By Catherine Austin Fitts
Families and communities are struggling with significant currency debasement and ever more complex regulation which function as capital controls, shutting off opportunity and liquidity to the average person. What to do? Individually, we can reposition our personal and family assets. We can start businesses. The next step is to improve the transaction flow between individuals and business.
This Thursday we will speak with Thomas H. Greco, Jr., proprietor of Reinventing Money and author of New Money for Healthy Communities, Money: Understanding and Creating Alternatives to Legal Tender and The End of Money and the Future of Civilization. Tom has spent decades writing, researching and educating about the importance of providing alternatives to a financial system that is draining us. We will describe ideas that are working and how they might energize our efforts individually and in our neighborhood and networks.
I will start with Money & Markets and Ask Catherine. Post your questions in the comments section. In Let’s Go to The Movies, a review of Paul Grignon’s animation series, “Money as Debt, I, II and III.”
Money As Debt – YouTube
Talk to you Thursday!
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