lunedì 27 febbraio 2012

International Banking: Money Changers in the Temple

International Banking: Money Changers in the Temple.
The Insight into plots as old as the Crucifixion.
The Divine Right of Men to Rule Men Elements of Religion.
When one experiences the Manhattan Project's networks first hand with the political and economic powers involved in backing its success, one comes away with a larger view of what some term "The Beast" of Revelations. Science is a powerful tool for sorting out the truth on religion and well as politics. It is this view from Oak Ridge that shows one that one person did not kill JFK, and the entire affair, which involved Oak Ridge, was covered up. Once one breaks through some of the veils of deception in Oak Ridge, many other power games become obvious.
Many people believe the US is the current world superpower and it is when it comes to weapons for war, but not when it comes to economic power and control. Here the power of the US is made pale and subservient to the Big International Bankers that gained power in Europe in the 1800s. A very small group of these people control most of the wealth in the US.
People talk about their power by discussion of the Federal Reserve that was created in 1913 by President Woodrow Wilson. The rich elite in America formulated the idea in the US on Jekyll Island, Georgia. Names like the Rockefellers and their alliances with the Rothschilds banking empire of Europe led the game to make the US Federal Reserve Banking system.
The Rothschilds and their associated big banking wealth monopoly have varied names these days ranging from the Bilderburg Economic Summit meetings to that of the Illuminati. What they are is the rich families of Europe composed mostly from the Jewish Families of wealth going back to the times of David and Solomon. They got their wealth due to being some of the few peoples that were allowed to read and write in Europe. It is this system's want of power and control that is behind all the great world wars. More details: ""
In Europe, the only people that were allowed to read and write were those of the Jewish religion and this was because they were so closely related to those that held the big money. The Jewish became the only people allowed to charge interest or make use of usury in lending these moneys they managed for the Kings, Lords, and Barons. This is how the Rothschilds [originally a Germany Jewish family named Baur / Bauer that name changed to hide its Jewish roots] name became so popular for banking the money of the European wealthy.
In managing this wealth the games played against others become something more akin to ruthless profiteering, racketeering, and monopolizing to keep these few of vast wealth in the seat of economic power. Some of the games played were to fund both sides of the US Civil War. But then Abe Lincoln did not want to pay the interest on their banking's usury, so a Rothschilds inspired plot using a Rothschilds friendly named John Wilkes Booth killed him.
It is a very old game, one that goes back to the times of the Temple of Solomon and how this Temple was the hall of records, the court, and the system of tithes for the Jewish paying the Temple's Priests, or Pharisee. It was in these times they become more interested in power, money, and control than anything considered good for all. This was the root of the problems that Jesus came so see with the Temple's Pharisees and their Money Changers or Bankers running their usury methods from the Temple's area. This was what got Jesus into big trouble by turning over these banker's money tables and telling them to get out of God's Temple. Money corrupts the pious goals for God.
Then, one can move up to the period of the 1960s and see that another president saw the big money games tied intimately with religion. President Kennedy decided to bring an end to the power of the Federal Reserve and issued treasury backed "US Notes" against the Federal Reserve's Notes. This played a strong role in the murder plot to kill Kennedy. This old money system of the Rothschilds with its links to wealth from the times of David is the root of an economic monopoly that was tied to killing Jesus, killing Abe Lincoln, and killing John Kennedy. It is often said that money is the root of all evil and this wealth monopoly will do anything to keep their power over the US.
With all the killings involved in the Federal Reserve's games to keep power over the US, it becomes more akin to the percentages for protection games of the Mafia. The Mafia often killed the people that did not play their games too. In the US, where this racketeering power is run by the oligarchy of the rich, even US presidents get killed and the matter white washed. There are even DVDs on the corruption and racketeering of banking's history:""
One can see from a quote by Mayer Rothschild that they well know the system they set up via the Federal Reserve: "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws." ~ Amschel Mayer Rothschild.
Even President Garfield saw the same monopoly over the US coming: "Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce." ~ James A. Garfield, President of the United States.
Still other quotes from Congressmen tell the same story: "The Federal Reserve banks are one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever seen. There is not a man within the sound of my voice who does not know that this nation is run by the International Bankers." ~ Congressman Louis T. McFadden, 1934.
The International Bankers game to take control of the world economically is a long tale which shows up in the Mason's goals. The story is one that is part infamous as even Winston Churchill saw the games of religion shift toward money and power. Churchill saw this coming: "It would almost seem as if the gospel of Christ and the gospel of Antichrist were destined to originate among the same people; and that this mystic and mysterious race had been chosen for the supreme manifestations, both of the divine and the diabolical." ~ Winston Churchill ("The Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People" Feb 8, 1920).
The US Constitution did not allow for an economic attack hidden within the elements of religion that formed a state within a state shielded by Freedom of Religion. This is the veiled system behind what came to form the Rothschild economic Goliath, a monopolistic Oligarchy of the few very rich, that could determine which countries won wars, and what politicians rose to power in support of their games to gain power and control. It has grown in the US to protection of industry and banking, and never the citizens. Persons like Bush-43 are the CEOs for this system of wealth, and don't care for real freedom for the citizens.
When these persons like Bush-43 speak about freedom, it is the freedom to run these economic racketeering games that hold the American public economic hostage. They call systems that remove the wealth holdings of these few rich to a more equal distribution as Communists. This is why we saw JFK called a Communist in Dallas in 1963, as this small group of rich hated JFK's policies. These policies still determine the dichotomy between Democrat and Republican political agenda. The roots of Communism even formed over the issues of banning religion control, placing all wealth as held by the state to overcome these wealth and control games in Europe and Russia.
So basically these rich oligarch see that moving toward US Notes places this wealth back into the advantage of the citizens and the state as a form of Communism. They employ all manners of words of hate to work up the public into supporting the system that makes these few richer. They even resort to murders and making wars for profits. Making peace in the world has become tied to breaking up this wealth monopoly that seeks a world economic tyranny.
The US is being destroyed by stupidity verging upon mass insanity by the deceptive games from religion. A few have found the games being played, such as Abe Lincoln and John Kennedy, and they have been killed for challenging this economic beast's power. It was this system of controlling the US to which JFK referred when He said the Power of the White House was being abused to take away American's freedom.
JFK's actual quotation and when: "The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the Americans freedom and before I leave office I must inform the Citizen of his plight." -- PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY (10 days before he was murdered)
JFK was killed shortly after making that utterance public. Even his brother RFK was killed after he said he was going to reopen the investigation into his brother's death, which would have exposed the Zionist relationships via Jacob Rubenstein and LBJ. Killing Oswald was all about hiding the game to kill Castro using cancer cells and radiation, which would have come out with proper investigations of Lee Oswald. Exposing that plot to kill Castro would have angered the Russians, who had a deal with JFK to leave Castro and Cuba alone. That was used as the excuse to cover up the real motives behind the large cooperation that it took to kill JFK and successfully cover it all up. JFK's death was a bloody Coup by the Zionist and Federal Reserve System's goals for world domination.
A large part of the problems are a plot as old as the crucifixion, where Jesus did not like the Money Changers being a part of the Temple for God. The same thing continues today with great amounts of spin that basically causes religion's departure from God. The Temple becomes a system for power and control, and little about nature's ways, God, and truth.
This system came into being as the Exodus persons left the region of Midian and came under the domination of the Pharisees. Their religious teaching promises were ones based in the Jews becoming the oligarchs of the world. The Pharisee's Talmud teaching's promise: "I will give you the Kingdom of the World (i.e. Money, Power) if you obey me."
