sabato 2 ottobre 2021

Emancipating Freemasonry using Kabbalah

Emancipating Freemasonry using Kabbalah

by M.S., 1 October 2021

It is possible to introduce a Masonic currency to free the lodges from the economic-monetary constraints by using the Kabbalah.

First of all, I refer the reader to the article that appeared in the Alpine Review of May 2020 where the use of the "Widow's Trunk" as a means of collecting money for philanthropic purposes is explained: "The myth of Isis and the widow's children",

Having made this premise, we could implement the use of Kabbalah as a means of introducing a hypothetical currency that we will call "Tubal Coin".

Kabbalah means "receipt" and in modern Hebrew this word is used to request a receipt, a tax receipt, a prescription from the doctor. One could then match every donation in traditional currency made with the widow's trunk through the issuance of a corresponding Kabbalah, or the equivalent allocation of Tubal Coin to the donor on his electronic purse (wallet). In this way, in a short time, each brother would become familiar with the use of Masonic currency which he could use to exchange goods and services with other brothers, and this on a global level, if each lodge had quantities of Tubal Coin which could be distributed for the purpose.

The attribution of Tubal Coins for specific purposes could then take place even without a counterpart of traditional currency, once the mechanism is understood and the benefit it can bring to universal Freemasonry.

But how much is Tubal Coin worth?

Having to have a specific universal value, Tubal Coin has been issued in quantity corresponding to the Special Drawing Rights in circulation at the time of issue. This means that a Tubal Coin is equal to a SDR. In turn, the SDR bases its value on a basket of currencies and its daily quotation with national currencies can be found here:

 The Tubal Coin was tentatively issued on the Waves blockchain on March 30, 2019

and is currently usable with the free electronic purse available here:

The enfranchisement, or emancipation, from the political monetary system currently in place and dominated by actors who may have purposes that conflict with those of freemasonry is realized over time.

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