A correct application of the general principles of
accounting raises fundamental doubts about the current conceptions of
money. This column argues that such an application allows the
inconsistency whereby cryptocurrencies are not a debt liability if they
are issued by private-sector entities, but become so if they are issued
by central banks, to be resolved. In both cases, cryptocurrencies
actually represent equity capital of the issuing entities, a conclusion
that should greatly assist national monetary and financial authorities
in shaping regulations.
Coins circulating as legal
tender in national jurisdictions are treated as debt liabilities of the
issuing states and are reported as a component of public debt under
national accounting statistics (ESA 2010). Similarly, banknotes issued
by central banks and central bank reserves are accounted for as central
bank debt to their holders. And commercial bank money (demand deposits)
are accounted as debt in the financial statements of the issuing banks,
while cryptocurrencies are not liabilities of any individuals or
institutions if they are created by private entities, but are debt
liabilities if they are issued by central banks (CPMI, 2015).
In fact, a correct application of the general principles of
accounting raises fundamental doubts about the above conceptions of
money. Debt involves an obligation between lender and borrower as
contracting parties, but then:
- Which obligation derives for the state from the rights entertained by the holders of coins?
- Which obligation derives for a central bank from the rights
entertained by the holders of banknotes or by the banks holding
- Which obligations derive for commercial banks on the large share of
demand deposits that are never converted into cash or central bank
reserves (not even during times of severe financial crisis)?
- And why is it that the same instrument is a debt liability when it
is issued by the state, and it is not when it is issued by the private
A correct accounting view of money allows us to address these issues in turn.
State money is not debt
Convertibility into ‘higher’ forms of value (e.g. precious metals or
liabilities issued by hegemon countries) has all but disappeared ever
since state monies have become so by fiat – convertibility of coins and
banknotes into silver or gold, and then into dollars, was suspended long
ago, and central banks reserves are unredeemable.
Therefore, while these monies are still allocated as debt in public
finance statistics and central bank financial statements, they are not
debt in the sense of carrying obligations that imply creditor rights.
State money issuances involve transactions whereby money is sold in
exchange for other assets (including when they are exchanged against
credit claims under lending contracts).The proceeds from money sales
represent a form of ‘revenue income’. Under current accounting
practices, this income is (incorrectly) unreported in the income
statement of the issuing institution and is instead (incorrectly) set
aside under debt liabilities.
A correct application of the general accounting principles should
instead recognise that state monies may not be considered as debt. The
income associated with their issuance, and undistributed, should go into
retained earnings and be treated as equity. The assimilation of money
to equity requires moving beyond the distinction between equity
liabilities and debt liabilities as applied for investigating the nature
of financial instruments (Schmidt 2013, PAAinE 2008, PwC 2017).
Money accounted as issuer’s equity implies ownership rights. These
rights do not give money holders possession over the entity issuing the
money (as shares giving investors ownership of a company or residual
claims on the company’s net assets). Rather, they consist of claims on
shares of national wealth, which money holders may exercise at any time.
Those who receive money acquire purchasing power on national wealth,
and those issuing money get in exchange a form of gross income that is
equal to its nominal value. The income calculated as a difference
between the gross revenue from money issuance and the cost of producing
money, known as ‘seigniorage’, is appropriated by those who hold (or are
granted) the power to issue money.
Two notations are in order, in this regard. First, rents from
seigniorage are systematically concealed and seigniorage is not
allocated to the income statement (where it naturally belongs), while it
is recorded on the liabilities side of the balance sheet, thus
originating outright false accounting. Second, ‘primary’ seigniorage
should be distinguished from secondary seigniorage, the former
consisting of the income generated by the change in the stock of money
issued, and the latter consisting of the interest income received on the
money that was issued. The state does not receive any secondary
seigniorage from coins (they are not lent), while central banks receive
both primary and secondary seigniorage from banknotes and reserves but
typically account only for secondary seigniorage on banknotes.
Bank deposits are ‘hybrid’ liabilities
Commercial banks create their own money by issuing liabilities in the
form of demand deposits (McLeay et al. 2014). To do so, they do not
need to raise deposits from their clients (Werner 2014). Still, they
must avail themselves of the cash and reserves necessary to guarantee
cash withdrawals from clients and to settle obligations to other banks
emanating from client instructions to mobilise deposits to make payments
and transfers.