One can see more of the game is to try to replace Jesus as being the one pious to God with the Holocaust. The Holocaust, and other pogroms, are all about trying to replace the "Christ's Suffering" icon with the alleged 6 million others who died over religion issues linked to God. It is all about trying to replace Jesus as the principle vision on God. The Holocaust story appears distorted as it appears about political games to keep the German Prison camps from working cooperatively with the Hitler War Machine by telling that the camps were there to kill them. Hitler's War Machine depended upon their low cost and fear induced cooperative labor. Later, this story became the excuse for the formation of Israel.
Holocaust claims fail to materialize when the information about Red Cross persons being embedded in these German camps did not see any mass murder things afoot. It fails to materialize when the Prison Camp Museum Directors for many of these old camps say the gassings did not happen here. The Holocaust is all about an intentional political "National Humiliation" plan against the German people to make sure that Germany never starts a war again. This eternal "national humiliation" process stems from the Rothschilds Bankers and benefits their religious friends. The Holocaust has become like Zionism, as both are political issues somewhat derived by the Jewish Pharisee myth's version of God. [A better example that explains these factors appears written by Henry Makow in the References Zone below.]
There is no doubt that lots of people died in the work camps used to support Hitler's war machine, which was at war basically with this system of Economic Domination that ruled Europe. The Economic War machine, which Hitler went against, used every type of political tactic to gain advantage.
A holocaust and magical 6 million accounting number of dead was in play in Europe even before Hitler came to power and the Prison Camps formed. The goal of Zionism and the corruption on what God is and isn't becomes more clear when one notices these books: The "First Holocaust"--which paved the way for the unfair Versailles Treaty that bankrupted Germany--is detailed by Don Heddesheimer in his book "The First Holocaust. Jewish Fund Raising Campaigns with Holocaust Claims During and After World War I" (ISBN: 0967985676, Castle Hill Publishers, N.Y.C.) and "The Holocaust Industry" by Norman G. Finkelstein of the City University of New York (published by Verso publishers, London and New York, 2000).
Holocaust issues formed from bankers making money from the first world war. The basic message of Christ is counter to the goals of the Pharisees and that of Zionism. So, there is a lot of effort to attempt to diminish Jesus' teachings and especially the Revelations Prophecies. The same "National Humiliation" plan used to subdue Germany is also being used by Zionism to attack Christ and Revelations.
The Holocaust claims fall into a forensics proof category as the three shots fired in six seconds in Dallas in 1963, which no one can duplicate. Persons like Sen. Arlen Spector and Gerald Ford fabricated a political falsehood to cover up something much more sinister. The real story on the shots comes from an open microphone recorded by the Dallas Police Department's own Dictaphone. The real story is two shots happen close together followed by 4 seconds and then two more closely spaced shots. There was no single shooter involved in the JFK assassination. One can listen to the real audio evidence of those six seconds in Dallas here: "" Open video inline player
The real issue behind all the political attack games is that when the basic truths of Pharisee based religion comes to light, it leads to the failings of Zionism coming to light, these big bankers games to set up Israel, and their game for global economic control. So, they lead off with attacks on Christ's followers and Jesus himself. Their central motives being a heavy offensive using "National Humiliation" and "Individual Humiliation" attacks to block the truth coming forth. This is Zionist directed hatred against Christ's followers. They also pull the humiliation game on anyone that questions the JFK assassination findings.
Jesus was against the Pharisee religion games of making a divine group to rule over all other men. Hitler, who was born in the UK, designed his system directly along this system of the Pharisees. Except Hitler and his Axis powers [Italy, Japan] moved much faster and more lethally than the games of the Pharisee Money Changer's economic take over game. Hitler's system took away Free Speech rights, controlled the news media, and he placed himself into leadership of the church as the divine person. Hitler's world monarchy sought world power and a New World order. Hitler and the Rothschilds games of control and power were destined to collide as Hitler is directly related to the Rothschilds family, and he understood and saw their games as a young man in England.
In the US today we have these same warning signs as the Rothschilds system of economic controls own the press, control industry, basically own Congress, and the Executive Office. Even David Eisenhower warned the American public of the excessive power of the Military / Industrial / Congressional Network that was being ruled by the Federal Reserve System's economic controls. We have the very same warning signs as from Hitler's times with the games to make the Jew's suffering the Divine right to control others. It moves to suppress the story of Jesus suffering and trample over anyone that notices the elements of Revelations are coming truer by the minute.
Revelation's Prophecies get into the health and weather effects that Jesus was able to associate due to knowing well the ways of Mother Nature. Once one begins to make the correct associations which Jesus taught about; factors pertaining to God, the games of church, the wealthy oligarchy that formed from the Pharisee's teachings begins to appear. Most of the Evangelists and Rabbis in the US and the world fail to teach the real message from Christ or even recognize his points. There is a great deal of ignorance from both factions that is exploited by the war mongering banker oligarchy.
This leads to the problems that we have today with all the wars to push the US economic system of usury into the Arab zones of the world that ban usury and follow the Muslim / Islam religion.
The attacks continue today as the Zionists attempt hate speech against those that just read the history of Jesus. Zionists engage in hate speech against Jesus and Christ's followers by attempting to label them anti-Semites to suppress their telling the story of Jesus and the moneychangers and the present day associations of the Jesus story against the corrupted Pharisees version of God. They really hate the truths contained in the Jesus Revelations Prophecies as that puts it all together for all to see in these times. These types seek only to become dictators and to abolish the simple reality of history.
This is why the "Final Trilogy" is one between Pharisee and Jesus, The International Bankers and those that ban usury, and really between truth and Satan. "Satan" is a Hebrew derived word that means simply "The Opposition." It is about cover up in health and weather from industry to promote profits for the Big Banking controlled Military / Industrial / Congressional Network. Here in the US those opposed to Jesus teachings are trying to take over the US as the "Opus Dei" have taken over religion in Europe. Religion is no longer about pious issues of God, but a political battleground for the NWO's economic conquest.
The "Opus Dei" are the Pharisee like Big Banker's Oligarchy of the Catholics in Europe that control the Vatican and Pope. They seek to insert Pharisee Judaism in place of Jesus teachings in the US and around the globe. It is ultimately about what happens when Religion goes the route of big money and departs from the domain for a pious God. It is about establishing a divine right of man to rule other men. It is not about real divine issues of God, just power and money.
The Final Trilogy plays out with wars between UK / US / Israel and Russia / China / Middle Eastern Islam. It plays out with attacks on Christians that tell the simple truths on the Jesus story as Mel Gibson did with the movie called "The Passion of Christ." Many people see the Pharisees as an extreme sect of religion. It seeks to seed hate against those that tell the real story of Jesus and make the correct associations as to the factors causing the End-Times Wars over who controls the Giant Piggy Bank of the world.
This is why Europeans are already beaten down into the loss of their Free Speech Rights to even discuss the truth of Jesus' troubles following the Order of Satan in the Temple and the Money trail, and now the attacks are against those in the US who recognize the power of Jesus' teachings. It is a corrupt political game not based upon real truth or history that attempts to invert truth and reality into their favor. It becomes a time that Revelations tells of becoming all lies, and the domain of Satan.
The trail of the Trilogies ends on much death and the age old saying that "Money is the root of all Evil." It ends with a message that shows just how corrupted the world becomes in pursuit of money. It ends with a criminal note of US Presidents getting killed, who tried to stop the crimes. The heart of the Beast is one that murders for wealth, allows others to die from health and weather problems of their wealth's making. It ends with a true Holocaust due to the Big Banking owned Military / Industrial / Congressional Networks selling out of America and its real Freedoms for its Citizens.
The ultimate oxymoron is that the power to win wars comes from this amassed wealth system, and it grows more rapidly from conflict and abolishes true Freedom. The German origin "Skull and Bones" group of Yale University worships this god of War for wealth, as this was the system the Rothschilds envisioned from the Pharisee teachings. Bush-41 and 43 are both members of the club, as well as many others in high places in Washington. Wealth cannot be consolidated into the control of the very few and still have a free society or a Republic like the US. The very same economic domination beast that yearns for wars is one in the same as the beast that takes America's Freedoms.

