domenica 9 maggio 2010

Common peoples learn fast about money...

Re: drastic solutions are sometimes the best solutions
9 maggio 2010
Da: "Ardeshir"

Dear Eric, Dick and others:

Thank you for your e-mails below. I have a solution for the problems outlined by Eric below.

All it would take to render all the banksters (whether they be Rothschilds or otherwise) ineffectual is just ONE single bank offering loans to all and sundry at zero per cent interest: the banksters would soon go out of business, for who in his right mind would take out a loan or a mortgage on which they would have to pay interest, if they could get the same loan or mortgage interest-free?

Please see my 2008 article entitled "The Abolition of Interest on Loans" at:

I describe therein how such a bank could be set up by a relatively small group of individuals if they had the necessary amount of start-up capital (which would not be too much, either). This wasn't even my idea; I got it from Ellen Brown's excellent web site,

Setting up our own bank, one which would offer loans interest-free and as a result put the banksters out of business in rather short order, would obviate the need for any government intervention in banking. It is next to impossible for the people of any nation to control their government, since governments (as well as law enforcement agencies, judiciaries and the media the world over) are all in the pockets of the super-rich - and there aren't any people richer than the banksters. And as long as the banksters have the power of money, and are able to buy up the government and the associated entities like the media, this will not change.

The crucial thing, therefore, is to remove money power from the banksters. Since their power stems from the fact that the general public have nowhere to go BUT to them for obtaining loans, all it would take is to render them powerless is to give the general public an alternative!

Admittedly this is not yet Social Credit, but I think that Social Credit will never become a reality UNTIL the banksters are rendered powerless: they will oppose Social Credit tooth and nail. And they will succeed, because they have the government, the law enforcement agencies, the judiciary and the media in their pockets!



On 9-May-10, at 11:44 AM, Dick wrote:
> The Moslems are right about usury. (See below.) And most Jews will agree once the yoke is lifted from their necks too -- they will be like the wicked witch's soldiers after Dorothy finished the witch with a bucket of water. "Hoorary for Dorothy! The Wicked Witch is dead!" Zionism will evaporate in seconds after Rothschild support is taken away.
> It's Mothers' Day in the USA. Blessings be upon every mother this day. May we each live up to our own mother's hopes for us.
> Here is a gift for the mothers of the world:
> By Eric V. Encina
> "Life itself is nothing until we share it, or give it up for others." - Amergo Raz
> So many nerve-wracking/ mind-boggling issues, news, reports daily that distract, devastate, demoralize and even mislead us like as if we’re all stupid goyim in this planet earth.
> The debt free money creation and distribution of money to all peoples as a matter of right are not given worldwide paramount focus?
> Tell me. How? We make things so complicated than ever. Are we going insane all over the world?
> Why solutions do come to what we need. Do we as peoples lack of will to make thing straight? Or we humans are the major part of the problems?
> WE THEREFORE NEED ONE BILLION PEOPLES' INTERDICTION AGAINST IMF AND WB AND AGAINST THE BANKERS! WE NEED ONE BILLION PEOPLES WHO WILL CLAMOUR FOR MONETARY REFORM, DEBT-FREE MONEY/PUBLIC BANKING/GOVERNMENT CREATED MONEY AND DISTRIBUTE THE MONEY TO ALL VIA DIVIDEND/EXTRA BASIC INCOME OR SUPPLEMENTARY BASIC INCOME. If so, I firmly believe, all other problems in this world will be gradually and organically addressed one by one until one day, all these major problems like war, population, global warming, calamities, hunger, poverty, debt, interest, inflation, scams, racketeering, etc. will be gone with the wind.
> Hence, we must never doubt as the very last resort that THE ONE BILLION PEOPLES of thoughtful, committed and zealous citizens across the planet in solidarity, charity and in the noble visions and common and ultimate objectives can emancipate and save the world from the total annihilation of the cataclysm of the debt finance-disaster- corrupt capitalism and sucking usury which is the banking arithmetic of and weapon of mass destruction.
> Do you agree? If so, let us clamor now all over as proposed below. What are we waiting for.
> If no one will agree with me, give me an outright solution today?
> Thank you.
> Eric V. Encina
> Filipino
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ====
> Why libertarian reform can't save national economies but Social Credit reform can and will if (and only if) enough people around the world are willing to overcome Rothschild domination to get it.
Attention Greece!!!

Ames, see below, is right, that 1) Libertarianism offers no cure for the grim fact of the plunderbund; and 2) the current system will not allow any reform that does not have provision for a pay off for a large number of those whose fortunes are tied to the financial sector. (Ames makes this clear in the excerpt below.) Here is how the problem can be solved as soon as the people decide they are ready to throw off the beast that is eating them alive.
The real solution is a switch of systems from Plunderbund to Populist Social Credit - that begins with a freeze of the financial sector similar to Roosevelt's "bank holiday" in 1933. We close banks and freeze debt paying -- at the same time initiating a system of Social Credit along these lines:
Eastman Model of the Populist Social Credit Economy

During this holiday the US will initiate fiat treasury payments directly to each household - paying an interest-free no-pay-back Social Credit dividend that consumers can spend immediately.