Thus, commercial bank money constitutes a debt liability for
deposit-issuing banks, since these are under obligations to convert
deposits into cash on demand from their clients and to settle payments
in central bank reserves at the time required by payment system
settlement rules.However, in a fractional reserve regime banks hold only
a fraction of reserves against their total deposit liabilities. Also,
the amounts of reserves they actually use for settling interbank
obligations are only a fraction of the total transactions settled.The
fractional reserve regime and the economies of scale allowed by the
payment system and depositor behavior reduce the reserves needed by the
banks to back their debts.
More generally, absent adverse economic or market contingencies
inducing depositors to convert deposits into cash, the liabilities
represented by deposits only partly constitute debt liabilities of the
issuing bank, which as such require reserve coverage. The remaining part
of the liabilities is a source of income for the issuing bank – income
that derives from the bank’s power to create money. In accounting terms,
to the extent that this income is undistributed, it is equivalent to
This double nature of demand deposits is stochastic in as much as, at
issuance, every deposit unit can be either debt (if, with a certain
probability, the issuing bank receives requests for cash conversion or
interbank settlement) or equity (with complementary probability).
The stochastic double nature of bank money is consistent with the principles of general accounting as defined in the
Conceptual Framework of Financial Reporting, which sets out the concepts underpinning the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
In light of these standards, demand deposits are a hybridinstrument –
partly debt and partly revenue. The debt part relates to the share of
deposits that will (likely) be converted into cash or reserves, while
the revenue part relates to the share of deposits that will (likely)
never be converted into cash or reserves. This share of deposits is a
source of revenue. Once accumulated and undistributed, it becomes
In force of IAS 8, IAS 32 applies for the accounting of this hybrid
liability instrument and provides that the debt component must be
separated from the equity one.
5 From such separation derives that, once the debt component is identified, the residual left is the equity component.
Cryptocurrencies are always equity of the issuers
The correct application of the general accounting principles allows
us also to resolve the inconsistency recalled at the outset, whereby
cryptocurrencies are not a debt liability if they are issued by
private-sector entities, while they become so if they are issued by
central banks.
The accounting arguments developed above unambiguously clarify that
in both cases cryptocurrencies represent equity capital of the issuing
Such conclusion should greatly assist national monetary and financial
authorities in shaping transparent and consistent regulations in the
area of cryptocurrencies.
Important implications
In concluding, a number of critical implications follow from a correct accounting view of money:
- Under current accounting practices, seigniorage is largely
underappreciated, it is systematically concealed, and is not allocated
to the income statement (where it naturally belongs), while it is
recorded on the balance sheet under debt liabilities, thus originating
outright false accounting.
- The application of correct accounting practices should lead to
‘cleaning up’ fiscal budgets and central bank balance sheets from the
false practice of considering state monies as ‘debt’.
- If money is accounted as debt, instead of correctly being considered
as equity of the issuing entities and wealth for the society using it,
it inevitably introduces a deflationary bias in the economy, which
deserves analysis.
- Central banks with the power to issue the national currency may
‘create’ their own capital, and they can do so at any time they need to.
In other words, to the extent that a central bank retains the power to
issue money, it can never find itself in a position of having to request
for recapitalisation by the government. It follows that central bank
independence may never be threatened by problems of undercapitalisation
(the central bank can always assign itself a quota of nominal national
- Owing to double nature of commercial bank money, a relevant share of
the deposits that banks report in the balance sheet as ‘debt toward
clients’ generates revenues that are very much similar to the
seigniorage rent extracted by the state through the issuance of state
money (coins, banknotes, and central bank reserves).
- Much as demand deposits are hybrid instruments, commercial banks are hybrid institutions,
too: as issuers of debt-deposits, when they lend money they act as pure
intermediaries; as issuer of equity-deposits, they are money creators.
Importantly, while the income earned on debt-deposits is from
intermediation, income on equity-deposits is seigniorage.
- Commercial bank seigniorage represents a structural element of
subtraction of net real resources from the economy, with potentially
deflationary effects on profits and/or wages, distributional
consequences, and frictions between capital and labor – all effects that
should be studied carefully.