Disarming the beast is as simple as diversifying the wealth, or breaking up the Beast's monopoly processes. Printing US Notes, as JFK did, would be a miracle in the Bush-43 Adm.. It would be a good idea for the US or any Govt. to do that. It takes away the power of the big international bankers, who profit extremely from the global big banking games.
Abe Lincoln and JFK both wanted to implement that type banking in the US to cut those big banking types out of taking the money away from the country. They were going to cut the cream that the Rothschilds and Bilderburg types were milking from the US.
Everyone knows the "Rule of 70" for interest. It says that if the prime rate is 7% then the money on loan for that interest doubles every 10 years. So, every decade the big banks double their money at the expense of the citizens. In the US, it is mainly the Fed Reserve system and the Alan Greenspan game that pulls wealth out of the US Govt. at an alarming rate. They make more when they start wars and run up the national debts.
If the US becomes the lending institution, then these funds that double about every 10-20 years go back into the US treasury to the benefit of the American Public. That the Govt. does not do this means everyone pays higher taxes and those taxes go right into the coffers of the Big International Bankers.
This bleeds wealth from the citizens of the US. In the time that the Fed. Res. has been installed since the ideas were hatched at Jekyll Island, Ga. by the Rockefellers and other big bankers, hundreds of times the US net worth has been pulled from the US citizens.
There is one power that is larger than the "US Superpower" and it is this rich banking system that formed in Europe from the Rothschilds holdings of most of Europe's "blue-blood" money. That system is so powerful it is able to order up assassinations of US presidents that don't go along with the massive money pulling from the US. This system of wealth associated with Zionism was largely behind why Lincoln and JFK were shot and killed.
This same system of wealth pulled off a loan to the UK, where the Promise Note was the "Balfour Letter." This Promise Note was converted into payment when the UK divided Palestine in half and made Israel. Recall the Rothschilds and most of the big banking systems in Europe were Jewish in orientation.
Now, this international banking wheeler-dealing has pulled in most of the US and UK into war to back Israel. So, again, the US is being bled for all the war costs because this big money game decided they wanted this. The US is paying Israel around 2 billion a year, plus now several billion to back the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and perhaps soon the Iran and Syria war games.
So, if one notices the money trail then one notices why Israel, big banking, and the killing of JFK are a Trilogy. Zionists like Jacob Rubenstein, aka Jack Ruby, were right in the middle of the plot to shoot JFK in Dallas over the banning nuclear weapons issues that JFK had with Israel.
Zionists like LBJ and the Zionist Big Bankers (Rothschilds) set up a huge level of cooperation to take JFK out and install the LBJ crook. JFK's "US Notes" were all taken back off circulation, and the Fed. Res. banks got richer. Today, Bush-43 drives the US debt into the absolute danger zone.
This is the ultimate of the system of crooks that controls the US----and perhaps even the Euro.
It is going to take a lot of straightforward information for the US to escape the hostage situation it is in.
It should be obvious that the Holocaust is a real political game and is being used to make the US and UK look good, because blowing up entire countries with saturation aerial bombing of cities and killing women and children was a war crime. The UK and US bombing of Europe cut off the shipments of food and medicine, as well as cut power to Concentration Camps needed to control typhus and other illnesses. The UK and US bombing directly targeted industrial areas that these Concentration Camp persons were assigned to work, and the UK and US are directly responsible for many of the Concentration Camp deaths. Political deals keep these associations from being made more public. This political weapon says that exactly 6 million Jews died only of being gassed in Concentration Camps. Just like in the Warren Report, there can be only one finding, and everything else must be disregarded. Weapons of mass destruction like the A-bombs are also war crimes.
So, the big bankers that funneled all the scientists into the US to make the big A-bomb and funded that to get their control back of Germany and Europe from Hitler was a key game run by the big banking cartel. Making the Jewish scientists believe that this was a desperate situation was key to them leaving Germany and for work on the A-bomb by these many Jewish scientists. General Groves, of the Manhattan Project, was behind projects "Alsos and Altos" [aka "Paperclip"] to get these Jewish scientists from Europe.
The US gets to play savior of the Jews from the evil Hitler and that alleged fear garnering gassing machine, while the deal behind closed doors created Israel. This is the deal making power of big money in the politics of war. It was this same big banking game that started both WWI and WWII, and is directly behind the banking and usury game with the Islam religion. Islam bans usury, and the Fed. Res. types and the Bilderburg's lose their economic domination and control if that gets shut down-----or if the Govt.'s start to control and own their own currency.
Basically, all the big problems we have today are rooted in this corrupted system of wealth that seeks to take the US and really the whole world economic hostage. This group helps hide the environmental disasters tied to the Ozone Hole and Global Warming associations, because they don't want to have to pay for the damage factors.
They are behind the cover up on AIDS, because they want to depopulate the planet. They are behind the attacks on Revelations Prophecies, because they don't want to admit the Pharisees version of religion was a get rich ruse and Jesus was correct in his objections and warnings to the world.
The problem is the public is so dumb they just keep doing the same blundering time and again. Henry Kissinger once said, "a people who have been persecuted for 2,000 years must be doing something wrong." This is a knock off of a like saying attributed to Ben Franklin and Albert Einstein about doing the same things over and over is like insanity, but directed at the Jewish failings to teach about the real problems of religion. One of the problems is the Jewish and Evangelicals alike operate from ignorance of the problems and follow an almost blind obedience that allows the problems to continue. It is this blind ignorance in religion's failings to teach the issues honestly that is the root of the problem. It is this blind follower ignorance on the part of Jews and Evangelicals that set up the real problem of allowing this money oligarchy system to disrupt everyone's Freedoms.
