venerdì 7 ottobre 2016

Screwing Swiss people with seigniorage: a very old story....

Screwing Swiss people with seigniorage: a very old story....

"It is known that some deposit banks sometimes open deposit accounts without a money cover not only for the purpose of granting loans, but also for the purpose of directly procuring resources for production on their own behalf. More than one of the modern credit and commercial banks has invested a part of its capital in this manner, and the question of the right attitude in this case of the holders of the money substitutes, and of the State legislature that feels itself called upon to protect them, remains an open one. In the earlier times there was a similar problem concerning bank issuing notes until banking practice or the law prescribed short-term loans as 'cover'. The issuer of fiduciary media may, however, regard the value of the fiduciary media put into circulation as an addendum to his income or capital. If he does this he will not take the trouble to cover the increase in his obligations due to the issue by setting aside a special credit fund out of his capital. He will pocket the profits of the issue, which in the case of token coinage is called seigniorage, as composedly as any other sort of income. - The only difference between the two ways of putting fiduciary media into circulation lies in the attitude of the issuer.' Naturally, this cannot have any significance for the determination of the value of the fiduciary media. The difference between the methods of issue is a result of historical factors. Fiduciary media have sprung from two different roots: from the activities of the deposit and giro banks on the one hand, and from the State prerogative of minting on the other hand. The former is the source of notes and current accounts; the latter, that of convertible Treasury notes, token coins, and that current money of which the coinage is restricted,but which can be regarded neither as credit money nor as fiat money because it is actually convertible into money on demand to its full amount. To-day the difference between the two methods of issuing is gradually disappearing, all the more as the State endeavours to act in the same way as the banks in issuing fiduciary media.

Note: Some States are already in the habit of devoting the profits of their coinage to special purposes and of refusing to treat them in any way as an increase of wealth. Cp. for example on the Swiss currency reserve fund established by Art. 8 of the Currency Act of 31st January, 1860, Altherr, Hans, Eine Betrachtung über neue Wege der schweizerischen Münzpolitik (A consideration of new ways of Swiss monetary policy), Bern, A. Francke, 1908; pp. 61 ff.

 - Ludwig von Mises, The Theory of Money and Credit,Yale University Press, 1953,  p.278-279)

Loi du 1850:
Le  déficit résultant de  la fonte des  monnaies cantonales  [monnayage] tombe à  la charge des  Cantons,  chacun  pour les monnaies  frappées à  son coin.
Le gain résultant des nouvelles frappes, sera,   après déduction de tous les frais, [seigneuriage]   réparti   entre   tous les Cantons, dans la proportion  établie par  l'échelle  des contingents  d'argent de  1838.

Loi fédérale portant modification de la loi sur les monnaies; elle confère le cours légal aux monnaies d'or françaises et introduit le bimétallisme (RO VI, 394).

Içi, page 78 du pdf
MESSAGE du Conseil fédéral à l'Assemblée fédérale, touchant les monnaies. (Du 30 Décembre 1859.)
FF 1860 I 33 (-111)    18.01.1860    Français
L'Assemblée  fédérale de  La  Confédération  suisse, après   avoir  pris  connaissance dn  message  et   des  propositions du Conseil fédéral; en   modification  partielle  de  la  loi  du  7  Mai 1850  sur   les  monnaies fédérales

"Art. 4 - Les  excédants  de recette  pouvant résulter des nouvelles frappes  de monnaies,  seront  mis  à  part  pour  être   employés,  suivant que  les  circonstances  l'exigeront, à  couvrir  tout  ou  partie  des   frais provenant du  retrait des  pièces  de  monnaie  suisses  usées,   conformément à l'art.  13  de la  loi  du  7  Mai 1850 sur  les  monnaies  fédérales."

Loi du 31 janvier 1860 (RO tome VI, page 394).
modification de la loi du 7 Mai 1850 sur le système monétaire,;view=1up;seq=488

Texte definitif:

Art. 8. "L'excédent de recette pouvant résulter des nouvelles frappes de monnaie sera mis en réserve pour  être  employé, le cas échéant, à couvrir tout ou partie des frais provenant du retrait des pièces de monnaies suisse usées, conformément à l'art. 13 de la loi du 7 Mai 1850 sur les monnaies fédérales. Les interêts de ce fonds de réserve seront joints aux capitaux."

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