martedì 18 ottobre 2011

Away from the euro Bluff

The impotence of the Citizens of the European Democracies
Away from the euro Bluff
by Ida Magli
ItalianiLiberi | September 12th, 2011

In our past history we never saw the people in power acknowledging
their mistakes and stopping along their way. Wars, which bring death
and destruction to the helpless citizens in the heart of their towns,
always were pursued until the extreme ruin. Even if its catastrophic
failure was evident since the years 1929-1930’s, the soviet Bolshevism
had to wait until its own natural dissolution before politicians took note
of that.
Once again in these last days we live a dramatic moment: now
politicians should recognize that they were wrong in creating the single
currency for the European States. Italian politicians should admit the
enormous mistake that they made forcing Italy to get into the euro,
even with a special “tax for Europe” paid for that purpose. All italian
parties should acknowledge this mistake, since none of them – Right or
Left – ever opposed the euro. This is why today the protests of the Pd
and of the other Parties against the Berlusconi government are fake and
useless. But politicians never recognize their own mistakes, nor the
italian or the European ones. In these days the German Chancellor,
Angela Merkel said: “The euro cannot be touched, because in history
never happened that two countries sharing the same currency made war
one against the other”. Now hear this! How can we tolerate such
presumption, such arrogance, and the fact that the politicians are
deceiving the People, taking advantage of their democratic submission?
They are acting as if they were Czars, emperors or dictators.
Fooling and deceiving People, that’s it. There was no other case like this
in History, because there never was such a foolish decision as the
creation of the European Union, which is clashing against reality. After
the conquest and the violent birth of an empire, the States that were
conquered were also forced to use a certain currency. This happened in
antiquity, in medieval and also in modern times; sometimes the weak
local currency was allowed to survive as a second currency. The present
economic situation is so grave that even the untouchable “Statuto dei
Lavoratori” (the Worker’s Statute) has been put into discussion; had it
not been so grave, the words of the politicians in the European meetings
would just deserve a big laugh. “Let us put into the Constitution the
Balanced Budget” they solemnly boast. Probably they are the first to
laugh, since writing something like that in the Constitution is the best
way to be allowed to to the opposite. For example, the Italian
Constitution states that “Sovereignty belongs to the People”: does it
belong to mr. Trichet or to one of his fellows? The Constitution also says
that “Italy repudiates War”: did not we make war against Kosovo and
Therefore Europe is a Bluff, and also the euro is a Bluff (as the periodical
Limes wrote some time ago). This is the real reason why it is so easy to
knock it down: a currency cannot exist without a State behind it. Who is
guaranteeing its validity? And most of all: what really is the European
Central Bank? It is an institution like no other one. The great European
States (Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands and
so on) gave up their right to issue their own currency, and this means
that they renounced their coinage sovereignty, which is the only right
that defines a State, together with the defense of its territory; they
handed it down to some private citizens. Of course, these are not
ordinary citizens. They belong to the oldest and most powerful
Freemasonry: Elizabeth II Queen of England, Beatrice Queen of
Netherlands, some of the Rockefeller's, of the Rotschild's and other
Bankers. They are all very rich stockholders of the central Banks of
several European States, and thus they also became stockholders
(participants) of the European Central Bank. They own 23,4% of the
Bank of Germany, 16,52% of the Bank of France, 15,98% of the Bank of
England, 14,57% of the Bank of Italy, 8,78% of the Bank of Spain, and
smaller shares in the other Banks of the other Countries. How credible
can be a single currency that is issued by private citizens in the name of
a non-existent State? The European Union, in fact, is just an
international organization and it should not print its own currency.
In these last days, if we listen to the comments on the euro problem and
on the storm that is devastating the Stock Exchange, we do not hear a
word about this matter. The Countries that have too much debt – as
Greece and Italy –are accused of being the cause of their own problems
and also of the European ones. Not a word about coinage sovereignty or
about the mock power of the Bankers over the Citizens of the single
States. Let us say it again: the Maastricht treaty is not valid because an
European State did not and still does not exist. This simply was a bluff.
Also the European Citizenship – which has been imposed with the
Maastricht treaty – is a bluff, and therefore it is not valid. Quite often
journalists and economists comment on the hypothesis that some States
get out of the euro, but with a joking tone, as if to underline that it is
absurd or stupid to talk about ti. Some other proposals – which seem to
be more serious – are not going beyond the narrow horizon of the
immediate value of the currency. For example, they say that going back
to the national currency would imply a loss of 50-60% of its value, as far
as inflation is concerned. This would mean 50-60% of the present euro,
without considering how much it would be devaluated if a State would
get out of it. In these last days, the value of the euro is going down just
because there is the hypothesis of a default of Greece. The reconquest of
the monetary sovereignty does not have any value? If we do not have to
pay interests to the Bankers and we re-appropriate of seigniorage, we
will have a real value to put on the active sheet of the Balance. We
cannot keep accepting the dominance of the Banker’s mentality; they
are speculating on the Stock market and they are proficient only in
loosing someone else’s money. These people already auctioned the
Parthenon and the Colosseum, because all goods for them are
merchandise. States, Peoples, their blood, territory, history and art: all
this has been nullified in the horrid European market. The first who are
summoned to annihilate themselves – not by chance – are Greece and
Italy, because they are the History, Civilization, and Art which gave life
to Europe. How could the Bankers not hate them?

Ida Magli

Rome, September 12th, 2011
Traduzione di Marina Mascetti

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