mercoledì 30 giugno 2010

Appello per un contropotere alla finanza

Appello per un contropotere alla finanza


Come parlamentari europei che si occupano della regolamentazione dei mercati finanziari e delle banche, constatiamo tutti i giorni la pressione esercitata dall'industria finanziaria e bancaria per influenzare le normative che la disciplinano.
Non c'è nulla di strano se queste imprese fanno sentire il loro punto di vista e discutono regolarmente con i legislatori. Ma l'asimmetria tra la forza di questa azione di lobbying e l'assenza di un'azione simile – ma di segno opposto – ci sembra un pericolo per la democrazia. La pressione degli uni deve infatti essere controbilanciata da quella di altri. In materia ambientale e di sanità pubblica, di fronte agli industriali, le organizzazioni non governative (ONG) hanno sviluppato una vera competenza alternativa. Lo stesso si verifica in materia sociale tra le organizzazioni degli imprenditori e i sindacati. Questo confronto permette agli eletti di sentire argomentazioni di segno opposto. Ma in ambito finanziario ciò non accade. Né i sindacati di lavoratori dipendenti, né le ONG hanno sviluppato una competenza in grado di rivaleggiare con quella delle banche.

Da questo punto di vista manca un contro-potere nella società civile.
Anche se quest'assenza non ci impedisce di sviluppare la nostra competenza, indipendente da quella dell'industria, e di fare il nostro lavoro, quest'asimmetria costituisce ai nostri occhi un pericolo per la democrazia.

Perché quest'asimmetria si iscrive in un contesto di forte prossimità tra élite politiche e finanziarie. Negli Stati Uniti i legami tra Goldman Sachs e l'amministrazione federale sono noti. Ma in Europa questa prossimità non è da meno. Essa contribuisce a rafforzare la presa in considerazione delle argomentazioni dell'industria finanziaria in modo unilaterale e rappresenta indubbiamente un freno alla capacità dei politici di prendere decisioni in modo davvero indipendente. Inoltre, l'assenza di una risposta politica adeguata alla crisi del sistema finanziario può nutrire ogni forma di populismo, basato più sull'emozione che sulla ragione.

Come eletti europei responsabili della regolamentazione finanziaria e bancaria rivolgiamo quindi un appello alla società civile (ONG, sindacati, accademici, think-tanks …) perché si adoperi per dar vita a una (o più) organizzazione non governativa capace di sviluppare una competenza – alternativa a quella delle banche – sulle attività condotte nei mercati finanziari dai principali operatori (banche, società di assicurazioni, hedge fund, ecc.…) e di fare conoscere in modo efficace le proprie analisi ai mass media.
Come deputati appartenenti a gruppi politici diversi possiamo anche non essere in sintonia sulle misure da adottare, ma siamo concordi nel dare l'allarme a l'opinione pubblica su questo rischio per la qualità della democrazia.

Come parlamentari europei, invitiamo gli eletti dei Parlamenti nazionali a unirsi a questo appello.

Sophie Auconie
(France, Group of the European People's Party, Substitute in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs), Burkhard Balz (Germany, Group of the European People's Party, Member in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs), Pervenche Berès (France, Group of Socialists and Democrats, Rapporteur in the Committee on Financial, Economic and Social Crisis, Substitute in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Chair of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs), Udo Bullman (Germany, Group of Socialists and Democrats, Coordinator for S&D in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs), Leonardo Domenici (Italy, Group of Socialists and Democrats, Member in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs), Pascal Canfin (France, Group of the Greens, Vice-Chair in the Committee on Financial, Economic and social Crisis), Sergio Gaetano Cofferati (Italy, Group of Socialists and Democrats, Coordinator in the Committee on Financial, Economic and social Crisis), Elisa Ferreira (Portugal, Group of Socialists and Democrats, Member in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs), Jean-Paul Gauzès (France, Group of the European People's Party, Coordinator for EPP in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs , Rapporteur for the directive Alternative investment fund manager), Sven Giegold (Germany, Group of the Greens, Coordinator for the Greens in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Rapporteur for the directive European Securities and Markets Authority), Robert Goebbels (Luxembourg, Group of Socialists and Democrats, Substitute in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs), Charles Goerens (Luxembourg, Group of Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, Substitute in the Committee on Financial, Economic and social Crisis), Thomas Händel (Germany, Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left, Substitute in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs), Eva Joly (France, Group of the Greens, Chair of the Committee on Development), Jürgen Klute (Germany, Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left, Coordinator for GUE/NGL in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs), Philippe Lamberts (Belgium, Group of the Greens, Substitute in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs), Arlene McCarthy (United-Kingdom, Group of Socialists and Democrats, Member in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs , Rapporteur for the directive Capital requirements for the trading book and for re-securitisations, and the supervisory review of remuneration policies), Sirpa Pietikäinen (Finland, Group of the European People's Party, Member in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs), Anni Podimata (Greece, Group of Socialists and Democrats), Miguel Portas (Portugal, Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left, Vice-Chair in the Committee on Financial, Economic and social Crisis), Peter Simon (Germany, Group of Socialists and Democrats, Substitute in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs), Dirk Sterckx (Belgium, Group of Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, Substitute in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs)...