And the further problem is the US politicians pander to this big money system to stay in power. And the press is owned and told what to play up and what to suppress. Otherwise, all the US would know the real story on the massive conspiracy behind killing JFK, that all these Wars have one thing in common.
Bush-43, like Reagan, practices "Trickle-Down" economics that massively runs up the national debt making the big bankers ten times more rich and powerful than the Trickle-Down money than comes to the common citizen. The process increases the problems of the Military / Industrial / Congressional Network's takeover of the US to which David Eisenhower was saw coming and became concerned of in 1960 and upon which John Kennedy was acting to correct. It has used the power of the White House to steal the Freedom and wealth of Americans.
The Military / Industrial / Congressional Network is controlled and operated by these Big Banking operations that seek multinational control of the world economically.
The US needs to start its own money system that keeps for the citizens control of their money, actually cuts taxes, cuts the national debt, and ends the war racket. The US has one political party that boosts this Big Banking called the "GOP" and another system called the "Democrats" who attempt to remove this wealth consolidation into the few. The GOP literally follows the ideals of the Pharisees and those that claim divine rights to rule others and the Democrats respond to the other version on God that is more akin to Jesus likes.
In the US, the Evangelicals tend to follow the ruling political power at the time, and thus aggrandizes the Bush-43 corrupted politics to make wars to expand the Big Banking's usury footprint and control more of the worlds' economics. They all promoted Bush's wars, especially the Methodists. The Evangelical GOP's game is to force the consolidation of the Jewish version of God with the Christian's Jesus version, the oxymoron Judeo-Christian movement, and in essence nullify the teachings of Jesus on God in the process.
This is how the power of money corrupts and leads to essentially a ruling class again, that wants basically to destroy the US from within. It is the same system to which the Talmud speaks and to which the Pharisee worshiping big banking controlled Military / Industrial / Congressional Network seeks to take away America's True Freedom.
It is a plot as old as the Crucifixion of Christ over money changers in the Temple of God. It has killed persons like Abe Lincoln and John Kennedy and now kills many more in faked up causes for wars leading to the final End-Times world war.
Abe Lincoln clearly saw the writing on the wall in the 1800s as he noted: "Corporations have been enthroned An era of corruption in high places will follow and the money power will endeavor to prolong its reign by working on the prejudices of the people . . until wealth is aggregated in a few hands . . . and the Republic is destroyed." ~ Abraham Lincoln
David Eisenhower again raised the warning flag in the 1960s and JFK paid the price of death by assassination for responding and standing up for American's True Freedom. America today is controlled by this giant monopoly of racketeers and there is little truth left in politics. These are the End-Times and wars approach for a huge apocalyptic correction process.
Americans are awakening to the fact that Bush-43 is the CEO of the Military / Industrial / Congressional Network, which seeks to take America's Freedom hostage to their own goals. Americans are awakening that Bush-43 is nothing to do with Jesus values and everything to do with the Pharisee's values that are the embodiment of the anti-Christ. Such is the power of money that America is in the control of the Satan's influences that hate Jesus.
It is this corrupted oligarchic system of economic dominance and politics that the "Oligarchy of Atomic Blunderers" in Oak Ridge came to employ in the 80s as I found the mitochondria oxidative stress enzyme mechanisms for cancer, illness, aging, and AIDS and the major week link in the Climate Change process linked to UV-b damaging the ocean phytoplankton upsetting the Suns heating of the oceans and the ocean currents and storm intensity effects. Their corrupted games sought to cover up these mechanisms and to make money off depopulation and selling more drugs, rather than telling the truth and using prevention methods. They sought even to drill for oil in the arctic rather than do full prevention to keep the polar ice regions from melting. They chose to make money off of the destruction and wars, as they have for some 200 years, and to take control of a larger part of the world.
In many ways, the heart of this Beast beats in Oak Ridge, where the cover up in health harm and environmental damage is covered up by corruption of National Security. It is the very same group of corrupted people in Oak Ridge that sought to kill Castro using radiation and a cancer virus. Those in Oak Ridge who came to support the killing of John Kennedy for not supporting their games to give Israel nuclear weapons and their benefactors "Chosen People" status to practice usury and steal America's Freedom.
These are the real crooks and racketeers in America and the world, who oppose world peace. Their cover ups on health and environment now affects the entire world and no one will be sparred until such times as the world begins to recognize the simple factors of religion that predicted this world holocaust.
When I came to work for Oak Ridge National Laboratory the day after after Christmas of 1979, little did I know then that my interests in science and Engineering would lead me into the deeper understanding of religion and how it melded with Earth Science, as well as how it was corrupted. I learned more than I wanted to know of the corruption in high Government office and National Labs, and of the inner workings of a large oligarchy system that many call the Beast.
Today, Killing Presidents and taking over the US from within are still crimes of murder and treason needing just prosecution and correct accounting to the citizens of the US. Even Bush-41 recognizes it is treason in this quote: "If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched." -- George Bush, cited in the June, 1992 Sarah McClendon Newsletter. "We The People" had better be moving along with protecting our Freedoms beginning with the knowledge provided by these associations, else be hostage to the Beast. "Ask not what the country and do for you, but what you can do for the country."
Jim Phelps

