lunedì 22 marzo 2010

Money is a ticket to buy

Money is a ticket to buy that people will work to get because of what it buys.

Instead of simple barter where Peter can change his essay on the mathematical relationships designed into the Acropolis to a man who wants it but only has a plum pudding to offer in exchange for it, can give Peter the plum pudding anyway so Peter to go to the great warehouse where people swap things they don't want for something they want more. This swapping place allows people who do not have a double coincidence of wants for a trade to mutual advantage, (Peter not wanting a plum pudding), in a simple barter situation so that the plum pudding can be exchanged at the warehouse for a good hunk of beef or a new reading chair which, let us say, Peter does want. Money, to me, is nothing more and nothing less a token system that improves upon the idea of the swapping warehouse for people on the less-satisfied side of an asymmetrical simple barter. With money the swapping warehouse becomes every store and Peter can now go looking for the best possible thing in London to please him with the tokens he received for his essay. In the end the value the tokens received will be the value of the most valuable thing he can exchange it for. This is really what the value of money is all about. That the tokens are gold is meaningless -- unless the warehouse system token fails -- in which the gold is no longer money at all, but simply portable and relatively scarce gold which as a reputation as the warehouse token of last resort -- although bullets and sacks of flour are also readily marketable but harder to carry and hide than gold -- which is not really so great an advantage with electronic detectors that can find gold because of its atomic density. etc.

And I agree with Peter that gold or no gold, a token system will work when it is run by public spirited people accountable to the people -- rather than mass-murdering pirates who are out to plunder those they deem inferior races and who have taught themselves to have no compassion for the evil they do to those inferior people.

For me the two questions are 1) How much token fiat money must be spent into circulation in the flow were the money leaks out in private savings and tax surpluses and 2) who gets to be first spenders. For me the answers are 1) keep adjusting to approach a (moving) optimum according to criteria of performance similar to those developed by Irving Fisher for his brand of monetarism and 2) have all new money appear debt-free in the hands of the nations households on a per capital basis -- so the housewife can be the first spender and not the government buying weapons to fight a war that the CEO's of the defense companies and the war-financiers caused by arranging a false-flag provocateur attack. Mine is the Kitson-Soddy-Douglas-Fisher system; the system we have now is the Rothschild-Rockefeller-Warburg-Morgan-Goldman- Sachs-Barbra Streisand Talmudist system.

All that would be needed would be a board of independent scholars with no ties to Wall Street -- because there will be no more Wall Street -- of honest men -- men like Ardeshir Mehta and Peter Sault who would have absolutely no gain, since the social credit dividend amount they devise would be going to everyone in equal amounts and their greatest possible gain to themselves as credit amount setters would be set the amount that effected the most good in terms of a varied and bountiful economic pie for all.

Of course there will still be entrepreneurs and the market system and engineers and laborers hired by the entrepreneurs to produce and to get paid and to profit -- but the profit will only and always come from satisfying the housewife with better products for less. The social credit does not replace working for a living or profit seeking, it replaces usury and debt-based money that merely a rigged gaming table for speculators seeking to rob the world blind. etc. (but you know all that, of course)

Let's just repudiate all existing debt, private and public, to international bankers and turn over all US corporation factories in China to China in payment of our debt to China etc. and get started. Putting the new system -- the American variation of Social Credit -- in place would be very easy and very painless.

Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington

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