domenica 17 luglio 2011

The Inside Story of the Montana Freemen

American Standoff -- The Inside Story of the Montana Freemen
Eustace Mullins, 04/22/96

Once again the UNited States is in the grip of a massive standoff of government agents against American citizens. Jordan, Montana, the site of the standoff which has now been in effect for some thirty days, may go down in American history as a name of equal prominence with Lexington and Concord, as the launching pad for the New American Revolution. Or it may join the tragic names of Ruby Ridge and Waco as the site of yet another vicious massacre of American dissidents. “Lucky Bill” Clinton is on the horns of a genuine dilemma. It is too near the national elections to stage yet another massacre of Americans. Nor can he divert the public’s attention with another foreign venture of the United Nations. He has already staged Somalia, Haiti and Bosnia as the equivalent of the Roman motto of “bread and circuses” to keep Americans from thinking about their domestic problems. He has nowhere else to go.


Although his faithful hireling, Attorney General Janet Reno, is said to be panting for yet another bloodbath in the great tradition of her previous escapades at Ruby Ridge and Waco, Clinton is reluctant to float his reelection aspirations on another sea of blood. He recently buried his greatest re-election liability, Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown, who was facing numerous investigations for the most flagrant gathering-in of bribes in our political history. “Lucky Bill”, with the historic Clinton luck, was “devastated” by the news that Brown would not be standing trial before the election, because his plane had fortuitously slammed into a hill in Bosnia. At this writing, his only advice to the federal agents besieging the dissidents at Jordan, Montana, is “Hold your fire.”


Although the entire United States is paralyzed by the outbreaks of crime in the nation’s cities, once again, hundreds of “law enforcement” agents are deployed against a handful of Americans in a remote Montana hamlet. It is noteworthy that Jordan has never had a crime problem. What lured these hundreds of federal agents to the area? They had discovered that an armed and extremely dangerous family was holed up on a 964-acre ranch near Jordan. These “dangerous” criminals are accused of mail fraud, conspiracy, and bank fraud because they issued some $19.5 million in checks and money orders between August 1994 and December 1995. I feel some personal responsibility for the actions of the accused, because they were following precepts and documented information which I had released to the American public in 1953, and which have now alerted at least ten million Americans to the nature of the problem. This information, presently available under the title of “Secrets of the Federal Reserve”, documents that in Thanksgiving week of 1910, some of the world’s leading bankers gathered at the Millionaire’s Club at Jekyll Island, Georgia, a group representing one-sixth of the wealth of the entire world, to enter into a criminal conspiracy to seize all of the money and credit of the American people. The Conspirators had gone to considerable effort to keep their identity and their purpose secret, which is the prime evidence of conspiracy to commit a crime. They were functioning as a “syndicate” under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundation, a prime example of a syndicate, and under orders from Baron Rothschild of London to produce a plan which would give them total control of the money and credit of the people of the United States. The Jekyll Island group was led by Senator Nelson Aldrich, Majority Leader of the Senate. His daughter, Abby Aldrich, had married John D. Rockefeller, Jr. a few years before this meeting. Also present was Frank Vanderlip, president of National City Bank, the depository for the billions of income from Rockefeller’s Standard Oil monopoly; Paul Warburg, of Kuhn, Loeb Co., New York, the secret agent of the House of Rothschild in the United States, and Henry P. Davison, right hand man of J.P.Morgan, also a secret Rothschild agent.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines a “syndicate” as follows: “3. A combination of capitalists and financiers entered into for the purpose of prosecuting a scheme requiring large sources of capital, especially one having the object of obtaining control of the market in a particular commodity.” At Jekyll Island, the goal was to obtain a monopoly of money, which J.P. Morgan himself had defined, in testimony before the Pujo Committee, as “Money is a commodity.” Their monopoly plan, written at Jekyll Island, was presented to the Congress in 1913 as the Federal Reserve plan, although it was the antithesis of “federal”, because it transferred Congress’ historic mission to issue money, as defined in Article II, Section 8 of the Constitution of the United States, delivering this function to a privately-owned bank, the Federal Reserve Bank. This private bank, in the language of the Federal Reserve Act, was now designated as the official fiscal agent of the United States. It had no “reserves”, nor did it need any, because it now had a license from Congress to print as much money as it chose, with no restrictions or oversight from Congress. Although the Federal Reserve scrip initially had gold backing, this was surreptitiously removed in later years. The final step in this conspiracy was achieved in 1942. Noted financial writer, Henry Hazlitt, wrote in Newsweek magazine for January 4, 1943: “The money that began to appear in circulation a week ago, December 21 ,1942, was really printing-press money in the fullest sense of the term, that is, money which has no collateral of any kind behind it... We repeat, these notes have absolutely no collateral of any kind behind them.”