REFERENCE SECTION: Others with supporting opinions.
'The Jewish Banker Conspiracy' Understanding Anti-Semitism
By Henry Makow PhD
Just mention the "Jewish Banker Conspiracy" and you'll be as popular as a skunk at a garden party. Tolerant sophisticated people dismiss this concept as a hateful and tired cliche. They believe "anti-Semites" should be slandered, sent to jail and lose their livelihood.
But what if there actually *were* a "Jewish Banker Conspiracy?" Then these sophisticates would have egg on their face, wouldn't they? They'd be exposed as rubes, victims of a stereotypical Jewish deception achieved by mass media coincidentally owned by these very same bankers.
The "Jewish Banker Conspiracy" is *not* a chimera. It is the plan of Rothschild-controlled central bankers to create a totalitarian system to protect their illegal private monopoly of the world's credit. They print government currency for the price of the paper and then lend it to the government with interest.
In the words of Bill Clinton's mentor, Georgetown University professor Carol Quigley, who was an insider, the plan is "nothing less than to establish a world system... able to dominate the political system of each country." They plan to control the whole system in "a feudalistic manner by the central banks of the world working in concert (and) by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences." ('Tragedy and Hope', p. 324)
The central banking families and their allies used their unfair advantage to gain a monopoly on the world's wealth and a stranglehold on culture and politics. To make us accept their "New World Order," (a.k.a. globalization) they need to divide and degrade humanity by destroying the four pillars of our personal identity and social cohesion: nation, race, religion and family.
They sponsor Communism, Zionism, Socialism, Neo Conservatism, Liberalism, Feminism, Multiculturalism and "Diversity" to achieve this purpose. (Socialism substitutes government for family.) They sponsor terrorism (incl. 9-11), revolutions, wars and depressions and may be planning another world war.
Anti-Semitism is caused because Jewish idealists, opportunists and dupes play a prominent role in the above movements, especially Communism. As the New World Order becomes more onerous, anti-Semitism will inevitably increase. Jews need to acknowledge this rather than pretend "anti-Semites" are hallucinating. On the other hand, "anti-Semites" need to stop generalizing. Jews are very far from being cohesive.
Jews are fleeing Jewish organizations in droves. According to a 2001 survey, 25% of the roughly 5 million American Jews identify with another faith. Another quarter are "secular" leaving just 51% to say they are Jewish by religion. One half of all Jews intermarry and three-quarters of these raise their children in another religion.
The majority of Jews probably would oppose the banker agenda if they understood it. I was heartened to hear Texe Marrs say recently that only 5% of Jews are aware of the big picture. Yet the other 95% may suffer if they continue to be indifferent to what is happening.
Many "anti-Semites" like Texe Marrs and Des Griffin believe that the Jewish Pharisees accepted the offer from Satan that Jesus rejected: "I will give you the Kingdom of the World (i.e. Money, Power) if you obey me." They believe Talmudic Judaism is dedicated to enthroning Lucifer and always has conspired to destroy Christianity. The recent treatment of Christmas is proof that they are not hallucinating. ""
I am just beginning this immense study and shouldn't be mistaken for an expert. My present hypothesis is that enthroning Satan/Lucifer really means enthroning man in the role of God. This is called Illuminism. (Hence, the "Enlightenment.")
God is rejected. God represents the natural development of mankind through adherence to spiritual absolutes like morality, justice and truth.
A strong element in Talmudic Judaism restricts the definition of "man" to Jews. Thus, the course of human history can be seen as the replacement of God with man, and "man" with Jews (or man becomes Jewish.) Everything we call "modern" speaks to the banishment of God from the universe and the attempt to fill the void with the utterances of men/Jews/illuminists. That's why so much of modern culture is a fraud. ""
Israel Shamir has suggested that the Jewish Holocaust is being used to deify Jews. The holocaust replaces the crucifixion as a sacred symbol of God-sacrifice. The Holocaust Museums are the temples. ""
Those Jews who welcome this scenario might be in for a rude awakening. The definition of Jewish is blurred. As I have suggested elsewhere, the central bankers have forged alliances based on money, marriage and cabalistic Freemasonry with the leading families of Europe and America. ""
When gold is God, the extremely rich are the "Chosen People." This myth, together with the Talmudic and Cabalistic traditions, is a perfect mechanism for elite totalitarian control. According to Israel Shahak, Talmudic Judaism has always provided a model for a closed oppressive society. ""
"Zionism is but an incident of a far reaching plan," said leading American Zionist Louis Marshall, counsel for bankers Kuhn Loeb in 1917. "It is merely a convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon."
In other words, the whole Jewish enterprise, Judaism etc. may be a "powerful weapon" to enthrone a rule of the super rich, who are "Jewish" mainly by virtue of wealth. But the average Jew will take the flack in the form of anti-Semitism.
For example, the British royal family sees itself as descending from the House of David. A Jewish Mohel circumcised Prince Charles. Are the Windsor's Jewish? (Douglas Reed, Somewhere South of Suez, p.356.)
Henry Kissinger once said, "a people who have been persecuted for 2000 years must be doing something wrong." His unsympathetic attitude may reflect that of his employers, the Illuminati bankers.
What could Jews be doing wrong?
Answer: Trusting their "leaders."
See also my "The Riddle of Anti-Semitism"
Henry Makow Ph.D. is the inventor of the game Scruples and author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles exposing fe-manism and the New World Order can be found at his web site He enjoys receiving comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only.

