We don't need Wall Street
We don't need Wall Street to put money into existence by lending into existence to their pet corporations. The Government can bring it into existence in the form of a national credit dividend check to households. That way household demand instead of central bankers will determine what is produced and for whom.
Why have the bankers give money to people who don't know the first thing about what the household consumer wants, who hasn't a clue about the least expensive way to bring such goods to market.
Let the household get to be the first to spend new purchasing power into existence buying what best meets their needs and desires. Then the entrepreneur will get together the engineers and workers and will provide the product. If he meets the demand of the household giving the most satisfaction per dollar then he will receive profit with which to hire more entrepreneurs and workers and make more households happy with his good production decisions. Profit, not loans by some Wall Street Banker to his good for nothing cousin running some monstrous corporation, will then determine who invests in what new machinery.
The financier capitalism we have is not at all guided by household demand and reward of entrepreneurs. In fact the best entrepreneurs are put out of business and the households are robbed blind and get only the most inferior goods.
So lets trash the current Wall Street system and move to a social credit system.
It can be created debt free and it will end the Kleptastrophe right now and once and for all.
Social Credit is in no way a replacement of earned wages and salaries and profits of workers, managers and entrepreneurs, rather it is a replacement of what Money Power economics taught in our universities calls "investment" -- by which they mean investment not within-firm re-investment of profits of firms in the business sector but exogenous investment from the financial sector. All at once I saw that it was insane for Wall Street financiers to be floating loans to corporations -- there is no real entrepreneurship in that -- rather they replace entrepreneurship as a way to make profit with 1) monopoly, 2) speculation based on rigged markets, 3) lending to government after starting wars or race riots or great depressions, 4) arbitrage in the form of moving industrial capital to places where wages are lowest and environmental protections minimal in order to make money by reducing wage output and worker standards of living.
Let no one say Social Credit is giving people a free ride so they don't have to work any more -- rather stops giving the financial criminal class the right to dictate investment and monopolize credit -- letting the households have the privilege of directing production through purchasing power market signals to the entrepreneurs.
In the A + B theorem, social credit actually replaces B as the entire investment system as it operates today. New factories should not come from banker investment, they should come from the profits of successful entrepreneurs. Henry Ford made better cars for less, so he made profits as long as people had money to buy what they wanted -- and if some new inventor with a new marketable idea came along he could go to Ford and Ford could decide whether to extend the entrepreneur a loan out of his profits or whether the profits would be better rolled back into Ford Motor Company. No bankers are necessary. Businesses will be profitable that new businesses will come from businesses, not from banks. In the Depression some businesses even issued their own scrip. Here I am saying "A + B" should be replaced by "A + Social Credit" where "A" is wages, salaries, profits, capital and land ownership payments (the worker should tend to own his own tools and there should be a little Henry George reform regarding land rent); "B" is money that goes to financiers who are unnecessary middlemen (insofar as they are not playing a genuine and socially useful entrepreneur role) and "Social Credit" is new money to the households -- that replaces business loans and interest payments (usury) and all that noise.
So here where we are -- knowing, but scattered as atoms and unable to spread the truth beyond our little circle -- even though we suspect that there are many isolated circles like ours, not communicating with ours although receiving some of the same signals (as from websites like this Rense and Global Research or many blogs -- islands of understanding, swapping notes, but unable to organize or generate political (local meetings, projected mass demonstration of public opinion demanding specific corrections and everyone afraid of reprisals at work or socially or by organized crime methods. We know that many suicides are not suicides, heart-attacks are not uninduced, many airplane crashes are not accidents, many "small-time" killings are actually politically motivated murders etc. We also know that there can be economic punishment for cities or counties or states, as well as countries, that do not play ball -- lethal "depleted uranium ball" -- with the Money Power.
And of course it all amounts to them getting away with the mass-murder, pauperization and enslavement of everyone we hold dear.
If you do nothing with this suggestion it means you reject this suggestion and you embrace the future the Money Power has planned for you.
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
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