From: The Daily Bell <Feedback@TheDailyBe>
Subject: Thank you for your feedback
Date: Sunday, September 6, 2009, 4:25 PM
Dear Dan,
Read below to read the feedback you submitted to the editors of the Daily Bell and their reply.
Story you gave feedback on: Keynes versus Friedman - and Mises goes missing
Your comments: Ahh, you noticed that my essay was very short on solutions. All people are equal, in the eyes of the law. Herbert Hoover could write classical Latin with his right hand while he wrote classical Greek with his left. Not everyone is equally gifted.
Eugenics is of paramount importance in dogs and horses but, verboten for man. I wouldn't dream of suggesting it here. Man, as a species is in his adolescence. He has newly found strengths but, lacks character and self-discipline. Look at lottery winners or child stars.
Give $5 million to 1,000 people and see how many turn hedonistic or self-destructive. [Google "hedweb"] How many of these 1,000 people will concentrate on improving themselves and the lot of their species? Power corrupts and attracts the already-corrupted. Almost by definition, we're going to have scoundrels for leaders. This lovely role-model permeates through society.
Why do people marvel at Ron Paul? Is altruism so overwhelmingly rare in powerful people? Imagine a unicameral legislative body dedicated to the betterment of mankind. If this seems so TOTALLY out of the range of possibility, it is because we've become resigned to scoundrels.
The world is operating on an outmoded Modus Operandi. Greed always sat at the head of the table. Runaway population required constant warfare. Germany has a shrinking population. Are they going to go to war for "living space"? Same with Japan. True, only SOME of the dynamics have changed.
We still war for raw materials. But, war has gotten unbelievably expensive. China is going to bury us by proving that war is inefficient from a business standpoint.
Capitalism hates inefficiency. Our dunderheads spend more to steal the oil than it would have cost to buy it.China uses state credit to destroy our system of usury by out-competing. China uses diplomacy to secure natural resources rather than war.
We've burned ourselves out trying to compete with an inefficient business model. The sons of Sun-Tzu know just what they're doing. The sons of Keynes are going to get buried. They're holding smelling salts under the corpse of Keynes but ... he gives no more advice.
There is no cure for "too much free time" When the machines cater to our every wish, we'll have the opportunity to self-immolate in hedonism.
The machine age has produced so much paper wealth that it can never be redeemed for goods and services. The banks try to pull goods and services out of the future to vitiate their paper.
Suppose that those future goods are all produced by machines. If the producer is redundant, how can he be a consumer?
Capitalism ONLY shares it's wealth with producers. There is no mechanism, other than socialism that doles out wealth to non-producers. Socialism rots the minds of non-producers. They may survive but ... what is life with no career, no self-worth ... a pointless, non-productive life
The machines could do everything for us. Then, we would be free to study, read, meditate, paint, write, or guzzle beer and watch the telly. I have no solution ... sorry.
Daily Bell Reply: Sorry to hear it. Interesting take, even without a solution. Thanks for the follow.
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