"It is an act of insanity and national humiliation to have a law prohibiting the President from ordering assassination." ~ Henry Kissinger, in a statement at a National Security Council meeting in 1975.

The real story on tithing:

"There is a large class of people who believe that paper can be, and ought to be, made into money without any promise or hope of redemption; that a note should be printed: 'This is a dollar,' and be made a legal tender. I regard this as a mild form of lunacy, and have no disposition to debate with men who indulge in such delusions, which have prevailed to some extent, at different times, in all countries, but whose life has been brief, and which have shared the fate of other popular delusions. The Supreme Court only maintained the constitutionality of the legal tender promise to pay a dollar by a divided court, and on the ground that it was issued in the nature of a forced loan, to be redeemed upon the payment of a real dollar; that is, so many grains of silver or gold. I therefore dismiss such wild theories, and speak only to those who are willing to assume, as an axiom, that gold and silver or coined money, have been proven by all human experience to be the best possible standards of value, and that paper money is simply a promise to pay such coined money, and should be made and kept equal to coined money, by being convertible on demand."
--- Secretary of Treasury John Sherman, 1877. (Thirty-seven years later, President Woodrow Wilson sold his soul to international banking by helping to establish the Federal Reserve System. Since that day in 1913, the purchasing power of the American dollar has been eroded from 100 cents to precisely 2 of those 1913 cents. The missing 98 cents went into the pockets of those same international bankers, mostly foreigners, all of whom still own and run the US Federal Reserve System.)

Booth Texas

Evangelical Leaders Protest Jewish Anti-Christianity
By Rev. Ted Pike
In a recent email alert, I advised that next time you hear or read of anti-Christian litigation, especially take note of those who are behind it. Almost invariably, they will be Jewish.
Recently, a lawsuit was filed against the Air Force Academy for allegedly allowing evangelical Christians too much influence over cadets. The suit was filed by Mikey Weinstein, a Jew.
Over the past 40 years, Jews or Jewish "civil liberties" organizations have initiated many dozens of such actions.Yet Christians, protective of the Jewish people, have habitually averted their eyes, preferring to describe such anti Christianity as the work of "liberals" or "secular humanists."
Things may be changing.
Rift in Christian-Jewish Relations
According to the Jewish newspaper, Forward (Jan. 6, 2006), Ted Haggard, president of the National Association of Evangelicals, accused Weinstein of "endangering Jewish-Christian relations" by attempting to "limit freedom." Haggard says "... you are working to muzzle freedom of expression under the guise of separation of church and state." The author of the Forward article, E. J. Kessler, says there now exists "growing tension between leaders of the Christian right and Jewish activists, as Jews have pressed the evangelicals over matters pertaining to church-state separation. Haggard has added his voice to a small but growing chorus of evangelicals who suggest that the Jewish community's tactics in the church-state debate could weaken Christian conservative support for pro-Israel causes."
The Forward article continues: "After Anti-Defamation League's national director Abraham Foxman gave a speech last November warning of a broad-based conservative campaign to 'Christianize America,' a top official of one of the leading Christian groups, Focus on the Family, told the Forward that evangelical groups might temper their strong support of Israel in light of Foxman's sallies. 'If you keep bullying your friends, pretty soon you won't have any,' said Tom Minnery, Focus on the Family's vice president of government and public policy."
On radio, Rev. Donald Wildmon, leader of the American Family Association, echoed Focus on the Family. "[T]he more [Foxman] says that 'You people are destroying the country,' you know, some people are going to begin to get fed up with this and say, 'Well, all right then. If that's the way you feel, then we just won't support Israel any more.'" (Forward article)
Land of Blessing for Jews
America is supposed to be a land of tolerance and fair play. Yet the ADL mentality asserts that, having suffered so bitterly at the hands of Christians for the last two millennia, it's now payback time. Such evil Jewish leaders have the right to mock, weaken, and even attack Christian symbols and values. Christians, they feel, should take it on the chin, or even in the solar plexus, without being so "anti-Semitic" as to identify the race or religion of their attackers.
For at least the last century, Christians have given evil Jewish leaders what they wanted: freedom from criticism. Meanwhile, such Jews have permeated the courts, government, finance and the media.
Yet, despite unprecedented favor, evil Jewish leadership only bites the hand that protects it.
America: Temple of Freedom
Emerging 300 years ago from the strife and persecutions of Europe, the United States of America gleams as a splendid temple of freedom to the nations. It is still a sanctuary of hope that all may visit and be ennobled by. Yet evil Jewish "civil liberties" organizations have set themselves up within this temple as not only its moneychangers, but also lawgivers. Instead of God's law and the Constitution, they substitute twisted definitions of those critical values that guide society.
For example, under the Hate Crimes Statistics Act of 1990 Congress gave ADL authority to preside over hate crimes definitions, education, and statistics-gathering for state governments and local police. ADL instructs government officials that "hate" equals bias against federally protected groups, especially homosexuals. "Tolerance" equals acceptance of homosexuality as normal. Thus, Bible-believing Christians and social conservatives become haters in the eyes of the law. (Already, on Oct. 10, 2004, eleven Christians were arrested as "hate criminals" by Philadelphia district attorney and ADL national board member Lynne Abraham. Her proposed penalty for the Christians? 47 years in prison and $80,000 fines each.)
Similarly, ADL/B'nai B'rith constitutes the new "Department of Anti-Semitism" within the U.S. State Department. It asserts that anti-Semitism is agreement with the New Testament that Jewish leaders had Christ crucified. Bible-believing Christians (most of whom are passionate supporters of Israel) are thus made into anti-Semites. (In Canada today, the penalty for conviction of the "hate crime" of anti-Semitism, under B'nai B'rith's federal hate law, is up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine.)
Hollywood: Fountain of Evil
Such perversion of America's Christian values has also spewed out of Jewish-controlled Hollywood. The recent Golden Globe awards gave top honors to Brokeback Mountain, Capote, and Transamerica, all promoting sexual perversion as normal. Such continues the Jewish media's sordid record from its inception: encouraging immodesty and pornography, fornication and adultery, profanity, tobacco, alcohol and drug use, gratuitous violence, teen rebellion, the theory of evolution, the occult, and all forms of liberalism and secular humanism.
How Jesus Reacted
Two thousand years ago, Jesus found evil Jewish leaders, the Pharisees, ensconced within God's temple in Jerusalem. There, they bought and sold, transforming God's house of prayer into an ancient strip mall.
Christ went on rampage. He upended their tables, sending coins clattering and doves flying. He whipped the astonished moneychangers into panicked exodus. In the weeks that followed, He publicly excoriated the Pharisees, the fathers of modern Judaism, in the most specific, vitriolic, and extensive manner.
Now, as ADL threatens even greater opposition to Christian symbols and witness in America and ADL/B'nai B'rith laws indict Christians worldwide, Christians and their leaders, may have to react differently in order to survive. Contrary to all the church and the Jews have taught them, and against all their instincts, even perhaps against the law of the land, they may have to do the unthinkable:
Respond like Jesus.
Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a Christian conservative watchdog organization. Many more articles concerning the threat of evil Jewish leadership are found at