Romeva i Rueda Raul (Spain, MEP, Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds), Pargneaux Gilles (France, Député européen, Groupe socialiste), Keller Ska (Germany, MEP, Greens/EFA), Françoise Castex (France, groupe socialistes & démocrates, députée européenne, membre de la commission des affaires juridiques), Sandrine Bélier (France, groupe des Verts, députée européenne), Michail Tremopoulos (Grèce, Greens/EFA, Member of the European Parliament ), Corinne Lepage (France, Groupe des Libéraux et Démocrates, députée européenne), Hélène Flautre (France, groupe des Verts/ALE, députée européenne), Jean-Paul Besset (France, groupe des Verts/ALE, député européen), Yannick Jadot (France, groupe des Verts/ALE, député européen), Karima Delli (France, groupe des Verts/ALE, députée européenne), Daniel Cohn-Bendit (France, groupe des Verts /ALE, député européen), Catherine Grèze (France, groupe des Verts/ALE, députée européenne), Michèle Rivasi (France, groupe des Verts/ALE, députée européenne), Nicole Kill-Nielsen (France, groupe des Verts/ALE, députée européenne), Malika Benarab-Attou (France, groupe des Verts /ALE, députée européenne), Junqueras Oriol (Spain, Greens/ALE, Member of the European Parliament), Bart Staes (Belgium, Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA), Evelyn Regner (Austria, Socialists & Democrats, Member of the European Parliament), Jörg Leichtfried (Austria, Socialists & Democrats, Member of the European Parliament), Heide Ruehle (Germany, Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA), Durant Isabelle (Belgique, Vice-présidente du Parlement européen, Verts/ALE), Rebecca Harms (Germany, Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA), Werner Schulz (Germany, Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA), Keith Taylor (England, MEP, Greens/EFA), Albrecht Jan Philipp (Germany, MEP, Greens/EFA - Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Lichtenberger Eva (Austria, Member of the European Parliament, The Greens), Emilie Turunen (Denmark, MEP, SF,The Greens/EFA), Patrice Tirolien (France, Socialists & Democrats, Member of the European Parliament), Thomas Ulmer (Germany, EPP, Member of the European Parliament), Childers Nessa (Ireland, Socialists & Democrats, Member of the European Parliament), Le Hyaric Patrick (France, Parti Communiste Français, député européen), Jurra Steinruck (Germany, Group of Socialists & Democrats, Member of the European Parliament), Franziska Brantner (Germany, Greens, Member of the European Parliament), Turmes Claude (Luxembourg, Greens, Member of European Parliament), Désir Harlem (France, Socialistes et Démocrates, député européen d'Ile de France), Wils Sabine (Germany, Die Linke, Member of the European Parliament), Jean Lambert (UK, Greens, Member of the European Parliament for London), Ana Gomes (Portugal, Socialists & Democrats, Member of the European Parliament), De Rossa Proinsias (Ireland, Socialists & Democrats, Member of the European Parliament), Hoang Ngoc Liem (France, Socialists & Democrats, Member of the European Parliament), Peillon Vincent (France, Socialists & Democrats, Member of the European Parliament), Arif Kader (France, Socialists & Democrats, Member of the European Parliament), Vergnaud Bernadette (France, Socialists & Democrats, Member of the European Parliament), Guillaume Sylvie (France, Socialists & Democrats, Member of the European Parliament), Ulirke Lunaceck (Austria, Greens/ALE, Member of the European Parliament), Henri Weber (France, Socialistes & Démocrates, député européen)...