After I had alerted millions of my fellow-Americans to this production of Federal Reserve notes which had no backing or collateral, a few citizens resolved that, as Americans in good standing, they also could issue checks and other negotiable instruments with collateral the equivalent to that of the Federal Reserve notes -- that is, none. Thus is the background for the $19.5 million of “bogus” checks and money orders which caused the government to charge the Freemen with conspiracy and fraud. But their “conspiracy” had been preceded by the criminal syndicate which met secretly at Jekyll Island, and which had functioned since 1914 without hindrance from the government. What was the difference between the Freemen of Jordan and the private stockholders of the Federal Reserve Bank? Legally, none. The only charge that could be brought against them is cutting themselves in on the private monopoly of the Federal Reserve Bank. Although the Federal Reserve System indeed was chartered under authority of the Congress of the United States, it has no legal standing in court because it originated as a secret criminal conspiracy, thoroughly documented in my work. In fact, the Jordan ranchers probably are less criminal than the dynastic families which have owned the Private stock of the Federal Reserve Banks since 1914.


In issuing their checks and money orders, the Jordan group could be said to follow the great tradition of American banking, as documented on page 157 of Secrets Of The Federal Reserve: “Governor W.P.G. Harding of the Federal Reserve Board testified in 1921 that ‘The Federal Reserve Bank is an institution owned by the stockholding member banks. The Government has not a dollar’s worth of stock in it.’ “ From page 167 of Secrets: “on September 30, 1941, before the House Committee on Banking and currency, was asked by Representative Wright Patman, chairman of the Committee:

‘How did you get the money to buy those two billion dollars worth of Government securities in 1933?’
ECCLES: We created it.
PATMAN: Out of what?
ECCLES: Out of the right to issue credit money.
MR. PATMAN: And there is nothing behind it, is there, except our Government’s credit?
ECCLES: That is what our money system is. If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn’t be any money.”

What Chairman Eccles of the Federal Reserve Board was referring to was the ancient, five- thousand year-old Babylonian money system, in which all money is created out of debt. This scheme finally enslaves the entire population in a sea of unpayable debt. Congressman Wright Patman explains in his groundbreaking book, The Primer of Money, that “The cash, in truth, does not exist and has never existed. What we call ‘cash reserves’ are simply bookkeeping credits entered upon bookkeeping ledgers of the Federal Reserve Banks. The credits are created ty the Federal Reserve Banks and then passed along through the banking system.” As Patman tells us, the Federal Reserve’s private stockholders “create money out of nothing” as “bookkeeping credits entered upon ledgers”. Thus our entire five-trillion-dollar “national debt” has never existed except as entries in the ledgers of the Federal Reserve Banks. We can hardly criticize the Jordan ranchers for deciding to do the same thing, as spelled out in my work. The system of the conspirators is further detailed by Peter L. Bernstein, in A Primer On Money, Banking and Gold. He says: “The trick in the Federal Reserve notes is that the Federal Reserve banks lose no cash when they pay out this currency to the member banks. Federal Reserve notes are not redeemable in anything except what the Government calls ‘legal tender’ -- that is, money that a creditor must be willing to accept from a debtor in payment of sums owed him. But since all Federal Reserve notes are themselves declared by law to be legal money, they are really redeemable only in themselves... they are an irredeemable obligation issued by the Federal Reserve Banks.”


