giovedì 26 gennaio 2012

Recent literature on complementary currencies

Recent literature on complementary currencies
Posted by: "Gill Seyfang (ENV)"   gillseyfang
Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:47 am (PST)

I'm pleased to forward this email from Rolf Schroeder, who compiles a wonderful database of CC literature. This is his list of most recent additions to the database. Please explore the database yourselves to find new research papers, and contribute anything else you know about, <>

thanks, Gill

International Journal of Community Currency Research


please find below a list with new publications and unpublished works. 66 contributions of the year 2011 and 2 of the year 2012 have, so far, been entered into the databank of the "Bibliography" ( <>). Not yet included are the Lyon conference papers. Below, I did not include the IJCCR publications readily available under . As usual, annotations i. r. o. many titles can be found in the databank. With regard to lit. in Japanese and French - work is in progress. I would be grateful for hints about other sources, of course also from earlier years.

Somebody in Lyon suggested to include some essential information about key authors. Here you are - a start has been made with Colin C. Williams a) in the "Focus" section and b) as pdf attachment to each and every entry. Other authors will follow.

Best regards,

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Adams, C., & Mouatt, S. (2012). Alternatives to the global financial sector: Local complementary currencies, LETS, and time backed currencies. In Z. Luo (Ed.), Advanced analytics for green and sustainable economic development: Supply chain models and financial technologies (pp. 64-78). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:

Associazione Nazionale Banche del Tempo (Ed.). (2011). Banca del Tempo: L'Esperienza e il Valore sociale di una grande Rete di Relazioni e Saperi tra Cittadini. Milano: Altra Economia.

Barnes, G. (2011). Liquidity networks: Local trading systems using a debt-free electronic currency. In R. Douthwaite, & G. Fallon (Eds.), Fleeing vesuvius: Overcoming the risks of economic and environmental collapse (pp. 80-85). Gabriola Island: New Society Publishers.

Blanc, J., & Fare, M. (2011). Le rôle des pouvoirs publics dans le déploiement de monnaies sociales. Territoires, (515), 24-29.

Breitstein, L., & Dini, P. (2012). A social constructivist analysis of the 2007 banking crisis: Building trust and transparency through community currencies. Journal of Banking Regulation, 13(1), 36-62. doi:http://dx.doi. org/10.1057/ jbr.2011. 16 Retrieved from

Caminha, U., & Figueiredo, M. (2011). Atividade financeira e moeda: Análise da experiência do conjunto palmeiras em fortaleza-CE. [Financial activity and currency: analisys of the experience of “conjunto palmeiras” in Fortaleza-CE (translation as provided in the journal)] Revista Direito GV, 7(1), 99-130. doi:http://dx.doi. org/10.1590/ S1808-2432201100 0100006 Retrieved from

Cochrane, A. (2011). Alternative approaches to local and regional development. In A. Pike, A. Rodríguez-Pose & J. Tomaney (Eds.), Handbook of local and regional development (pp. 97-105). Abingdon; New York: Routledge.

Collom, E. (2011, Motivations and differential participation in a community currency system:
the dynamics within a local social movement organization. Sociological Forum, 26, 144-168. doi:http://dx.doi. org/10.1111/ j.1573-7861. 2010.01228. x Retrieved from

Darlaston-Jones, W. J. (2011). Endless possibilities: Achieving transformative change on poverty using community currencies. The Australian Community Psychologist, 23(1), 46-58. Retrieved from http://www.groups. psychology. Files/ACP- 23-1-Darlaston- Jones.pdf;

de Freitas, C. (2011). La Banque Palmas : une expérience phare de banque communautaire. Territoires, (515), 30-32.

Deconinck, G., Joachain, H., Klopfert, F., Holzemer, L., De Craemer, K., Qiu, Z., et al. (2011). An approach towards socially acceptable energy saving policies via monetary instruments on the smart meter infrastructure. Paper presented at the Leuven. 1-6. Retrieved from

Douthwaite, R. (2011). Degrowth and the supply of money in an energy-scarce world. Ecological Economics, , 1-7. doi:http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/ j.ecolecon. 2011.03.020 Retri eved from

Douthwaite, R. (2011). The supply of money in an energy-scarce world. In R. Douthwaite, & G. Fallon (Eds.), Fleeing vesuvius: Overcoming the risks of economic and environmental collapse (pp. 52-79). Gabriola Island: New Society Publishers.

Dunne, J. (2011). Complementary currency systems. In P. U. Petit (Ed.), Earth capitalism: Creating a new civilization through a responsible market economy (pp. 137-152). Piscataway, NJ: Transaction Publishers, Rutgers.

Ensenbach, K. (2011). Strafrechtsschutz von Komplementärwä hrungen. Juristische Arbeitsblätter, 43(5), 341-345.

Galler, F., & Rost, N. (2011). Solidarökonomischer Aufbruch der Region Berchtesgadener Land: Ein alternatives kleinräumiges Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsmodell stellt sich vor. In S. Elsen (Ed.), Ökosoziale Transformation: Solidarische Ökonomie und die Gestaltung des Gemeinwesens. Perspektiven und Ansätze von unten (pp. 415-433). Neu-Ulm: AG Spak Bücher.

