lunedì 26 aprile 2010

An email from a reader: Stan

Let’s make it clear that presently an entire system of goods and services exchanges in the World is based on money system that for anyone who really understands money could be describe as criminal, fraudulent, irresponsible and supremely destructive to all but the few it was designed to benefit.

Present money is anonymous and their issuance is centrally control by bizarre fractional law in tandem with fluctuating interest rate connected frivolously loosely to exchange of goods and services.

Jack Weatherford in the book "The History of Money" (1997) wrote:

“…The foreign exchange market is one of the largest markets in the world. By some estimates, about 2 trillion USD worth of currency changes hands every day...
...Like a casino, dollars are chasing more dollars with 95% of the foreign exchange transactions consisting of sheer speculation. Less than 5% has to do with exchanging real goods or production and that amount is dominated by the largest 500 multinational
corporations. ..”

95% of anonymous digital money was employed in derivatives and gambling in 1997…that’s thirteen years ago!!! I am sure that by now in 2010 it would be more than 99%.

Can you imagine…JUST ONE PERCENT OF MONEY are in an activity that they were design for - exchange of goods and services!!!

This is a total insanity!!!

Expansions or contractions of money are strongly related to gamblers needs, which are causing recessions, extreme human suffering and injustice.

Just recently banksters received few trillions dollars from the black lawyer who promised “the change”.

The biggest gambler institutions are Commodities, stocks and future exchanges where obscenely rich executives are protecting their corporate profits from any risk. Gamblers or so called stock traders are betting against each other to speculate which direction corporate profit will go.

Those citizens that might escape stock exchanges gambling are lure by banksters in other cruel and never ending game.

Banksters are lowering interest rate to lure citizens to borrow money for businesses or to buy houses but because of the fractional expansion “law” banks have limit to lend that is dependant on savings deposited in a bank.

When not enough deposited money then suddenly banks can not lend money. “Brilliant” banksters are deciding to increase interest rate to lure more citizens into savings so banks can lend more money based on the fractional expansion law. It has devastating result on consumers’ confidence and mostly small businesses go down.

This banksters’ game is artificially forcing an economy fluctuations on citizens of the whole World. Economy fluctuations have noting to do with reality of exchange of goods and services.

It is so primitive and stupid but most citizens are like maniacs or brainless sheep fully participating in this banksters’ game.

Stock exchanges addicted gamblers are “pillars” of present economy and their gambling data is proudly presented every day in all main media.

When you realize that you might jump to conclusion that sociopaths and addictive gamblers are running this present World economy and you will be perfectly right.

The present World economy could be compared to a mental hospital that was overtaken by its patients.

Best regards,


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