Holocaust is a religion of Zionism for gentiles: Hoffman
TEHRAN, Jan. 24 (MNA) -- In interview with the Mehr news agency on January 4, former Associated Press writer Michael A. Hoffman II said that the holocaust is a religious cult masquerading as history. He noted that anyone who questions the details of gas chambers, which the holocaust is built upon, is immediately accused of being an anti-Semite. Following is the text of the interview:
Q: As you know today the holocaust has been turned into a religion. Why is that so?
HOFFMAN: The U.S. Constitution mandates a separation of church and state; that is to say, there can be no establishment of any single religion as the official creed of the U.S. government. The Judaics managed to get around this through the "Holocaust". By pretending that the "Holocaust" is history, they turn what is actually a synagogue into a "holocaust museum."
This is the case in Washington D.C. where President Ronald Reagan -- the American leader who urged Saddam Hussein to wipe out the Islamic Republic of Iran -- instituted the "U.S. Holocaust Museum" on federal property. But this "museum" does not adhere to rules of evidence and does not submit its exhibits to critical inquiry and investigation.
Skepticism is not allowed because the "Holocaust" does not entail the history of World War Two, rather it is a religion, the religion of Judaism for gentiles. To question the details of the gas chambers is to be a "hater" and an "anti-Semite." Historical accounts can be questioned and doubted. Religion cannot be questioned or doubted. The "Holocaust" is a religious cult masquerading as history. It is a means for Judaizing the West.
Q: Mr. Hoffman, why have the European Union and the United States forbidden discussion of the holocaust, while one can freely question sanctities in the West?
HOFFMAN: Europe has a long history of suppressing freedom of speech in spite of having the temerity to lecture Muslims about "democracy" and "human rights." In their long history nations like France, Austria and Germany never adopted the standard of freedom of speech for everyone. Instead, they have clung to the notion of the old Church that "error has no rights."
Error may have no rights but who is to say what constitutes error in history? Who has the authority to decide how we fix the record of history? A masonic judge? A Zionist tribunal? A Prime Minister? The rabbis? The pope?
I don't think you can have real history by decree. Real history is based on curiosity and investigation, not dogma and preconception. The truth about the alleged homicidal gas chambers of Auschwitz, like the truth about the religion of Judaism itself (which is not based on the Old Testament, but on the traditions of the rabbis), would destabilize the whole raison d'etre of modern Europe.
The governments of Europe follow a masonic paradigm wherein Judaism is the supreme ideology and the source of spirituality. To allow freedom of inquiry into the authentic nature of the "Holocaust" and of rabbinic Judaism itself, would destroy the basis of the masonic vision of the European Union, which basically entails a kind of revival of the Tower of Babel in Brussels.
The President of Iran was quite correct when he pointed out that the prophets of the Bible may be attacked and insulted in Europe with impunity. The Talmud itself insults the prophet Isaiah by saying that he deserved to be killed for criticizing Israel. This is all legal in Europe. Because above the prophets are the rabbis. This too is a Talmudic principle. So we observe today in Europe the rabbinic tale of the homicidal Auschwitz gas chambers and the Kabbalistic figure of "Six Million" dead, which is the last sacred dogma in the otherwise agnostic West.
Q: As we notice that the number of experts who question the holocaust is rapidly increasing, the Zionists are massively propagating the holocaust in response. Why?
HOFFMAN: Muslims and Arabs must match the sophisticated technology -- if not the prevaricating methodology -- of the Hollywood Zionists. Iran is a recognized world leader in the production of fine films and movies. Why not gather your best screenwriters, directors and actors and produce a truthful, big-budget movie about the Israeli holocaust against the Palestinians? About Sharon's terror-bombing of Beirut in the summer of 1982; about Donald Rumsfeld and Ronald Reagan having aided and abetted Saddam's Iraqi war on Iran.
Muslims and Arabs have allowed the power of the cinema to be monopolized by the Zionists. It is time you produced movies to counter those of Spielberg and Spielberg's multi-faceted lies.
If produced with English sub-titles and properly distributed and advertised, these could have an enormous impact on public opinion in the West. You could begin with a website produced by your government, titled: The Israeli holocaust against the Palestinians. I was the first to do this on the Internet and my humble effort may be viewed as
One more thing: please try to equip the Palestinian people with small digital movie cameras to record the Israeli atrocities as they happen; so that when the NY Times and CNN lie about these crimes and cover them up or ignore them, the Muslims will have the evidence, on video. Such footage constitutes testimony for a court in war crimes trials.
Finally, I pray for peace between the American and Iranian peoples.
(Mr. Hoffman is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press and the author of six books. His website is:

