a.k.a. Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
- Nout Wellink, President of the Netherlands Bank
- Stefan Walter, Secretary General of the Basel Committee
- José María Roldán, Director General of Banking Regulation at the Bank of Spain
- Alvir Alberto Hoffmann, Deputy Governor at the Central Bank of Brazil
- Kevin Bailey, Deputy Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, United States
- Mark White, Assistant Superintendent at the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions

- Peter Praet, Executive Director at the National Bank of Belgium
- Norah M. Barger, Associate Director, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, United States
- Alan Adkins, Manager, Financial Services Authority, United Kingdom
- Thomas Wiedmer, Deputy Head at the Swiss national Bank

- Marc R. Saidenberg, Senior Vice President in the Banking Supervision Group of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, United States
- Hirotaka Hideshima, Director, Deputy Head of the International Affairs Section at the Bank of Japan
- Richard Thorpe, Head of Capital Adequacy Policy Department and Accounting and Audit Sector Leader at the Financial Services Authority, United Kingdom
- Klaus Düllmann, Head of Banking Supervision Research at the Deutsche Bundesbank

- Eva Hüpkes, Head of Regulation, Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA)

- Michael H Krimminger, Special Advisor for Policy to the Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Sylvie Mathérat, Director of Financial Stability, Bank of France, chairs the ATF
- Gerald ("Jerry") A. Edwards, Senior Adviser on Accounting and Auditing Policy at the Financial Stability Board

- Patrick Amis, Head of Accounting Affairs, Commission Bancaire, France

- Ian Michael, Technical Specialist, Accounting and Auditing Policy, Financial Services Authority, United Kingdom
- Marc Pickeur, Advisor for Supervisory Policy at the Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission, Belgium

- Karl F. Cordewener, Deputy Secretary General of the Basel Committee
- Giovanni Carosio, Deputy Director General at the Bank of Italy

Tutti nomi molto noti, no? Sapevate tutti chi sono, vero?
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RispondiEliminaCiao Marco Saba, è la prima volta che scrivo sul tuo blog.
RispondiEliminaHo i tuoi libri e leggo i tuoi articoli sul web.
Finita la premessa, ora rispondo la tua domanda "Sapevate tutti chi sono, vero?":
no, non sapevo chi sono, ma so che sono dei farabutti.
Chissà se il "rivoluzionario" Veltroni - che ultimamente se ne uscito su alcune verità inconfessabili sull'Italia nel periodo 1992/1993 ( e quindi, anche, sulla svalutazione della Lira, ecc... ) - possa darci una risposta.
Un saluto e a presto.