mercoledì 27 aprile 2016

Russian government news agency mocks West's gold market rigging

Russian government news agency mocks West's gold market rigging

Section: 1p ET Friday, April 22, 2016

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
The world news Internet site Sputnik News this week published an unsigned commentary about gold market manipulation by Western investment banks and the Federal Reserve, citing Deutsche Bank's confession to the scheme. While most mainstream financial news organizations in the West are studiously suppressing the Deutsche Bank story, the remarkable thing about the Sputnik News commentary is that the news organization is owned and operated by the Russian government itself, the successor to the RIA Novosti and Voice of Russia news organizations:
That is, like the government of China --
-- and Russia's own central bank --
-- the government of Russia knows all about the Western central bank policy of gold price suppression. But while this policy can be reported in Russia and China, it remains a prohibited subject in the supposedly free Western press.
The Sputnik News commentary is headlined "'Gold-Fix Cartel': How Western Banks Were Caught With Pants Down" and it's posted here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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