This social credit money, which has all the standing of cash or a check from the government - will then be spent by consumers. Firms will suddenly have sales. There will be profit. For the first time - and libertarians have NEVER delivered this - the economy will be led by household demand, rather than wall street investment. Businesses will be able to expand from profits they make rather than from collateralized loans they must take out.

Yes, this is "helicopter money", but not the "helicopter money" of macro-economic theory - because this helicopter money will not be debt financed or tax financed. Throughout the history of business cycles depressions have been blamed on over saving or under consumption or too much production. Keynes suggested increasing aggregate demand, but he favored debt financed government spending to accomplish it (so-called fiscal policy). Of course that failed, for the same reason socialism always fails. But Social Credit is neither libertarianism nor socialism nor Rothschild credit monopoly plunder. Social credit brings purchasing power into existence exactly where it should originate - in household demand. This is the message of Soddy, Gesell, Kitson and C H Douglas.

What about all the debt we owe, as citizens and as a nation in debt? The answer of course is repudiation. And repudiation means that you never can get credit from the Rothschilds again. Can you live with that? It also has meant for every country since the French Revolution that you will have the Rothschilds bent on the total destruction of your government and middle class by any disaster or set of disaster they can arrange. The answer to this, of course, is to organize a world-wide movement for repudiation of all international debt - including the IMF and World Bank - that overpowers every government that the Rothschilds would hope to set at war with each other. We simply overthrow them by buying off their henchmen with a better deal. This is only possible now because the Rothschilds have been caught behind so many catastrophes that the people of the world are ready to accept taking on the chore of all balking at the same time and pulling the criminals down from every strategic point. Yes, this is not the Ron Paul or Gerald Celente solution of cutting down the size and privatizing government and living within the skimpy or negative means that we have left over after paying our debts and paying the taxes that go to paying the interest on the national debt which libertarians have no intention of repudiating - that is, willing to have the whole world reduced to what Greece is headed for rather than refuse to let a few hundred thousand very rich mafia dons continue having their way with the lives of all the rest of us when we can all be living in happiness and plenty if we systematically replace the corruption system with populist social credit.
Libertarianism fails because it is based on ignorance of sociology, of the criminal nature of the ruling elites as the organized minority plunders the unorganized majority. Only Social Credit short circuits that corruption. When profit and household demand take over from open market operations and corporate lending by investment banks - then we will will have the wealth to untangle the web of multi-trillion dollar fraud - much of which can be cut down by cancelling debts on both sides of ledgers at the same time and calling off derivatives bets with a given formula - so that with "all bets off" the net loses of individuals will be much smaller than the absolute totals of exposure. That is not to say that the Rothschilds will not resort to "shock and awe" to stop this - but what I am saying is that enough of the players in the financial fraud game will see that in the long run the social credit solution is the better way to go - and will defy and help overthrow the Rothschild Titans.

The economic crisis of the US and Greece and the world is due to the fact that organized crime has gotten control of credit and central banking and with that has managed to gain control of government (the stooges are called globalists and Zionists) and business (corporations). When money is easy they lend at high interest rates (the rate is high because of the inflation premium) - the Miller state (after the Fed Chairman of the late 1970s) - then in the contraction phase - often precipitated by an engineered fall in the stock market - they cut the money supply creating a deflationary situation in which they buy up all of the foreclosed assets that were just created during the boom. They buy only after putting everyone else into a panic to sell. The sell only during a temporary easy credit boom. At every stage of the Kleptastrophe game they gain. During the "sudden and unexplained" drop of a thousand points in the stock market a tremendous amount of assets switched hands - however no one can follow who lost and who gained. Their tracks are covered - just as in October 1929 and just as following Sept. 11, 2001 when shortsells were discovered - and the journalists who reported it both died in Afghanistan.
The fact is that we can repudiate debt to international organized crime - the nations of the world can annihilate debt to international bankers over night. Those who serve the Rothschilds can be made to serve mankind by arranging that the size pension the merchant bankers will be put on after repudiation and the number of mansions they each can keep (if any) will depend on their cooperation and non-retaliation as the Social Credit system is adopted among the peoples of the world who opt for national populism with social credit.

It's simple - even total failure of a genuine effort to run an honest market system without the Plunderbund can not serve us worse that never-fail manipulation to break and ruin by all-powerful organized crime controlling high finance.

Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man
(To King Cheetah, B Mallory and Jon -- thank you.)

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