sabato 17 maggio 2014

North America Is Double Screwed

America Is Double Screwed & Quadruple Tattooed
By Karl W. B. Schwarz

I have been asked at least 10,000 times in the past 8 years why I, a former candidate for President of the United States, would move out of America in favor of Europe.
I can answer that in three simple bullet points:
  1. My writings have made it abundantly clear that I do not support Unjust Wars and Washington DC’s propensity to create one Neocon fiasco after another with their political lies and agendas. The US has lost the Global War on Terror, Afghanistan and Iraq. There is little to show for it but dead and maimed people and over $4 trillion spent chasing the Neocon American Empire dreams. All empires collapse and the United States of America are in national collapse mode right now.
Their meddling in Ukraine is bordering on brain damaged and rampant imperial arrogance.
There is still talk in Europe that Bush and Blair should be brought before the War Criminal Tribunal at The Hague. I concur.
  1. I saw the demise of the US dollar as early as 2002. Its status as the world’s reserve currency and its ability to control the trading of energy only in petrodollars is soon to pass away just like the dinosaurs are extinct. Over the past several years it has now dropped to being 15% of the reserve currency globally and more and more nations are choosing to trade in their own currency. When that effect sets in the economic backlash on America will be extremely harsh and make the Great Depression look like a robust economy. Other currencies like the Euro and Chinese yuan are now being stockpiled as reserve currency as the total amount of dollars are being reduced to lessen the exposure to the political whims and fiscal insanity going on in DC.
Drunken sailors in a Bangkok whore house act more sanely then these Fascist Neocon Empire lords in Washington DC.
  1. In the 2005 Bankruptcy Code revisions there was a hidden gotcha where the derivative holders were given priority status as secured creditors, even above depositors in a bank who now are not secured creditors. The link below relates how this horror story could unravel very fast and crater large segments of the US economy and leave many Americans destitute as fast as a Chapter 11 bankruptcy is filed.
This last bullet point issue is sheer lunacy and written by bank lobbyist and then dutifully passed through Congress putting the screws to Americans again. There is at least $1.4 quadrillion (1,000 trillions) in fundamentally worthless derivatives gorging the world markets so banksters could make more fees on pushing worthless crap, just like they did and led to the housing collapse and subprime mortgage fraud.
What is insane in that article is what they have done with your money. They have monetized their worthless positions with the depositor’s money and were allowed by the US Congress to do just that. When that $1.4 quadrillion bomb blows up, the US is finished and many Americans are going to look around and wonder what hit them like a truck. Pay close attention to that article link above. The derivative claims can get preference and walk off with the assets of the banks, the corporations, or anything else that is before the US Bankruptcy Court under the current amended code.
It will not be hard to find the Hit & Run criminals, they are in Washington DC.
Most Americans that have invested in stocks of US companies and have them later file Chapter 11 bankruptcy to reorganize where shocked when they found out they had no standing in the bankruptcy case to recover anything. The Clinton Administration put through a 1994 bankruptcy code revision that had a provision that the equity shareholders of companies had no standing and $0 recovery. These were the equity shareholders that built those companies and then pushed aside.
That and several other modifications of US law opened the flood gates to legalize stock fraud on Wall Street. If the management puts the disclosure statement in required by the SEC, no harm, no foul, no liability regardless of how egregious their statements and misrepresentations. Clinton also remodeled civil RICO, 18 USC § 1964 so that RICO could no longer be used to sue, punish and recover what was premeditatedly stolen from investors via stock fraud.
If you bothered to read the link just above now, thanks to the Bush Administration, even your bank deposits have no claim and the derivative-pushing banksters have a secured claim. If that does not get you to realize that something is amiss, maybe nothing will.
Things are not easy in Europe being a non-citizen of any nation here. That was exacerbated by the subprime mortgage scam Bush and Wall Street put forth that literally stole $4 trillion from EU banks, pension funds, insurance companies and investors. That also affected the opinion of Europe towards the lack of ethics or business morals of America, so I have had to be a very good ambassador for the US over here even to conduct business. Huge banks like Dresdner Bank in Germany ceased to exist. Pension funds and insurance companies in Europe took major hits that are still lingering.
Imagine their shock and surprise when they learned the US credit rating agency statements from Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, and Fitch were worthless as was the bond insurance that labeled, packaged and sold the blocks of mortgages as AAA-rated and were nowhere close to that.
However, unlike the USA, the ECB and EU policies on national debt to GDP ratio are strict and the economies recovered for the most part. The USA continues to decline because the idiots in Washington DC apparently do not know what the economic warning signs of green light, yellow light or red light even mean. Yes, just like the traffic stop light but apparently DC is either so damned stupid or so damned desperate they are sort of driving at Mach 1 stoned out of their minds in the national capital.
Train wreck just ahead! Maybe a 747 slamming into the mountainside at full throttle is more accurate.
Just when America thought it was getting ‘Change We Can Believe In’, the bad news just keeps right on piling up due to Washington DC stupidity, wanton greed and meddling in the affairs of other nations while America sinks.
The number of homeless Americans has risen. The number of Americans forced below the poverty line has risen. The number of Americans forced to Food Stamp assistance has risen. The Obamacare promise of medical for all was a cruel hoax. Don’t even get me started on the stupidity of FATCA [Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act] and what that will do to kill foreign investment into America except when the vultures holding the derivatives come and pick the bones clean.
John Pilger has written an excellent article about how stupid this USA move is in Ukraine, even with US polls clearly showing that the US citizens are fed up with such interventionist policies and warmongering.
Has anyone in America wondered where that $2 trillion went that Bernanke refused to tell Congress about? There were huge class action lawsuits headed at the USA for criminal fraud due to the subprime mortgage criminality put forth by the Bush Administration and Wall Street. Those lawsuits would have been under the RICO statutes as civil actions and treble damages, and disgorgement of what was stolen. Bernanke tried to buy his way out of that at $0.50 cents on the dollar. That was not enough to remedy or forgive such criminal conduct because the other $2 trillion was still a whopping sum of money. A lot of the Federal Reserve QE has been continued payments or face the music in court when major banks, pension funds and even nations sue the US government under their own criminal RICO statutes.
I hope you read that closely, the US government sued as a criminal person and as a Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization (RICO) in the US District Court. That is where all of that Quiet Money is going to buy their way out of such a colossal lawsuit.
If you are reading this I hope you have your financial house in order and out of the reach of the banksters, the bankruptcy court kill zone, the derivatives scam artists, and a US dollar that might be so worthless traveling for holiday to Mexico could clear out an American bank account.
Buckle up, folks, severe turbulence ahead.

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