Zero Hedge: The CIA chimes in on gold control
Submitted by cpowell on Sun, 2009-09-27 05:59. Section: Daily Dispatches1:52a ET Sunday, September 27, 2009
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Yesterday Zero Hedge posted another U.S. government document from 1968 detailing the government's desperate interest in suppressing the gold price as a matter of rigging the international currency markets in favor of the dollar. This document is a declassified memorandum from the files of the Central Intelligence Agency. From reading some gold market analysts, we're supposed to think that the U.S. government interest in supporting the dollar by rigging the gold market somehow evaporated some time after 1968. Zero Hedge's posting about the CIA memo is headlined "The CIA Chimes In On Gold Control" and you can find it here:
If Zero Hedge wouldn't mind taking over the gold price manipulation issue for a few hours, the GATA delegation at the Toronto conference would like to sleep late in the morning.
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/TreasurerGold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
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