In the last two centuries, all wars have been
machinations orchestrated by bankers pursuing two very simple
objectives: profit and a world domination that bears a name: the New
World Order.
Education and medias are the main culprits to blame for keeping the
important role of bankers in the dark shadows of history. The genuine
relevance of Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg, Morgan and their peers is
voluntarily kept hidden from public scrutiny, so that any investigator
that digs in the realms of our past can easily be discredited as a
«conspiracy theorist». Author Carroll Quigley once had full access to
the Council on foreign relations documents and he confirmed the
very real world banking conspiracy designed to dominate the world, in
his book «Tragedy and hope».
Bizarrely, education and medias prefer to bring everything back to
public figures and politicians like Churchill, Hitler or Stalin, but
they will never tell you that these charismatic monsters had no money,
nor created it. Hitler was a failed artist that built the most
formidable war machine the world had seen in 6 years only, in a
near-bankrupt country deprived of any oil production, so do you think he
might have had some help?
The Grand Scheme
Before 1971, bank loans were based on their gold reserves, but no
bank really owned the value in gold of the money it lent over the years,
so the scheme wasn’t very different than today’s fractional system of
money creation, in which banks have to own 1/10th of their loans. For
example, if bank A has a million dollar, it can lend 10 millions to bank
B, which can lend 100 millions to a country, since bank B owns 10
millions. This is basically how the world ended up owing 184 trillion
dollars (184 000 000 000 000$) to private banks as of today.
If you doubt this private money creation scheme, just tell me where
that money was before we owed it to them? I guess that settles it.
When a country goes to war, it borrows money from private banks that
lend funds that they create out of thin air. Now, bankers will not only
get back the funds that they never had, but will also charge interest on
these loans. They will even change the interest rate at will, trying to
hold in their laughter. Next step, countries will use this fake money
to buy military equipment from industries in which international bankers
are major shareholders or partners in investment. This equipment is
then used to destroy as much infrastructure as possible in the countries
at war, so that everything needs to be rebuilt by governments that will
borrow more money from bankers, to pay construction companies partially
or totally owned by bankers. This is why carpet-bombing on civilians
was invented. All of these loans and interests add up to the national
debt, or if you prefer, the bill that citizens have to repay through
their taxes that they hand to the government with much trust on their
good use.
«War is a racket», wisely said General
Smedley Butler. Therefore, why would the almighty central banks that
hold a permanent private power and control over countries, would kindly
accept to share it with a puppet president on his 4-year journey? But the plot thickens.
Splitting ideologies
Just when you think that you’ve discovered the ultimate manipulations
that have been set on us for centuries, thorough researches will lead
you even further in the abyssal depth of the conspiracy that few have
talked about. Thanks to James Madison, we know that the American
founding fathers had designed the bipartite electoral system as a way to
confine democracy in a tiny box limiting the choice of the people
between two heads of the same monster, so that a mass of poor people
could only maintain an effective plutocracy with their votes. All that
was left to do would be to polarize opinions, by adding different
ideologies and characteristics to each party, to give the impression
that your vote could really determine the future of the country, but we
all know by now that it never fundamentally changed anything. Therefore,
an objective analysis will quickly take over the initial astonishment
of your findings, since what’s next describes more likely than not how
politics really work.
We often imagine Karl Marx as a lone writer in some crummy apartment,
designing his great Communist Manifesto in 1848 under a flickering
candlelight to break the capitalist tyranny, in the name of the
workingman. Nothing could be further from the truth, since the general
plan was to divide the world and bring it to wage perpetual wars, for
perpetual revenues. Guy William Carr just wasn’t anybody; he was an
officer in the Canadian Secret Services and had been in charge of the
whole Royal Canadian Navy. Much like Carroll Quigley, he was a real
insider with access to secret plans that we’re never told. Here’s what
he had to say in his 1958 praised book «Pawns in the game». Karl Marx
While Karl Marx was writing the Communist Manifesto under direction
of one group of Illuminists, Professor Karl Ritter of Frankfurt
University was writing the antithesis under direction of another group,
so that those who direct the conspiracy at the top could use the
differences in these two ideologies to start dividing larger and larger
numbers of the Human Race into opposing camps, so they could be armed
and then made to fight and destroy each other, together with their
political and religious institutions.
