mercoledì 2 settembre 2009

The march to world conquest

Message to Peter Lorenz

by Richard C. Cook (former Treasury officer)

Peter Lorenz is author of “Peter’s Picks” a daily selection of articles from alternative news sources.


Much to ponder in today’s Picks.

Sarah Robinson writes:

“With a few notable exceptions (Tom Paine, Robert Ingersoll), American progressivism has always drawn its most compelling moral voices from the ranks of Catholics, Jews, Quakers, Unitarians and Universalists, and a wide collection of social gospel Evangelicals. And even now, the vast majority of Americans — on both ends of the spectrum — still draw their political ethics straight out of their personal religious beliefs. As Bowers points out: we need those voices if we’re going to succeed.

She puts “Catholics” first on the list, yet Pope Benedict’s encyclical, which, if followed, would change the world completely, has been ignored by progressives. Almost all the email I got from my article on the encyclical was negative; mainly people talking about the Vatican Bank. It goes to show how far the anti-Catholic propaganda in the mainstream media has progressed. It is also notable that in the article by Chris Hedges, one of the leading spokesmen for anti-globalism, he completely ignores any religious or spiritual perspective. Yet without that, what do we have to put in the place of globalism? The answer is absolutely nothing.

On the Afghan War, no one, including its critics, seems to be asking the fundamental questions about what we are doing there in the first place. It is really just a question of the march to world conquest by the Western financial elite, isn’t it? It’s this elite that controls the military-finance-intelligence colossus, whereby NATO and the IMF have replaced the U.N. as the source of international force projection.

I have been reading an interesting book called “Compromised” by Terry Reed which makes it clear that the CIA has controlled the U.S. political process for decades. Clinton was a CIA-controlled president, as was W., and as Obama now is. The CIA-Mossad-MI6 are really one organization with different faces and functions but constituting the covert enforcement arm of the elite. Public affairs is handled by the mainstream media.

The current phase began with the Reagan Doctrine of devouring one small country at a time. The dismemberment of Yugoslavia under Clinton was a big step followed by the expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. To deal with Afghanistan in isolation, as critics such as Anthony DiMaggio, seem to do is to miss the point. Afghanistan is not an incident–it is where the wave of global imperialism happens to be breaking on the shore at this particular moment in time. And to think Obama has any choice in the matter is a joke. He has no power or decision making capacity whatsover. James Jones, the national security adviser, has said that every morning he talks to Henry Kissinger to get his direction for the day. Obama may or may not even hear about it.

The big mistake that was made was the bringing down of the Soviet Union which destroyed the world’s balance of power and led to the overreaching of the West. The Soviet Union was actually a bulwark against the cancer of global capitalism which has now metastasized to the point where the patient is in agony and is actually dying.

Another way to look at it is that nature always seeks balance. The world is so out of balance today that a huge correction must be made. Whether it will come from a resurgent Russia with a nuclear attack on the U.S. or China overrunning the Third World or what, we don’t know. One sign of the Orient becoming fed up is the recent election in Japan where the ruling party was totally repudiated by the Japanese electorate.

I believe that the U.S. as a nation is history. The American nation no longer exists. This does not mean that there are not individuals within the U.S. who are worthy, awake, decent people. But they are a tiny minority. They must look to their own survival first and find those pockets where survival is possible. Someday, after the waves wash over us, a new nation may possibly be created on what was once American soil. Individuals must always work for truth and decency, so whether there is a nation called the U.S. really doesn’t matter. The human task will always be the same–to seek within for the peace that is always there and to allow that peace to manifest in the world. So there will always be individuals who work from within for freedom. They will do good works, have an impact, some will be martyred, some will betray their calling, some will be true to the end, some we will know of, some we will not. Someday an enlightened humanity will look back and marvel at the few who were true.

Well, enough musings for today!

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