giovedì 19 dicembre 2013

December 23, a century of Federal Reserve seigniorage wars

December 23, a century of Federal Reserve seigniorage wars
To: Steve Pieczenik
cc: Rome US Ambassador

Dear Steve,

the next December 23 will mark the anniversary of the creation of the Federal Reserve System - a private banking cartel taking orders from the City of London terrorist hub - which enslave us all. Thanks to December 23, 1913, we got an Orwellian century of wars aimed by the banksters for gaining the supreme power of private seigniorage over the populations and governments. Many state leaders opposing the private seigniorage stranglehold were killed. We remember JFK, killed for introducing the UNITED STATE NOTES as a monetary instrument for the US Treasury: Kennedy was assassinated in the 53rd anniversary of the November 22, 1910 secret bankers meeting at Jekyll Island which was aimed at designing the Federal Reserve system.
In Italy we remember how your government bought our country for the bankers by issuing billions of 'American Military LIRE' which were later (1954) transferred as a PUBLIC DEBT in our state balance. Aldo Moro then issued the Italian version of US NOTES by issuing 450 billions of LIRE in "BIGLIETTI DI STATO A CORSO LEGALE" and was killed like Kennedy was, on May 9, 1978.
My dream is that by December 23, you do a short video commenting this bloody seigniorage war century in your own words.

I hope that our two countries, US and Italy, will soon be able to join forces and fight our common economic terrorist enemy once and for all.

Best regards,

Marco Saba

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