Jean Desessard (France, Verts , Sénateur de Paris ), Yves Cochet (France, Verts, député de Paris), François de Rugy (France, Verts, député), Noël Mamère (France, Verts, député de Gironde), Marie Blandin (France, Groupe des Verts, sénatrice du Nord), Kindler Sven-Christian (Germany, Member of the German Bundestag (Budget Committee), Bündnis 90/Die Grünen - The Greens), Schmidt Dr. Frithjof (Germany, Member of Parliament, BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN), Karl-Heinz Braun (Belgium, Member of Parliament of the German speaking community of Belgium), François Patriat (France, sénateur (PS) de Côte-d'Or, président du conseil Régional de Bourgogne), Noiret Christian (Belgique, Député wallon, Ecologie), Meyer Carsten (Germany, Member of Parliarment, Thuringia, Bündnis90/DIE GRÜNEN), Kogler Werner (Austria, MP, spokesperson for budget and finance, Green Group in the Austrian Parliament), Christine Scheel (Germany, MP/ Spokesperson for SME policy, Alliance \'90/The Greens), Robert Tropeano (France, RDSE, Sénateur de l'Hérault), Koczy Ute (Germany, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Member of Parliament ), Gilkinet Georges (Belgique, Ecolo, député fédéral), Krumwiede Agnes (Germany, BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN, Member of Parliament (Bundestag)), Christian Zänglein (Austria, Die Grünen, Member of Parliament), Ulla Lötzer (Deutschland (RFA), Die Linke, Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages (MdB)), Lapp Christine (Austri, Social Democrats, Member of Austrian Parliament), Gartlehner Kurt (Austria, SPÖ, Member of Parliament), Auer Josef (Austria/Tirol, SPÖ, Abgeordneter zum (österr.) Nationalrat), Roth Claudia (Germany, BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN, Federal Chairwoman of the German Green Party, Member of National Parliament), Petra Bayr (Austria, Social Democratic Party, Member of Parliament), Andreae Kerstin (German, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Member of German Parlament), Muttonen Christine (Austria, Social Democratic Party, Member of the Austrian Parliament), François Bausch (Luxembourg, déi gréng, Président du groupe parlementaire), Gira Camille (Luxembourg, déi gréng, député-maire), Navarro Robert (France, Parti socialiste, Sénateur), Giorgos Perdikis (Cyprus, Green Party, Member of Parliament), Maier Johann (Austria, Social Democracy Party of Austria, Member of Austrian Parliament), Adam Claude (Luxembourg, déi gréng, Member of Parliament), Plessl Rudolf (Austria, SPÖ, Member of Austrian Parliament), Kox Henri (Luxemburg, Green Party, Member of Parliament), Nicole Bricq (France, Socialiste, Sénatrice), Idiart Jean-Louis (France, Parti Socialiste, député de Haute Garonne), Eva Glawischnig (Austria, The Greens, Chairwoman of the Austrian Greens, Chairwoman of the Green Faction in Parliament), Judith Schwentner (Austria, Green Party, Member of the Austrian Parliament), Garrigue Daniel (France, Divers Droite, Député de la Dordogne, membre de la commission des finances)...

Philippe Meirieu (France, Europe Ecologie, Conseiller régional PACA), Ulrike Märkel (Germany, Councilwoman, Dortmund, Die Grünen), Manfred Waddey (Germany, Councillor, City of Köln, Greens), Chesneau Philippe (France, Conseiller régional, Europe Ecologie), Danielle Auroi (France, Vice présidente of Clermont communauté, Greens / Europe Ecologie), Bové Marie (France, Conseillère régionale, Europe Ecologie), Engstfeld Stefan (Germany, Member Landtag (State Parliament) of North Rhine-Westphalia, Green Party (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)), Müller-Gemmeke Beate (Germany, Member of the German Bundestag, Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen), Gründel Andreas (Germany, Member of commune parliament, Green), Klein Hans-Jürgen (Germany, MdL Niedersachsen, Bündnis90/Die Grünen), Schmitz-Kretschmer Hajo (Germany, Member of municipality parliament of the city of Rheinbach, NorthRhineWestfalia, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Hubert Lechner (Austria, Gf. Gde. Rat, SPÖ), Elisabeth Hanke-Beerens (Germany, Member of Regional Parlament "Kreistag Wesel", Green), Hubaux Philippe (Belgium , conseiller provincial Namur, Ecolo), Jetter Claudia (Germany, Member of City Council Essen,Die LINKE), Farle Harald (Germany, Die Linke, Member of Regional Parlament - Kreistagsabgeordneter Rhein-Kreis Neuss), Oppermann Manfred (Germany, SPD, Member of the Bremen Parliament), Hallitzky Eike (Germany, Bavaria, Greens, MdL (Member of Bavarian Parliament)), Longeon Olivier (France, Europe Ecologie - les Verts, Conseiller régional Rhône Alpes), Paus Lisa (Germany, Alliance 90 / The Greens, MdB, Member of the committee for financial affairs), Leukefeld Ina (Germany, Die Linke, Mitglied des Thüringer Landtages), Wolfgang Cordes (Germany, Green Party, Member of the Verbandsversammlung of The RVRuhr), Hinkelmann Jochen (Germany, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Stadtrat in Alzey), Loiselet Eric (France, Europe Ecologie, Conseiller régional de Champagne Ardenne), Marie-Thérèse Taupin (France, PS, adjointe aux finances et à l'économie solidaire de la ville de Cesson-Sévigné), Eckardt Käsling (Germany, Bündnis 90/Die Grünent, Bürger), Van Ooyen Willi (Germany, Die Linke, MdL Hessen) ...


Il signoraggio deve essere appannaggio del popolo:

" patrimonio e le riserve della Banca d'Italia sono il frutto del Signoraggio pagato nel corso degli anni dai cittadini italiani e riscosso dalle autorità monetarie con la creazione di moneta. Appartengono alla collettività, non sono di proprietà delle banche"
- Guido Tabellini, Rettore dell'Università Bocconi di Milano

2 commenti:

  1. Corollario alle dichiarazioni di Tabellini: " patrimonio e le riserve delle banche italiane sono il frutto del Signoraggio pagato nel corso degli anni dai cittadini italiani e riscosso dalle banche stesse con la creazione di moneta contabile. Appartengono alla collettività, non sono di proprietà delle banche"

  2. Ne consegue che l'intero apparato giudiziario italiano è complice e/o irrimediabilmente corrotto e/o senza lobi frontali.


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