It is public knowledge by now that the Rothschild family had financed
both Napoleon and his British foes early 19th century, which set a most
successful example for profiting from double funding. One cannot lose a
war if one owns both sides of the front line! Thus, author Anthony
Sutton made a lot of sense when he described the details on how Zionist
bankers and Wall Streeters funded communism in «Wall Street and the
Bolshevik Revolution», published in the mid-seventies.
This activity in behalf of the Bolsheviks originated in large part
from a single address: 120 Broadway, New York City. The Federal Reserve
Bank of New York was at 120 Broadway. The vehicle for this pro-Bolshevik
activity was American International Corporation — at 120 Broadway. AIC
views on the Bolshevik regime were requested by Secretary of State
Robert Lansing only a few weeks after the revolution began, and Sands,
executive secretary of AIC, could barely restrain his enthusiasm for the
Bolshevik cause. Ludwig Martens, the first Soviet ambassador, had been
vice president of Weinberg & Posner, which was also located at
120-Broadway. Guaranty Trust Company was next door at 140 Broadway but
Guaranty Securities Co. was at 120 Broadway. John MacGregor Grant Co.,
which was financed by Olof Aschberg in Sweden and Guaranty Trust in the
United States, and which was on the Military Intelligence black list,
was at 120 Broadway. The Guggenheims and the executive heart of General
Electric (also interested in American International) were at 120
Broadway. We find it therefore hardly surprising that the Bankers Club
was also at 120 Broadway, on the top floor.
You get the idea. So here’s what a timely little mustached
totalitarian then said in «Mein Kampf», right after WW1 and the
Bolshevik Revolution:
This colossal Empire in the East is ripe for dissolution. And the end
of the Jewish domination in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a
State. We are chosen by Destiny to be the witnesses of a catastrophe,
which will afford the strongest confirmation of the nationalist theory
of race.
Destiny, really Adolf? This looked more like a boxing match between
artificial ideologies created decades earlier, with Hitler and Stalin
wearing the gloves, accompanied by Karl Ritter in one corner and Karl
Marx in the other, holding the spit-buckets.
A twist in history
Thing is, Hitler had been vastly funded by American banks and
industries to pressure the Rothschild to share their hegemony on the
world, which was confirmed in Bretton-Woods in 1944, where the US dollar
replaced the English pound as the world reserve currency. In other
words, the American Empire replaced the British Empire to lead the New
World Order, but it was the same banking scheme, just a different set of
owners. Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Josef Stalin at the
Yalta Conference in 1945. Source: US Library of Congress/
In Yalta, Stalin and Roosevelt effectively divided the world in two
ideologies for their masters, while Churchill was wondering what had
bloody happened, since the other two seem to have a lot of fun together.
That left him with ample time to think about his next historical quote
for posterity.
After WW2, NATO and the CIA were created to counter the lurking Red
Menace. Soviet citizens were depicted everywhere like cold-blooded
killing robots, as if they were something else than ordinary folks
making a living for their kids and having fun on the weekend. The whole
planet got in the Cold War, providing great tension zones such as
Eastern Europe and Southern Asia, justifying insane military funding and
the industrial production of nukes. Wars could be waged without any
objective, just for the sheer pleasure of making big money to the profit
of bankers and military industrialists; on both sides of the Iron
Curtain, I should add.