Gibson-Graham, J. K. (2011). A feminist project of belonging for the anthropocene. Gender, Place and Culture, 18(1), 1-21. doi:http://dx.doi. org/10.1080/ 0966369X. 2011.535295 Retrieved from

Hart, K. (2011). The financial crisis and the end of all-purpose money. Economic sociology_the European Electronic Newsletter, 12(2), 4-10. Retrieved from

Helmeczi, I. N., & Kóczán, G. (2011). A "helyi pénznek" nevezett utalványokról. [There is an English version of this article available. Title: On trade vouchers called "Local money"] MNB-SZEMLE, , 30-43. Retrieved from

Helmeczi, I. N., & Kóczán, G. (2011). On trade vouchers called "local money". [A "helyi pénznek" nevezett utalványokról] MNB Bulletin, , 30-43. Retrieved from

Khromov, D. (2011, Wednesday, April 13, 2011). Ithaca hours revival would require community support. Ithaca Times, Retrieved from

Lang, E., & Wintergerst, T. (2011). Am Puls des langen Lebens: Soziale Innovationen für die alternde Gesellschaft. München: oekom.

Lasker, J., Collom, E., Bealer, T., Niclaus, E., Young, J., Kratzer, Z., et al. (2011). Time banking and health: The role of a community currency organization in enhancing well-being. Health Promotion Practice, 12(1), 102-115. doi:http://dx.doi. org/10.1177/ 1524839909353022 Retrieved from

Leblanc, N. (2011). La monnaie, nouvel espace de démocratie ? Territoires, (515), 22-23.

Lietaer, B. (2011). Complementary currencies at work. In S. Mouatt, & C. Adams (Eds.), Corporate and social transformation of money and banking: Breaking the serfdom(pp. 160-178). Houndsmills and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Lietaer, B., & Hallsmith, G. (2011). Creating wealth: Growing local economies with local currencies. Gabriola Island: New Society Publishers.

Luscombe, J. (2011). Alternative development in Ecuador: Prospects for Equitable Growth. Unpublished manuscript. Retrieved 24.1.2012, from

Martignoni, J. (2011). Typologie von Komplementärwä hrungen und Erfolgsfaktoren von Komplementärwä hrungsorganisati onen. Unpublished MBA, Institut für Verbands- Stiftungs- und Genossenschaftsmana gement (VMI), Universität Freiburg/Schweiz, Freiburg, Schweiz. Retrieved from

Mehew, E., & Galuppo, G. (2011). In The Western Union Company (Ed.), Alternative value exchange systems and methods (705/26.1; 705/37 ed.). USA: G06Q 30/00; G06Q 40/00. Retrieved from

Mouatt, S., & Adams, C. (2011). Introduction. In S. Mouatt, & C. Adams (Eds.), Corporate and social transformation of money and banking: Breaking the serfdom (pp. 1-21). Houndsmills and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Pacione, M. (2011). Local money - A response to the globalisation of capital?
. Quaestiones Geographicae, 30(4), 9-19. doi:http://dx.doi. org/10.2478/ v10117-011- 0033-x Retrieved from

Parádi-Dolgos, A., Gál, V., & Kovács, T. (2011). The penetration of local currencies, a possible solution to the financial challenges of globalization. Regional and Business Studies, 3(1), 421-427. Retrieved from

Pfajfar, D., Sgro, G., & Wagner, W. (2011). Are alternative currencies a substitute or a complement to fiat money? evidence from cross-country data. Unpublished manuscript. Retrieved 3.10.2011, from

Phillips-Nania, E. (2010/2011). Local food currency: An economic tool for community health. Vermont Journal of Environmental Law, 12, 400-412. Retrieved from

Santana E., M. E. (2011). Los mercados alternativos y la Economía solidaria. CAOS - Revista Eletrônica de Ciências Sociais, 16, 136-146. Retrieved from

Santana Echeagaray, M. E. (2011). Recrear el dinero en una economía solidaria. Polis, Revista de la Universidad Bolivariana, 10(29), 261-280. Retrieved from

Schmid, L. (2011). Seniorengenossensch aften als Plattform partizipativer Selbsthilfe - Nutzen für Mitglieder und die Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift für das gesamte Genossenschaftswese n, 61(1), 19-33.

Schuster, L. (2011). Emissionsrechte als Carbon Currency: Gedanken zu den Währungsaspekten des CO2-Handels. In K. Dosch (Ed.), Mehr Mut beim Klimaschutz: Plädoyer für einen persönlichen Emissionshandel (pp. 189-231). Aachen: Aachener Stiftung Kathy Beys.

Thiel, C. (2011). Das "bessere" Geld: Eine ethnographische Studie zur sozialen Konstruktion von Geld am Beispiel von Regionalwährungen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschafte n.

Tóth, I. B. (2011). The function of local currencies in local economic development: The bavarian ‘Chiemgauer regiogeld’ and the ‘Kékfrank’ in sopron. Public Finance Quarterly, (1), 67-78. Retrieved from

Tóth, I. B. (2011). A helyi valuta szerepe a lokális gazdaságfejleszté sben: A bajor chimsee regiogeld és a soproni kékfrank-utalvá ny kezdeményezés. Pénzügyi Szemle (Public Finance Quarterly), (1), 66-77. Retrieved from

Whitaker, C. (2011). L'ébullition des monnaies complémentaires françaises. Territoires, (515), 33-35.

Williams, C. C. (2011). Geographical variations in the nature of community engagement: A total social organization of labour approach. Community Development Journal,46(2) , 213-228. doi:http:/dx.doi. org/10.1093/cdj/bsp063 Retrieved from

Wulf, B. (2011). Tauschringe gründen und gestalten: Bernd Wulf im Gespräch mit Michael Maass. Norderstedt: Books on Demand.

Zelizer, V. A. (2011). Economic lives: How culture shapes the economy. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.

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Dr Gill Seyfang
RCUK Academic Fellow in Sustainable Consumption
Science, Society and Sustainability (3S) Research Group
School of Environmental Sciences
University of East Anglia
Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK

tel: +44(0)1603 592956

Personal: ~e175/<>
Research: <>

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