The Jordan ranchers availed themselves of “equal opportunity” to write checks and money orders redeemable only in themselves, the identical manner in which Federal Reserve notes are issued. Furthermore, the “paper” of the Jordan ranchers was accepted by both banks and individuals. Once it has been accepted, there is no further legal claim on the ranchers. However, it seems unlikely that they will ever be given the opportunity to document this in court, or to have me testify on their behalf. What we are seeing is the potential toppling of the entire Federal Reserve debt structure, which cannot be substantiated even in their own Admiralty courts or under authority of the Crown of England and the Bank of England, which is its sole authority. The hundreds of federal agents now assembled at Jordan are there as “Federal Reserve” police whose sole mission is to enforce the Federal Reserve monopoly against any encroachment, while the “Federal Reserve press” the mass media of the UNited States, carries on a frenetic propaganda war against the Jordan group, denouncing them as check forgers who commit wire fraud and mail fraud.


The 964-acre ranch which is the scene of the standoff had previously been foreclosed and sold. The ranchers protested that the bank had not advanced them any “substance for substance” as is required by the law of contract, and that they had merely advanced them “bookkeeping ledger entries”, as is the custom with the Federal Reserve System and the banks with which it does business. The Federal Reserve System also requires a code number on all negotiable instruments which it handles, this secret code being an integral part of its conspiracy. Thus all those who transact business using these secret code numbers are drawn into the conspiracy against their will, and become reluctant serfs of its system. To prevent the seizure of their land, the ranchers officially reorganized its ownership, establishing it as “Justus Township”. Under the laws governing townships, they have continued to operate legally and are not guilty of any offense. The present situation is that the ranchers are now defending their township, and any armed attack against it consitutes a violation of the laws under which it had been established. Their defense is in the great tradition of the laws of the United States, its Constitution, as well as the preceding centuries of English common law, including the Magna Carta and Sir Edward Coke’s Petition Of Right, which was one of the forerunners of our Constitution.

Coke’s Petition Of Right of 1628 was signed into law as the “Declaration of Rights” on February 13, 1689. It was Sir Edward Coke who glorified the Magna Carta as the most important document in the evolution of the common law of England. The Magna Carta was drawn up June 15, 1215, at Runnymede, England under the leadership of King John. Among the assembled Barons was Eustace de Vesci. Of the sixty-three paragraphs of the Magna Carta, I have most frequently quoted, in my legal briefs during the past fifty years, paragraph 39: “No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possession, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.” I have never found a judge in any United States court who paid the slightest attention to my citing of this paragraph. The Freemen of Montana may have taken their name from this paragraph, which is also quoted in more concise form as, “No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned, disseised, outlawed, or in any way destroyed, nor will we proceed against him or prosecute him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers, and by the law of the land.” The Founding Fathers later reprised this paragraph in the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the UNited States, “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment by a grand jury, nor shall any person... be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.” Paragraph 9 of the Magna Carta states, “Neither we nor our officials will seize any land or rent in payment of a debt, so long as the debtor has movable goods sufficient to discharge the debt. A debtor’s sureties shall not be distrained upon so long as the debtor himself can discharge his debt.” The Freemen discharged their debt, and protected their land, by issuing negotiable instruments which had the same backing as the Federal Reserve notes, and which should have been equally honored under the law. Paragraph 34 of the Magna Carta, which I also used frequently in my lawsuits against governmental authorities, says, “The writ called precipe shall not in future be issued to anyone in respect of any holding of land, if a free man could thereby be deprived of the right of trial in his own lord’s court.” In U.S. courts, a praecipe is a notice of a legal action, or of a step in said action, such as a motion or hearing. The permanence of the Magna Carta’s provisions is assured by King John in the concluding paragraph 63, “IT IS ACCORDINGLY OUR WISH AND COMMAND that the English Church shall be free, and that men in our kingdom shall have and keep all these liberties, rights, and concessions, well and peacably in their fulness and entirety for them and their heirs, of us and our heirs, in all things and all places for ever.” In view of controversies surrounding the holding of stock in the Federal Reserve banks, many of the stockholders, being foreigners, paragraph ten and eleven of the Magna Carta could be applicable. Paragraph ten stipulates that: “If anyone who has borrowed a sum of money from Jews dies before the debt has been repaid, his heirs shall pay no interest on the debt for so long as he remains under age.” Paragraph eleven states that “If a man dies owing money to Jews, his wife may have her dower and pay nothing towards the debt from it.”