Perpetual wars
The case of the Korean War is sad and appalling. The UN conducted the
aggression on North Korea as soon as 1950, because neither China nor
USSR vetoed the attack at the Security Council. There are a few reasons
that were given for this, but none as likely as the existence of
General MacArthur quickly pushed back the North Koreans all the way
to the Chinese frontier and only had to blow up the bridges on Yalou
River to break any hopes of reinforcement from China, when he got a call
from CFR member General Marshall, whom ordered him to leave the bridges
untouched. A Chinese army crossed them, the communists pushed the UN
troops back to the middle of the country, MacArthur resigned, and they
settled for a tie. After a couple of years of bombing and 3 million dead
Koreans later, the separation line was put back in its original place
on the 38th parallel, but if we look at the bright side, banks and
military industries had made an impressive bundle ending with 9 zeros,
and we owed it to them, with interests. United Nations forces cross the 38th parallel while withdrawing from Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, 1950
Then there was Vietnam. And then Afghanistan. Fighting communism was
the motto for perpetual purposeless wars. We cannot have any serious
analysis about the 75-year Cold War, without taking account of how and
why the communist movement was created. This manipulation ended with the
fall of USSR in 1991, which was immediately replaced by the fear of
Islamism, ignited that very same year with the Gulf War in Iraq. Since
history repeats itself over and over, what happened in Korea solves the
mystery of why George Bush Sr didn’t go all the way to Saddam.
What used to be communism vs. capitalism is now Islam vs.
Christianity. If we listen to medias, every Muslim is a potential
jihadist that wants to impose the sharia law on us, as if they were
something else than ordinary folks that make a living for their kids and
have fun on the weekend. We’re stuck in a carbon-copy replica of the
Cold War that scared the world for three-quarters of a century.
The sad reality appears to be that politics and ideologies are
nothing more than bullcrap created to polarize opinions and divide the
population, while central bankers don’t give a hoot if a country is run
by democrats, communists, fascists, Nazis, dictators, socialists, green
parties, a king or even plumbers, as long as the government maintains
the plutocracy that enslaves the population through debt, that plunders
our natural resources, and fully controls our economy through their
money creation monopole.
Dividing the population prevents it from uniting against our real
common enemy, who gives the true meaning to «Divide and conquer». For
example, independence movements are perfect to polarize opinions and
split people apart, and once a nation becomes independent, it is from
the neighbor who’s stuck in the same crappy plutocracy as yours, not
from bankers who will keep looting your money and profit from your
resources. Think about it next time you argue with your brother-in-law
about politics, when you praise your party that is so much better than
his. Think about it when you vote.
If we got rid of private banking in public affairs, and governments
issued all currencies, unbearable peace and prosperity would roam the
earth. Today, a few men are fighting this deeply corrupted world
financial system: Putin was the first and main one by helping President
Assad to keep Syria free from international banks, then came Xi and
Trump. Now you know what Donald means by «giving back the country to the
people»! He’s openly fighting the Federal Reserve, talks about the
nationalization of this private institution, and he’s been the most
efficient politician ever to convince the people on the constant media
lying, the base of our general ignorance. US Department of Defence conducted a flight test of a
conventionally configured ground-launched cruise missile at San Nicolas
Island on August 19, 2019, less than 3 weeks after the U.S. officially
abandoned the INF Treaty.
But neither mainstream medias, nor official history books
ever talked about the grand scheme, and that makes me a «conspiracy
theorist» to most. Even independent journalists and analysts
rarely mention banks by fear of the conspiracy theory curse, a label
that was created by the CIA in 1967 to ridicule those who disputed the
Warren Commission conclusion on JFK’s murder,
by the same agency. Conspiracy theories now apply on everything that
mainstream medias can’t justify with lies that appear to make some sense
and are not too obvious.
If you do a quick check on Wikipedia, Carroll Quigley, Guy William
Carr, General Smedley Butler and Anthony Sutton are all described as
conspiracy theorists today, because they all decided to use their access
to extremely serious files and secrets for the benefit of the people
through a denunciation of international banks as the source of every
war, and the conspiracy curse is the last desperate attempt to discredit
them. The CIA technique works on those whose minds are still programmed
by mainstream medias, though more and more people now understand that
these amazing analysts and genuine humanists weren’t some dumb lunatics,
but were simply describing a reality that many of us find difficult to
So, I’m sorry, forget what I said, nothing wrong
happened. Just keep working, whistle and look away as you’re being
robbed, carpet-bombed, spied-on or sent to war, as you’re being told
what you can or can’t do with your life, when you vote or argue with
someone who’s trying to explain, like you’ve done all of your life, and
like your great-grandfather also did.
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