- It is necessary to identify and estimate the various forms of state
and commercial bank seigniorage, the share of seigniorage that is
returned to its legitimate “owners” (the citizens), and its effects on
economic activity as well as on the economy’s incentive structure and
the distribution of national wealth across society.
- Finally, similar considerations hold for cryptocurrencies. They
should be treated consistently and be recorded as equity of their
issuers, irrespective of the private or public nature of issuers.
Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) (2015),
Digital currencies, Bank for International Settlements, November.
ESA (2010), European System of Accounts, Eurostat, European Commission.
McLeay, M, A Radia and R. Thomas (2014a), “Money Creation in the Modern Economy”,
Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin 54(1): 14-27.
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) (2017),
Distinguishing liabilities from equity.
Pro-Active Accounting in Europe (PAAinE) (2008), “Distinguishing between Liabilities and Equity”, Discussion Paper.
Schmidt, M (2013), “Equity and Liabilities – A Discussion of IAS 32 and a Critique of the Classification”,
Accounting in Europe 10(2): 201-222.
Werner, R A (2014),“How do banks create money, and why can other
firms not do the same? An explanation for the coexistence of lending and
International Review of Financial Analysis 36: 71–77.
[1] Except where the central bank adheres to fixed exchange rate
arrangements, the economy is dollarised, or the country is under a
currency board regime.
[2] International Accounting Standard (IAS) 32 defines a ‘financial
instrument’ as “a contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one
entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of another
entity”, and an ‘equity instrument’ as “any contract that evidences a
residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all of its
liabilities” (par. 11). Under these definitions, legal tender money is
neither ‘credit’ for its holders nor ‘debt’ for its issuers. It is
instead net wealth of the holder and net worth (equity) of the issuers.
[3] The share of debt-deposits (or equity-deposits as its complement)
is a stochastic variable that is influenced by behavioral and
institutional factors (for example, cash usage habits or payment system
rules) as well as contingent events. For example, in times of market
stress, the share of debt-deposits tends to increase, while it tends to
be lower when there is strong trust in the economy and the banking
system in particular. Policy and structural factors that strengthen such
trust (for example, the elasticity with which the central bank provides
liquidity to the system when needed or a deposit insurance mechanism)
increase the share of equity-deposits. All else being equal, the
stochastic share of debt-deposits for a small bank is greater than for a
larger bank; vice versa, the larger is the bank, the greater is the
share of equity contained in its deposit liabilities.
[4] According to the Framework, “A liability is a present obligation
of the entity to transfer an economic resource as a result of past
events.” (Section 4.26) and, “Financial reports represent economic
phenomena in words and number. To be useful, financial information must
not only represent relevant phenomena, but it must also represent the
substance of the phenomena that it purports to represent. In many
circumstances, the substance of an economic phenomenon and its legal
form are the same. If they are not the same, providing information only
about the legal form would not faithfully represent the economic
phenomenon.” (3 Section 2.12 of the Conceptual Framework)
[5] Specifically, IAS 8 (Sections 10-11) requires that, “In the
absence of an IFRS that specifically applies to a transaction, other
event or condition, … management shall refer to, and consider the
applicability of, the following sources in descending order: (a) the
requirements in IFRSs dealing with similar and related issues; and (b)
the definitions, recognition criteria and measurement concepts for
assets, liabilities, income and expenses in the Framework.”
[6] See IAS 32, Sections 28 et.ss. It is noteworthy that, in the case
ruled by the quoted standard, the hybrid instrument has the double
nature of “liabilities-capital” and not “liabilities-revenue”; however,
capital and retained earnings belong to equity. Briefly, equity can be
shared into at least two major components: capital and other ownership's
contributions, on the one hand, and retained earnings on the other. IAS
32 provides regulation for splitting hybrid instruments between a part
attributable to liabilities and a part attributable to equity. Based on
the definitions of the Framework, once the component recognizable as
debt liability is identified, the residual component is attributed to
Antonio Fatás, Beatrice Weder di Mauro
Antonio Fatás, Beatrice Weder di Mauro
Jesús Fernández-Villaverde