When the signers of the Mayflower Compact (including William Mullins) drew up the first governing instrument in the New World, on November 11, 1620, they resolved “solemnly and mutually in the Presence of God and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick.” This was the origin of government in the future UNited States. When it was refined into theConsti t ut i on, the emphasis was not upon the rights of government, but upon the rights of its citizens, and the necessity for protecting them against encroachments by the government, necessitated by the tyrannies which they had fled in the Old World. The Freemen of Montana are acting in the great tradition of these guarantees. They are acting from right of conscience, from the knowledge of their beliefs, and from their willingness to defend those beliefs from any encroachment by the federal power. Any assault upon those unalienable rights constitutes a violation of the statutes prohibiting same, principally U.S. Code 42, Sections 1983 through 1986. The federal agents’ confrontation of the Montana Freemen not only violates Title 42 of the civil code, but also Title 18 of the Criminal Code, Sections 41 and 42. The federal agents have established no legal basis for this confrontation or assault. The surrounding of private property by regiments of heavily armed men constitutes an assault even if no shots are fired, because the residents can reasonably expect that their lives are in danger. They are responding as We the People of the United States, prepared not only to defend themselves, but also their rights. There is a further and more disturbing aspect of the federal agents’ presence at the Jordan ranch. They are there at the behest of a foreign government, the State of Israel, operating through its unregistered agent in the UNited States, the Jewish Masonic B’Nai B’Rith and its assault arm, the Anti-Defamation League. Not only does the ADL operate as a quasi-religious group, in violation of U.S. statutes, but also as the moving force behind any federal agency’s assault upon groups such as the Montana Freemen. The very name Freemen is an affront to the tyrannical ADL, which aims to reduce all American citizens to the status of serfs of Israel. Because of the religious aspects of the federal agents’ presence, they should be withdrawn before they launch their final bloody assault, as they did at the ADL-directed atrocities at Ruby Ridge and the Waco Holocaust.


In conclusion, the Montana Freemen deserve the active support and praise of every American citizen because they have drawn the line. They have said, “You shall not pass this spot!” Because of their courageous action in challenging the foreign money monopoly of the Federal Reserve System, they may have set in motion a tidal wave of events which may destroy this monster and restore the historic liberties of all Americans. We can help, first and foremost, by understanding what they are trying to do. These are not the petty criminals portrayed by the media, who are writing bad checks. They are citizens who believe they have the right to issue unbacked money instruments as the Federal Reserve System has been doing, unchecked, since 1914. Heretofore, the Federal Reserve courts, as the Admiralty courts of the Bank of England are known in the United States, have succeeded in sentencing anyone who challenged the powers of the Federal Reserve System to long terms in prison. For the first time, we have the opportunity to join with the Montana Freemen and their courageous battle for justice. They named their headquarters, “Justus Township”, which can not only be interpreted as a crusade for justice, but also as “Just Us” -- just American citizens, us, working together to build a greater and more harmonious nation.

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