of Action"
Global Volcanism Network in Washington DC
" At the end of WWII both of those research project groups and
their laboratories did not simply vanish. During the war those groups
had received tremendous funding. At the end of the war those top
secret Educational-Research Complex laboratories continued to receive
vast funding. They still exist today and have grown much larger with
massive budgets. But for what purpose?
"The primary source of funding for the Educational-Research
Complex is large private Foundations with huge resources, such as the
Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Foundation and others. They provide
billions of dollars as seed money to start university research
projects. And then the universities seek government grant funding (the
Educational-Research Complex) for continuing and enlarging those
projects at the university lab facilities. The Educational-Research
Complex represents the largest lobby and control group in Washington."
Clandestine Weather Modification -- Dick Eastman
Man made or natural? Earthquakes level three Iranian villages - Apr 1, 06
HAARP is part of the weapons arsenal of the New World Order under the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Sep 7, 2005
(Pre-Sarkozy) France and China opposed the US attack on Iraq and coincidentally there were eathquakes in both countries, France October 2002 (30 dead) China Dec 26, 2002 Mar 2, 2003
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Vatic Note: The HAARP event...... With Dicks work, I need to make no statement or observations, he is always right on the money. Please take the time to read it all the way through. Its excellent and pass it around far and wide. Also remember, whenever you read about Rothschild, IMF, world bank, etc, you are reading about those who probably killed one half of the POLISH ELECTED GOVERNMENT FOR THEIR RESISTANCE TO THEIR WEALTH STEALING SCHEMES. We basically proved that on here with the articles yesterday especially the announcement of this death and tragedy on Georgian TV back in March. Reminded me of the BCC broadcast on 9-11, of building 7 going down prior to it happening. Essentially, what Great Britian and the Netherlands did WAS DECLARE WAR ON ICELAND BY USING WMD MAKING THEM THE TERRORIST ROGUE NATIONS. (That includes what they did to Poland as well). If there is to be a world war, it needs to be the world against those two nations. That is becoming clearer and clearer every day.