Was Victor Rothschild A 'Soviet Agent'? Treason Of The Rich
By Henry Makow PhD
In 1942, Sir Mark Oliphant, a leading British physicist was shocked when a messenger delivered a part from his new radar technology with a warning to "tighten up your security" from MI-5 Security Inspector Victor Rothschild.
A few days earlier Rothschild had visited Oliphant's Birmingham University lab, quizzed him on his research, and pocketed the three-inch diameter magnetron.
But talk about chutzpah!
Baron Rothschild himself was a Soviet agent! Before returning the magnetron, he had transmitted detailed drawings to Moscow, a fact later confirmed by his KGB handlers.
Oliphant related his part of this story in 1994 to Roland Perry, the Australian author of "The Fifth Man" (1994, Sedgwick and Jackson, 475 pp).
Between 1935 and 1963, the Soviet Union knew all of Britain's military and scientific secrets thanks to "The Cambridge Five" a spy ring that operated in M1-5, MI-6 and the Foreign Office. Western intelligence agencies were rendered ineffective and Allied secrets including the design of the atomic bomb were stolen.
The traitors were Kim Philby, Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess and Anthony Blunt. But there is a natural reluctance to admit that "the Fifth Man" was Nathaniel Meyer Victor Rothschild (1910-1990), the Third Baron Rothschild, and the British head of the richest banking dynasty in the world.
In 1993, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, six retired KGB Colonels in Moscow confirmed Rothschild's identity to Roland Perry. Col. Yuri Modin, the spy ring's handler, went on the record. Perry writes:
"According to ...Modin, Rothschild was the key to most of the Cambridge ring's penetration of British intelligence. 'He had the contacts,' Modin noted. 'He was able to introduce Burgess, Blunt and others to important figures in Intelligence such as Stewart Menzies, Dick White and Robert Vansittart in the Foreign Office...who controlled Mi-6." (p.89)
You can understand the reluctance. The Rothschilds are undoubtedly the largest shareholders in the world's central bank system. Victor Rothschild's treason confirms that these London-based bankers plan to impose a "world government" dictatorship akin to Communism.
It adds credence to the claim they were behind the Bolshevik Revolution, and used the bogus "Cold War" and more recently the phoney "War on Terror" to advance their world hegemony.
Which is more plausible? One of the richest men in the world, Victor Rothschild espoused Communist ideals so that his own fabulous wealth and position could be taken away?
Or that Communism in fact was a deception designed to take away our wealth and freedom in the name of "equality" and "brotherhood"?
According to "The Fifth Man", Victor Rothschild had an IQ of 184. He was a gifted jazz pianist with an intuitive understanding of many scientific disciplines. He saw banking as a dreary affair and preferred the exciting example of his great grandfather Lionel Rothschild (1808-1879) who Benjamin D'israeli immortalized as "Sidonia" in the novel "Coningsby" (1844).
"No minister of state had such communication with secret agents and political spies as Sidonia. He held relations with all the clever outcasts of the world. The catalogue of his acquaintances in the shape of Greeks, Armenians, Moors, secret Jews, Tartars, Gypsies, wandering Poles and Carbonari, would throw a curious light on those subterranean agencies of which the world in general knows so little, but which exercise so great an influence on public events. The secret history of the world was his pastime. His great pleasure was to contrast the hidden motive, with the public pretext, of transactions." ("Coningsby" pp. 218-219)
Rothschild studied Zoology at Cambridge where Anthony Blunt recruited him for the KGB about 1936. Rothschild later joined MI-5 and was in charge of counter sabotage. He instructed the military on how to recognize and defuse bombs. Rothschild was a personal friend of Winston Churchill:
"The two socialized often during the war years," Perry writes. "Rothschild used his wealth and position to invite the prime minister to private parties. His entree to the wartime leader, plus access to all the key intelligence information, every major weapons development and his command of counter-sabotage operations in Britain, made Rothschild a secretly powerful figure during the war years...The result was that Stalin knew as much as Churchill about vital information, often before the British High Command were informed." (xxviii-xxix)
Rothschild helped neutralize enemies of the Soviet Union who came to the British for support. For example, he was involved in the cover-up of the assassination of Polish war leader and British ally Wladyslaw Sikorski, whose plane was blown up in July 1944. Sikorski had become burdensome to Stalin after he discovered the KGB had massacred 8,000 Polish officers in the Katyn Woods in 1940.
In 1944, Blunt, Burgess and Philby all stayed with Victor at the Rothschild mansion in Paris. Rothschild was briefly in charge of Allied intelligence in Paris and interrogated many prisoners.
After the war Rothschild spent time in the US overseeing attempts to learn the secrets of the atom bomb. Due in part to the Cambridge Five, Perry says "the Russians knew about every major intelligence operation run against them in the years 1945 to 1963." (xxxi)
Victor Rothschild held many jobs that served to disguise his true role, which I suspect, was that of a member of the Illuminati Grand Council. (The Illuminati represent the highest rank of Freemasonry.) He was not a lowly agent. He probably gave orders to Winston Churchill, FDR and Stalin.
For example, he ensured that the USSR supported the establishment of the State of Israel. "He knew the proper back-channels to reach decision-makers in Moscow," a KGB Colonel told Perry. "Let us just say he got things done. You only did that if you reached the top. He was very persuasive." (176)
When you control the money supply, you can be very persuasive, as Americans have learned.
The super rich have more in common with each other than they have with the rest of humanity. It appears they have abandoned their natural role as leaders and benefactors of humanity, and instead conspire to enchain us. It's too bad because the only thing they don't already have is love.
The fact that Rothschild was protected until his death suggests this is a ruling class conspiracy. ( According to Greg Hallett, ( Anthony Blunt, a fellow spy, was an illegitimate son of George V, half-brother and look-alike to Edward VIII, the Duke of Windsor. Until his exposure in 1964, Blunt was Knighted and Curator of the Queen's art collection. He received immunity from prosecution in exchange for his confession.
Many believe this conspiracy is "Jewish." Certainly Zionism, Neo Conservatism and Communism (in all its forms) play an essential role. But consider this: the current Lord Jacob Rothschild, the Fourth Baron Rothschild is Victor's son by his first wife Barbara Hutchinson, a non-Jew who converted. In Jewish law, Jacob Rothschild is not a Jew.
While Victor Rothschild pretended to "socialist ideals," the banker was a conscious traitor. Treason is the template for contemporary politics everywhere. The central banking cartel is stealthily erecting its "world governance" dictatorship while distracting us with sex and sports. Our political and cultural elites are witting or unwitting accomplices. The banking cartel attacks our national, religious, racial and family foundations using war (on Iraq, Iran, "Terror"), homosexuality, pornography, feminism, mass migration and "diversity" as weapons.
Clearly, we need new leaders who will stand up to the owners of the world monetary system. The destiny of humanity is at stake.
Henry Makow Ph.D. is the inventor of the game Scruples and author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles exposing fe-manism and the New World Order can be found at his web site He enjoys receiving comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only.

The goal of Zionism and the corruption on what God is and isn't becomes more clear when one notices these books: The "First Holocaust"--which paved the way for the unfair Versailles Treaty that bankrupted Germany--is detailed by Don Heddesheimer in his book "The First Holocaust. Jewish Fund Raising Campaigns with Holocaust Claims During and After World War I" (ISBN: 0967985676, Castle Hill Publishers, N.Y.C.) and "The Holocaust Industry" by Norman G. Finkelstein of the City University of New York (published by Verso publishers, London and New York, 2000).

"Corporations have been enthroned An era of corruption in high places will follow and the money power will endeavor to prolong its reign by working on the prejudices of the people . . until wealth is aggregated in a few hands . . . and the Republic is destroyed." ~ Abraham Lincoln

"If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched." -- George Bush, cited in the June, 1992 Sarah McClendon Newsletter

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