Warren Buffett’s Hypocrisy Exposed – Part 1 of 99
David De Graw, August 26th, 2011 · · Activism, Economy, Hotlist, Politics & Government
I still haven’t received any response to my open letter to Warren Buffet concerning his meaningless PR ploy to dupe non-billionaires into thinking he cares about them. Not a single word back from any of Warren’s people yet. Not surprising though, he has been very busy this week. First off, Warren has been fronting for the system of political bribery by planning a “fund-raising” event for the ultimate bankster puppet, Barack Obama. Maybe I’ll just go to this event at the swank Four Seasons hotel in NYC and have a little conversation with Warren. Does anyone have $35k I can borrow? That’s how much it is to get into this event VIP style.
And wouldn’t ya know it, this just in… as soon as Obama gets Schneiderman off the case, Warren bails out Bank of America by investing $5 billion in the company. What a coincidence! That’s how we roll in Banana Republic USA. Prid quo pro, bro. Wink, nod. Nothing to see here, just keep moving along… Warren’s hypocrisy is stunning! So let’s recap and break this down… Warren says he wants to be taxed more by a President who does his bidding. So, essentially, Warren wants the “mega-wealthy” to be taxed more so his puppet politicians will have some more funds to spend on bailing out his criminal partners on Wall Street, thus saving Warren’s personal wealth, yet again. Now, that’s rich – you can see how he got to be the richest man on Wall Street. As my friend Mike Krieger said, Warren is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. On the surface, Warren sounds like a benevolent billionaire who is willing to sacrifice for the good of the country, yet he hasn’t done anything with his money other than invest billions in criminal vampire companies like Goldman Sachs and Bank of America, and buy off politicians. And now, he has his puppet Obama killing investigations into Bank of America as he is blatantly running apolitical bribery operation and pumping $5 billion of his own money into the bank. Give me a break! C’mon Warren, your old PR propaganda tricks won’t fly here. Let’s debate these issues publicly. I’ll be glad to discuss these issues over some fine wine at the Four Seasons on September 30th. I anxiously await Warren’s invite. I would also like to invite Mr. Buffett to an event I’ll be attending on Wall Street, right in front of his beloved stock exchange, on September 17th. It’s right up Warren’s alley, he can hobnob with some like-minded concerned citizens who will be meeting there. Hope to hear from you soon Warren. - David[@]AmpedStatus[.]com For those of you who haven’t read my letter to Warren Buffett, you can read it here: Open Letter to Warren Buffett: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. Related posts:
Tags: Economic Death Squad·Economic Justice |
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